Australia Proposes Mandatory Internet Censorship - Now Includes Video Games

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Hopefully they will be kicked out this year. That might change your perception.

Maybe, but it wont be any better with ANY of the other money grubbers who talk fluff.
We will probably just have a new bunch of crazy laws (along with the current ones) to show our foreign friends how crazy the government is here. I wish Australia would become a 'public' laughing stock to other nations, would probably cause some changes, hopefully for the better.
This still doesn't add up. When they do try to keep things quiet, it usually gets out. It is true though Kevin Rudd has the media in his pocket. Passing laws though aren't usually kept secret.
What secret? I have been posting links to Australian news agencies in this thread since October, 2008. This isn't a secret, but no one has been talking about it in Australia. I don't know what the cultural difference is between the US and Australia that makes people in the US raise a big deal over small things while stuff like censorship gets by in Australia with only the occasional brief mention, but it is there.

I'll admit, I don't search out Australian blogs much and the Internet age has made people in the US much more aware of the kinds of things the government is doing, and no amount of burying by a news agency can keep a story from the public now because a link on Drudge Report is as good as a front page story. So, what is the Internet news blogging scene like in Australia?

Dead serious, nothing in the paper, TV, etc what so ever.
I just linked you to two print and one broadcast news site, all from Australian news sources. It is there, they just aren't making it into a big deal. If this were the US, the first mention of the word filter or censorship would lead to protests and radio and TV personalities going into rants. The politician that suggested it wouldn't be able to get anything else done because every time he stepped out of his office people would be there calling him a Nazi and demanding his resignation.

Following this, and how the political support has gone, it seems like the downfall of this plan might be the fact that it has been taking years to be finalized, and the longer it sits around the more information people are finding that they don't like.
Our TV news is too worried about someone who posted a video of themselves drifting on a public road on youtube. They go on a manhunt.

They never bring up anything like this.
This still doesn't add up. When they do try to keep things quiet, it usually gets out. It is true though Kevin Rudd has the media in his pocket. Passing laws though aren't usually kept secret.

Dead serious, nothing in the paper, TV, etc what so ever.

Hopefully they will be kicked out this year. That might change your perception.

Surely this will be outvoted in the senate? And surely the opposition won't support it. Are you sure it won't just be blocked like the ETS?

Look mate, I'm going to have to call you out on the 'no news coverage'. It has been in the papers I read (SMH, sometimes the Australian - I usually read smh and abc online) for quite a while. The difference is that the majority of people do not care, but this is nothing new in Australia (a lot of people just don't keep up with news and don't really care about what is going on in the country, let alone the rest of the world).

FK, there is no real internet news blogging scene here - people get their news from major publications really, but I think it's a very different situation here as comapred to the US (where major news outlets seem to be biased one way or the other).
The ABC is government funded but believe me when I say it is not in the pocket of the government (The Chaser being able to have a show on there for so long is an example of this).

In closing, Senator Conroy is a vapid ****.
Look mate, I'm going to have to call you out on the 'no news coverage'. It has been in the papers I read (SMH, sometimes the Australian - I usually read smh and abc online) for quite a while. The difference is that the majority of people do not care, but this is nothing new in Australia (a lot of people just don't keep up with news and don't really care about what is going on in the country, let alone the rest of the world).

I haven't seen much of it in The Advertiser (SA) though i have seen some letters to the editor about it recently. I can't say i've heard it on TV either. The point i'm making though is usually when a new legeslation is proposed or introduced, it is on TV and will be on TV a fair bit until the law comes in, (for example, changing the learner's permit from 6 months to 12 in SA) but this has been very quiet. It's just unusual. :boggled:
"Anonymous" have their say:

SYDNEY — Hackers took down a number of Australian government websites Wednesday in strategic attacks protesting against a planned Internet filter aimed at online adult content.

The distributed denial of service attacks, reported by the Herald Sun, crippled Australia's parliamentary website as well as its communications unit.

