- 119
- Portland OR
Reiza have said it will have basically the same moddability as PCars2. So basically none due to the engine. Though they're not against it if people figure out a way of getting stuff to work for it and aren't actively blocking mods.
The modding community has already figured out how to mod some of this game ( Cars specifically , since it's been done in PCars 2 already ). The tracks will come when a the first one gets deployed , and then the flood gates will open up. I was a huge supporter of GSE and AMS 1 ( as a beta tester and investor of $200.00 ). I believe in the whole Reiza team and what they are creating here. Mark my words......this will be one of the best sims ( if not the best ) ever created. I'm stuck on AC + content manager right now , and will give AMS 2 time to season , but honestly , it already looks dang impressive!