Australian Leadership Challenge- Gillard vs. Rudd

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I think mafia_boy and I should walk into Canberra and declare ourselves the new leaders.

Fixed. :cool:


My first law would be to have a PS3 & GT5 given out to every home as part of a "stimulus" package. 👍
Fixed. :cool:


My first law would be to have a PS3 & GT5 given out to every home as part of a "stimulus" package. 👍


Brad is way more popular than you will ever be:dopey:

Hell, even I would be somewhat more popular...
I was going to retort to your comment Small_Fryz, but then I figured I would be just feeding a Premo troll so I'm not going to bother with you.

*added bit* Just looking at the figures, no he's not way more popular......he has 5 more friends than I have, and what I have is 10 more than what you have. Carefactor to it all = 0.
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I think Casio and I should walk into Canberra and declare ourselves the new leaders.

Lets do it man. I'll meet you half way? Mildura?

The current situation is a farce. It shows how ridiculous the preferential system is. Labor got their ass absolutely handed to them, and if it had not been for Labor getting Green preferences we wouldn't be in this mess. I'm not a Green or Labor voter, but being completely different parties votes should not be 'traded'. In my electorate the Liberal member had 2000 more votes then the Labor member, but the Labor member won on greens preferences.

I was hoping that the Liberals get across the line, if only to block the National Broadband Network and recover the disgraceful spending of the previous government. I still have a feeling that the Lib's will get across the line, but may give into the Independents demands of things such as the NBN. Regardless of the outcome, I believe we'll to be back at the polls soon as a minority government is a disaster, being held at ransom by independent MPs (And the Green's FFS) isn't an effective way to run a country.

It's a shame, because it wasn't for my Labor loving state then we could actually move forward and get back to a decent government.

(And I am really popular and so is Jay, we're basically awesome)
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I was going to retort to your comment Small_Fryz, but then I figured I would be just feeding a Premo troll so I'm not going to bother with you.

*added bit* Just looking at the figures, no he's not way more popular......he has 5 more friends than I have, and what I have is 10 more than what you have. Carefactor to it all = 0.

But I was hungry...

Seriously though I did put in a dopey smiley face which meant I wasn't actually serious.

Brad why are you against the NBN?
Brad why are you against the NBN?

Too much money when the country is in debt, and it's also an unnecessary way to get fast internet speeds.

Sure 100Mbps sounds great, but it's not really needed. I connect at home at 12Mbps (Which is what the Libs propose the minimum speed is) and I can download at around a 1MB/s, which is more then enough for anything on the internet at the moment. Never mind Labor now saying it'll be Gigabit Australia wide, which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Also remember that you'll only get those speeds within an Australian network, anything out of the country you won't be getting those speeds. Also if your exchange is crowded your speed will also go down. I work at a place that has a 10Gbs Fibre Link between two locations, and even so, when it's busy the network is noticeably slower.

It also will cost money to get a fibre outlet installed in your home, and then money to get at least Megabit Outlets and cabling installed around your house to make use of the 100Mbs line, or wireless N devices. Again, another reason why the Gigabit speeds to home is stupid as the amount of people with Gigabit Modems and CAT6 running around the house I think would be pretty slim (And most people couldn't even write to the HDD at Gigabit speeds)

Tunneling 43 Billion Dollars (at least) worth of Fibre Optic cable underneath every single home in Australia is an archaic way of doing things. The way we should be doing it (If we're going to do this the government funded way, which we shouldn't, but I digress...), is to be rolling out high speed wireless protocols, such as WiMax or LTE, which also has easy long term upgradability to protocols such as LTE Advanced (5Gbits+).

However, regardless none of it should be funded by the government. Labor wants a monopoly over the communications space. If the NBN is implemented for example, Telstra are forbidden from offering a competing 100Mbs service for less money. Seriously, how could anyone agree with that?
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^^ Not to mention the internet filter. Fancy trying to make the internet PG rated :odd: It won't work and will cost way too much money. I get the feeling both parties were saying whatever was necessary just to get elected. Terrible election 👎
To further illustrate how ridiculous the current situation is. Bob Katter, who goes around wearing a Cowboy hat, has proposed just making new states. This guy has a significant say in the next government of this country. Unbelievable...

To further illustrate how ridiculous the current situation is. Bob Katter, who goes around wearing a Cowboy hat, has proposed just making new states. This guy has a significant say in the next government of this country. Unbelievable...
I stopped reading after "Bob Katter". He's the nutter who had that campaign ad that looked like it had been made by the Chaser, right?
Our debt to GPD is barely noticeable... especially compared to other western countries.

I don't mind going into a bit of debt to invest into some meaningful infrastructure. We need better internet, thats a fact. I guess whats debatable is how they achieve it.
I don't mind going into a bit of debt to invest into some meaningful infrastructure. We need better internet, thats a fact. I guess whats debatable is how they achieve it.