The attacks were launched by hackers known as "Anonymous."

"No government should have the right to refuse its citizens access to information solely because they perceive it to be 'unwanted'," the group said in an email. "The Australian government will learn that one does not mess with our porn."

Fiona Patten of the Australian Sex Party told XBIZ in December that the filter would block 95 percent of adult websites and slow down the web dramatically.

"How your can have a filter blocking access to more than 4 million sites with more than 420 million pages and not slow the Internet down is beyond belief," she said.

Porn censorship in Australia recently has been ramped up, according to Patten.

Just last month, Patten alleged that government censors are directing customs officials to confiscate media where depictions of the female orgasm is accompanied with an ejaculation.

She also complained that some adult videos recently have been rejected by censors because they starred small-breasted women who could be confused as minors and appear underaged.

“We are starting to see depictions of women in their late 20s being banned because they have an A-cup size,” she said.

According to Fiona, the dDOS campaign, dubbed "Operation Titstorm" by its creators, appeared to spring from last month's Sex Party's comments on pornographic censorship of A-cup-sized women.
Although a lot of anti internet censorship lobbyists say it did nothing for the cause, I beg to differ, it brought the hole issue a little more into the spot light.

I'm surprised that no one in this thread has mention the law that the SA government enacted last month, required all internet-based comment on the election to include the author's real name and postcode. I didn't realise we live in China :irked:

Thankfully the AG has finally backed down over this preposterous law:

Now, if the law was kept and a blogger posted something without their name or address, how would the government know who to arrest? Obviously the idea of people posting their info is so the government knows who to go after, but if the person simply didn't do that...uhhhh...

Also, congrats to Anon. Now do it again.

Now, if the law was kept and a blogger posted something without their name or address, how would the government know who to arrest? Obviously the idea of people posting their info is so the government knows who to go after, but if the person simply didn't do that...uhhhh...

Also, congrats to Anon. Now do it again.

The law is flawed on more than one account. If some of the news stories that I heard are true, there was even a glaringly huge loophole whereby if a person had their blog hosted overseas ie wordpress, then they can’t be prosecuted. Really though, if you have half a brain, it's not difficult to hide your IP.... or to post from a public computer.... or..... well you get the picture.

But I digress as that's not the issue here. It is an encroachment on the right to freedom of speech. Mind you that is debatable that freedom of speech exists in Australia as we don’t have a Bill of Rights in the Australian Constitution. This is the major issue here and is what allows our Government to even entertain the thought of internet censorship.
We have no rights, we've been given privileges that can and slowly are, being taken away.
Nevermind. Topic has passed, I'm not bringing it back up.

To be more recent, it sounds like you guys need to get on the next departing plane and GT(heck)O of Australia before they ban leaving the country.
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I've been ready to leave the country ever since Rudd went in, i'd like to know how much dept our country is in but the 🤬 government won't say.
I have a distinct feeling that Canada is going to get very full pretty soon. Just leave some room for some of us yanks, k?
I have a distinct feeling that Canada is going to get very full pretty soon. Just leave some room for some of us yanks, k?

Waaaaaay too cold. We're a hot country remember. ;)
Waaaaaay too cold. We're a hot country remember. ;)

It's only cold during winter time, but if you live in Vancouver - it is never cold. And thus they decided it was a good idea to have the Winter Olympics there.

I'm surprised to be reading so much about Australia's censorship and other such things, as I always thought of Australia as Canada except...nicer. Both colonies, both commodity-based economies, both influenced by more powerful nations (in our case, the U.S., in Australia's case - it seem to be China...). I find it very interesting.
It's only cold during winter time, but if you live in Vancouver - it is never cold. And thus they decided it was a good idea to have the Winter Olympics there.

I'm surprised to be reading so much about Australia's censorship and other such things, as I always thought of Australia as Canada except...nicer. Both colonies, both commodity-based economies, both influenced by more powerful nations (in our case, the U.S., in Australia's case - it seem to be China...). I find it very interesting.

