Automobilista 2 - Discussion Thread

if they add in the upcoming DLCs of more mainstream vehicles then yes, it might work well on especially the consoles, but its also a very niche game on PC sims which the very simple car selection with very few licenced content

The price for the Full Dlc season pass must also be lowered... more then 110€ is way too much...
I would think that one of the biggest advantages of using the Madness engine would be that it’s proven to work on consoles. But it is a tough sell to have a $100 season pass and so few licensed cars
PSA: the price for the base game is about to go up by about $10 as they reach the back half of early access. Then another $10 once it leaves early access.

Now is a really good time to get in

new Update out, 320mb

  • Enabled Time Trial Mode
  • Player now has complete control in pits if Pit Stop Control is set to "Manual" in Gameplay Options (no longer gets automatically held up due to incoming traffic)
  • Implemented new CutTrackFraction logic for detecting how far back a track limit infringement in previous lap invalidates the next one (5% of track length in practice, 10% in qualifying, 15% in Time Trial)
  • Fix bug where spawning in garage in between sessions would cause Trucks to crash into the garage

  • Added Opala Stock Cars 1986 Season

  • Added missing F-Trainer A vehicle specs; Corrected Puma GTB, Super V8, Lancer R & RS, Copa Classic specs
  • Fixed AJR V6 short name in session config screen
  • Added new 'Full' variation of the Laptime Info HUD element (gives past lap info or Time Trial info depending on game mode/session)
  • Moved Laptime info position slightly higher in default layout

  • Added "Tyre Scrub to Rack" effect to FX FFB slider (New Default profile only
  • Added "Min force" FFB funcion, disabled by default (can be activated in custom FFB file)
  • Minor FFB adjustments to various cars to better suit New Default profile
  • Increased FFB smoothness for FWD cars
  • Fixed remaining issues with excessive brake wear
  • Revised drivelines for all TC Classics, AJR, F-Vintages, F-Classics Lancers, Ultimas to correct excessive drivetrain losses & inertia
  • Fixed suspension physics for Copa Classic B Passat
  • Minor adjustments to tyre tread & carcass for Copa Classic, Lancers, Opalas, Ultima Race, AJR, Stock Car & F-Classic
  • Added wet tyre options for Lancers & Copa Classics
  • Corrected excessive engine boost in Lancer R & RS
  • Fixed wrong default tyre option in some TC Classics that could cause CTDs
  • Reduced front ride height range & moved diffuser center of pressure forward by 8cm in Metalmoro AJR for more accurate aero balance (all variants)
  • F-Classics Gen1&2: moved diffuser center of pressure forward by 2cm for more accurate aero balance, increased diffuser downforce loss with yaw
  • F-Classic (all Gens): Adjusted default setup (stiffer rear ARB, corrected ride height inconsistencies); fixed V8 engine wear range

  • Disabled glitchy AI function that would cause it to behave erratically while trying to weave out of the way under blue flag in Practice & Quali (AI will now just reduce speed to let faster car by)
  • Adjusted AI behavior under yellow flag (a bit less overzealous)
  • Revised AI damper rates for all cars
  • Minor AI performance tweak to Londrina (both layouts)

  • Corrected environment & track temperature ranges for South American tracks
  • Interlagos Kart: Fixed layout 3 fences and walls missing when running less than High Track Detail

  • Passat Copa Classic B: Updated interior textures, corrected collision mesh
  • Puma P052: Updated cockpit interior textures; updated liveries for #03 #05 #08 #35 #36 #52 #65 #78 & added Community skins #55 #56 #58 #60
  • Sprint Race: Added rear brake lights
Disabled glitchy AI function that would cause it to behave erratically while trying to weave out of the way under blue flag in Practice & Quali (AI will now just reduce speed to let faster car by)
Finally. AI was mental in practice.
Gave this a spin on Saturday, hugely impressed with ffb and physics on csl elite, so much fun and couldn't stop after few hours of driving.I hope this becomes the next big thing in simracing...
Slightly off topic but this video from Neil summarizes it all. I concur with him, the important is the feel of driving a car, specially at limit, feel the control, the adrenaline as much as possible like in a real car.
He sais it, drive rFactor 2, AMS 1 and now AMS 2... I can't barely touch anything else, my day of AC i think have passed...

I hope AMS 2 keeps improving and maibe be modable.

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I agree as well haven’t touched much of anything other than AMS2.
Still dabble in ACC occasionally but AMS2 looks much better in my opinion.
AM2 is really nailing that feeling of being on limit imo. I went round a corner at Oulton and pushed on too hard I finally felt like it was giving me the same feeling you get in real car when you start to take the tyres past the limits.