It's not right for myself to be paying for infrastructure so people in the middle of nowhere can get fast internet. If you want fast internet and it's not avaliable in your area then move.

In any case, government controlled internet which they have legal monopoly over is a bad thing no matter how you look at it.
In any case, government controlled internet which they have legal monopoly over is a bad thing no matter how you look at it.

Lets go at it then, you get the fibre and I'll get the shovel!

Small Fryz can get the 25km/h signs and plaster them everywhere.
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I don't mind going into a bit of debt to invest into some meaningful infrastructure. We need better internet, thats a fact. I guess whats debatable is how they achieve it.
One way to achieve it is to remove government involvement and give private companies the opportunity to compete with each other for market share. Quality would go up and prices would come down. It's called competition. Face it, everything in your country is going to suck ass until the government hands it over to somebody who has customers in their store and profits on their mind.
^^ Implying everything in our country doesn't suck already :lol:

Including the voting system.

I was having an interesting discussion today with someone at work about the voting system and he brought up an interesting point. That come election time, that 90% of voters don't matter, and that all the major parties care about is the marginal seats. Nither major party had any campaigning in my electorate because it's a safe Labor seat, whereas if you live in West Sydney or Queensland you probably got promised a lot of federally funded infrastructure.

Should we start looking at Proportional Representation? Or another, fairer way of electing our nations leader? To me, this election has just shown how the current voting system is broken and unfair. Does anyone have any ideas on how we could move forward from this?

EDIT: Also just an illustration of how close this election is.
Australian Labor Party       5,355,591   %49.99  	
Liberal/National Coalition   5,356,700   %50.01
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So the Labor party has officially won the election.

Thank you to all those Labor and Green voters who have decided that Australia must keep moving down towards the socialist gutter.
Blame Bob Katter for everything, he is so crazy the other two just waited for his choice so they could choose the opposite, but I frankly don't care they're both as bad as each other and greens would probably be worse.
The most crazy thing for me an independent said suprisingly was not Bob Katter (Who is a nutbag) but Tony Winsor yesterday. Who said he didn't pick Tony Abbott because if he was PM he'd call another election and 'probably win'. So deliberately going against what he believes the people of Australia want. Oakeshott want's a cabinet seat. Both probably also think that if another election was called they wouldn't win this time around, and as an independent they have to fund it themselves with no party backing. Completely selfish behaviour to ensure they remain in the limelight for the next 3 years.

The system is a joke.
Part II

As we speak right now Julia Gillard has just won an attempt from Kevin Rudd to get back into power.

The funny thing is the public pretty much all want Kevin Rudd as the leader yet the parliment members (Caucus) voted for Julia 73 to 29. Basically we are stuck with a prime minister who has the least support from the public in history.

Part II

As we speak right now Julia Gillard has just won an attempt from Kevin Rudd to get back into power.

The funny thing is the public pretty much all want Kevin Rudd as the leader yet the parliment members (Caucus) voted for Julia 73 to 29. Basically we are stuck with a prime minister who has the least support from the public in history.



American politics have hit the South Pacific.
Part II

As we speak right now Julia Gillard has just won an attempt from Kevin Rudd to get back into power.

The funny thing is the public pretty much all want Kevin Rudd as the leader yet the parliment members (Caucus) voted for Julia 73 to 29. Basically we are stuck with a prime minister who has the least support from the public in history.


Ok lets start a rant.

You know what the biggest joke is. How Rudd is apparently so much more popular than Gillard in the recent polls, yet even when he issued a challenge for the leadership, made no real new policies or things he would change if he was PM. Why do the 'public' want Kevin Rudd to be Leader so much? Because he is more likeable? Says a lot about the public of Australia if they are willing to throw away the basic priniciples of democratic elections for no real reason at all.

Next up, they should make it in law that, barring exceptional circumstances (aka, Harold Holt), the leader of the nation cannot be changed other than by an election. It is literally a joke that the leader of our nation can be rotated whenever the labor party wants whenever the don't like someone or they think they are going to lose the next election.

Then the media is also a joke, the whole week they have been talking up "Labor party disaster", "War in Government", etc. They seem to forget that they're actually talking about the Leader of the country. If the government is in such a dire state of infighting then they have no right to be honoured the responsibility to lead the country.

If the governemnt cared that much about what the people want they would just call an election now. Which they would lose. And I'd be happy. That said, I think politics in this country is now so superficial and media driven, a big change in direction needs to be undertaken in the political landscape to get any real change and reform in this country.
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In my opinion, Gillard needs to be run out of office. Seriously, she's run this greaty country into the ground.

Bring on Abbott, I say.