Anything below 20C is starting to get cold for us, the hottest I have seen Canada in my 1 year total of staying there (on and off, mostly summers) was 25C. Though the buildings are so well insulated it felt hotter.
Anything below 20C is starting to get cold for us, the hottest I have seen Canada in my 1 year total of staying there (on and off, mostly summers) was 25C. Though the buildings are so well insulated it felt hotter.

Haha, okay then. And I will not make fun of you for you lack of tolerating cold temperatures, though it is tempting. Canada varies in temperature across, so where I live - the hottest I've seen in 35+, with humidity over 40. And it was like that all summer.

Worst. Summer. Ever.
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you guys haven't noticed the climate changes in the NORTHERN hemisphere, yet. I think the temperate and subarctic areas are swapping. I got a report of 42 from Leonidae, and I seem to remember reading reports from mother russia in the high thirties pushing 40 as well. meanwhile, the States are buried in a blizzard or two that'd make Norwegians homesick (eight inches [ca 200MM] of snow in TEXAS?!)
It's only cold during winter time, but if you live in Vancouver - it is never cold. And thus they decided it was a good idea to have the Winter Olympics there.

I'm surprised to be reading so much about Australia's censorship and other such things, as I always thought of Australia as Canada except...nicer. Both colonies, both commodity-based economies, both influenced by more powerful nations (in our case, the U.S., in Australia's case - it seem to be China...). I find it very interesting.

Considering that most of the US gets snow, it must be cold in Vancouver. In my opinion anywhere that gets snow is way past the line for me. As Jay said, what's cold for us is probably hot for people in Canada.

Haha, okay then. And I will not make fun of you for you lack of tolerating cold temperatures, though it is tempting. Canada varies in temperature across, so where I live - the hottest I've seen in 35+, with humidity over 40. And it was like that all summer.

Worst. Summer. Ever.

Make fun of us all you want, but could you tolerate our summers?

you guys haven't noticed the climate changes in the NORTHERN hemisphere, yet. I think the temperate and subarctic areas are swapping. I got a report of 42 from Leonidae, and I seem to remember reading reports from mother russia in the high thirties pushing 40 as well. meanwhile, the States are buried in a blizzard or two that'd make Norwegians homesick (eight inches [ca 200MM] of snow in TEXAS?!)

Yeah that's crazy. I was wondering the other day how even the southern parts of the States get so much snow, when they're only about as far north of the equator as we are south. :odd:
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Considering that most of the US gets snow, it must be cold in Vancouver. In my opinion anywhere that gets snow is way past the line for me. As Jay said, what's cold for us is probably hot for people in Canada.

Make fun of us all you want, but could you tolerate our summers?

Considering I am Canadian...I do know what it is like in Vancouver. And Vancouver, gets snow very infrequently. Mostly it rains. It only rarely dips below freezing, due to the Pacific ocean (an average of 4.5 days below freezing per year). It has quite the temperate climate. Canada, being a large country (Second largest), has very diverse weather. There are places that get snow - and places that do not.

Also....cold is cold. We're still human. We are not some sort of...freak snow people.

As I mentioned before, it has gotten very hot where I live, sometimes topping over 35 degrees Celsius continuously for the entire summer. So yes, we can tolerate it. I personally don't like it - but I think you'll find that most do.

Anyway, this thread is about Australia, not to talk about...Canada. I was also only joking about making fun of you. The only reason I would is because I'm jealous of your weather. :dopey:
35C is pretty normal here, it even happens in winter from time to time, summer we have spells that sit in the 45C+ for a few weeks.

But it's great here in South Australia atleast it is dry heat and not humid. The hottest I have been in the strangely was in the US in Death valley where thermometer reached 132F (roughly 55.5C), opening the window felt like opening a oven, it hit hard.
35C is pretty normal here, it even happens in winter from time to time, summer we have spells that sit in the 45C+ for a few weeks.