I first played this a 0.7 and was 'pah' but now it really is transformed. I'm addicted to hotlapping the V12!
So while I’ve been waiting for 1.0, I started iRacing. Worked my way through the rookie content and plopped down the (ridiculous) money for the F3 car and a couple tracks.
What I’ve found so far is that the F3 Racing in AMS2 has been cleaner and more fun than it is in iRacing.
We know Reiza will make a great product, but if this community can uphold itself to a high standard the way it has through early access this could end up being the best all around sim on the market
New Update!°


  • Added Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit
  • Added Sigma P1 to P2 Class
  • Added Passat to Copa Classic FL Class

  • Update App Key used in Live Motion SDK

  • Reduced Fade Accel parameter to minimise chances of "ghost" car-to-car collisions in a Multiplayer Session

  • Fixed back button on TimeTrial screen
  • Amended all brake bias labels to include F / R qualifier and all values to include front and rear.
  • Fixed telemetry HUD screen anchors (affects ultrawide positioning)
  • Fixed in-game menu anchors on various pages (audio, camera, controls & gameplay options screens, save/load setup, quick/full setup edit screens, VR)
  • Added Track Altitude information to loading screen
  • Added current time of day to Session Overview / Pause screens
  • Added Imola 1972 & Modern trackmaps
  • Added Stock Car Driver names
  • Updated missing tire names for Caterhams, F-Ultimate, Copa Classics
  • Added chat box to lobby page, multiplayer & pre-event screens
  • Fixed bug with incorrect engine torque statistic in vehicle selection & loading screen due to reversed metric / empiric system conversion
  • Adjusted naming for various Metalmoro MRX models
  • Fixed track country label on lobby page
  • Added exit confirmation to pre-event screen
  • Coodown lap now defaults to manual player control

  • Standardized ranges, adjusted drag & lift increments per setting for cars with adjustable radiator & brake ducts
  • Adjusted brake heating for all prototypes & GT cars
  • Minor adjustments to Ultima Race, StockV8, F-Vintage tyre treads
  • Reduced roll inertia for StockV8, SuperV8, Ultima Race, Ultima
  • Slightly reduced grip off the ideal racing line
  • Reduced Metalmoro AJR diffuser efficiency
  • Adjusted StockV8 diffuser center of pressure slightly rearwards
  • Adjusted Roco, MRX, ARC Camaro engine torque curves
  • Moved default brake bias rearwards for Sprint Race, StockV8, Ultima Race

  • Slightly increased AI awareness of human players
  • AI performance tuning for GT3, StockV8, P1, P2, P3, P4, Ultima Race, Sprint Race, F3, F-Vintage classes

  • Spielberg: fixed hole in garage floor; replaced incorrect pit building walls & pit doors; remapped garage and pit stall locations; removed excess grid assignments (32 cars supported); rebuilt triggers.
  • Brands Hatch. Fixed bug with cars appearing to float over the track; adjusted rolling start location; revised track limits; fixed garage door collision

  • AJR: Adjusted Driver Animation; Added Imperio #175 & Mottin Racing 46 liveries
  • MRX: Corrected RPM LEDs for all variants
  • Ultima Race: Adjusted collision mesh
  • Puma P052: New liveries/updates/redesign for #01 #02 #04 #06 #07 #08 #10 #11 #12 #13 #19 #42 #53 #54 #69; Added community skins #17 #91
Got it myself yesterday after reading some info’s/threads about it and I must admit it is very fun. Even though some things still remind of pcars 2, it is a total different experience, I like the physics very much. I don’t have any comparison for most of those cars because there is nothing like it in other sims but they feel really good and behave like you‘d expect. Had a lot of fun also online racing even though not too many people online I had some fun races.
Looks promising if they keep up developing it that way, although season pass is very expensive, not sure if it’s worth it. Excited for the old Hockenheim coming soon and which gt3/gt4 will come to the game.
I finally got around to playing this today, does anyone else find the tuning menu glitchy? I have to roll my mouse over different sections to be able to adjust some settings (e.g. gear ratios), and I miss having a gear ratio/speed graph. On top of that, I'm suffering a lot of snapping spins under braking for some cars like the F-Classic, but maybe I just need to "git gud".
Maybe check the Controller settings in Game. I know it works with a Controller cause a Buddy was driving with it against me.
Found the problem i was using the controller on DirectInput which doesn't work with modern games it needs to be on XInput. :)
Hi all, just want to drop by and say Hi to everyone.

I have been on the AC forum for quite some time and now very happy to come across this dedicated thread for AMS2!!

I started in April and I am enthusiastic about the improvement of this sim. Week after week Reiza throws out update that really get us sim racers/drivers closer and closer to the feeling that we are looking for.

I have been telling all my AC friends (some listen and some don't) to give it a go. "You guys gotta try it. Its so awesome to feel the chassis's rotation, the tires compression and rebound, and sometimes the tiny hops from the tires during mid/exit corners. When you are on the limit, AMS2's tire model has a nice transition at the point of breaking traction rather than a sudden snip. This will allow you to catch the drift and give you a BIG Fxxking Smile! Even at the replay video, you can see the tire flex and car rotation which is really cool and realistic!"

Also, some people may complain about too many South American content at the moment. But to me, I see it as a great opportunity to explore other continent's racing culture and local tracks which is very cool (sorry, I only know Interlagos before AMS2 haha). Every time start learning a new smaller Brazilian local tracks was like exploring for a new treasure.

Lastly, I wish everyone have lots of fun and looking forward to a big joyful AMS2 community. Cheers!
So it has now been confirmed that the game will go 1.0 in mid June!
The game will also receive some more free cars and Estoril during Early Access/1.0.

First DLC will be Hockenheim shortly after Release, with Bathurst for free following on June 30th.

Spa is also coming, including 3 layouts.

AMAZING news on the car front, as historic touring cars, Group C, classic BTCC & DTM and GT1 will all be added to the game FOR FREE.

Only downside so far is that the scheduled release of GT3/4 might be postponed due to licensing.

Amazing times ahead, now is the time to jump onboard.

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