But it's great here in South Australia atleast it is dry heat and not humid. The hottest I have been in the strangely was in the US in Death valley where thermometer reached 132F (roughly 55.5C), opening the window felt like opening a oven, it hit hard.

Heh, yeah. Dry heat is much better than the 40s with it being terribly humid - which is mostly how my summers are like. I'm not a summer person, but any normal person would love to live in weather like you have.

And Death Valley is a wicked place. That's probably why it has a cool name.
35C is pretty normal here, it even happens in winter from time to time, summer we have spells that sit in the 45C+ for a few weeks.

But it's great here in South Australia atleast it is dry heat and not humid. The hottest I have been in the strangely was in the US in Death valley where thermometer reached 132F (roughly 55.5C), opening the window felt like opening a oven, it hit hard.

What state is this "Death Valley" in?

The hottest i've seen here is 47 or 48C or around 117F.
I've been ready to leave the country ever since Rudd went in, i'd like to know how much dept our country is in but the 🤬 government won't say.

You don't want to know.

It's not as bad as Greece, but it's pretty bad. Get used to some Labor taxing methods (Let interest rates rise, then tax everyone to hell).

Labor likes recessions.
unlike down there, the government tells us how much we're in hock, then asks for more money :P

and I know officially know that a Labour government=US Democrats.
In terms of the internet filter, it is documented by the media organisations but it's not on the front page cause we're too busy killing Indians or having boozed up sportsman. I read The Punch quite regularly (Not a bad place to look FK), which has commentary from politians, commentators, bloggers whoever, articles can be bias but what's most interesting it the comments, which shows that some people actually do give a toss about government proposals.

However with the internet filter, I think no one cares because it's such a pathetic filter. It was broken by a 15 year old in 30 minutes. The people who would care and are most against the internet filter, computer generation people like myself, don't actually care too much because you can bypass it with a small amount of know-how.

All these left-wing ideas the government is throwing around like internet filtering, federal government hospitals, higher taxes for high income earners, are just trying to appeal to the younger voters who don't relate well to the other side. Nothing annoys me more then talking to someone who is just in love with Kevin Rudd because it's not "John Howard". As much as people hate Howard he did lead the country for 12 years so he must of done something right, not to mention building the economy to such a high level, including a surplus that allowed the current government to spend it all on stimulus to 'save' us from the GFC. And buy some votes along the way, through direct cash, and being able to say "blah blah blah, the Labor Government got us through the GFC"

I'm not completely sided to any party, but personally, I've agreed with almost everything the Liberal government has said since the appointment of Tony Abbott. Sure he's a crazy old-school catholic conservative, who tells women no to have sex before marriage, but at least he respects and notes that that's just his opinion and people are entitled to their own, rather than making a freaking law for it. When did running government have to be done in a hip, cool, new-age way. Again, people may of hated the Howard years, but it was some of the most prosperous times for our country, and even if you don't agree with that, it would be pretty hard to argue that the country got worse over that period.

That's my rant for the day.
In terms of the internet filter, it is documented by the media organisations but it's not on the front page cause we're too busy killing Indians

Whats with that, it was a huge story yesterday on the TV too and it isn't even in our state.

They find a indian boy dead 11km's from his home with no obvious cause of death and the media is running around to all sorts of Indian groups asking about racism aganst Indians. The boy came from a house of three Indian families and he could have been killed and dumped or found dead and dumped by any of them. Nothing as far as I know points to kidnap and murder by any outsiders (but it is possible), especially being racist motivated yet.

I don't mean to sound cold because it is sad but I don't understand why just because it is a Indian that died it has become nationwide news which even the Prime Minister commented on.

As for Video games,

Apparently the government has received 55,000 paper submissions about the R18+ classification which has suprised the government. From initial check it seems to be overwhelmingly R18+ positive, but still it all comes down to Michael Atkinson.