Avengers Infinity War (2018)Movies 

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
What a ride. Didn't think they'd go there with the ending so I was pleasantly surprised.

Aren't the only ones left now -- the OG Avengers which is really cool to be honest. Thought that was it for Tony. Thing is -- this movie will live or die by Avengers 4. We all know most of those who died will come back but how and at what cost? Guardians stole the show as usual for me (Drax is incredible).

I really hope Korg is somehow alive. Also, are Hela and Surtur dead?

Ebony Maw and Proxima midnight are cool as 🤬

It's a mighty fine movie, but not a top 3 MCU one.
At least we can cut down the guesswork by revealing which contracts have expired with Infinity War:
1. Robert Downey Jr. - Unknown (anything past Avengers 4 is simply guesswork since RDJ has been Tony Stark since the MCU's inception)

2. Scarlett Johansson - 1 or 2 (This assumes that both Avengers 4 and Infinity War counts as separate films, but she did confirm that she will play Black Widow in a solo film)

3. Don Cheadle - 1 (assuming that Cheadle signed a standard six-movie deal)

4. Chris Hemsworth - 1 (though interested in a contract renegotiation)

5. Jeremy Renner - 2 or 3

6. Chris Evans - 1 (Avengers 4 is his last film)

7. Sebastian Stan - 4 (Stan signed a nine-picture deal)

8. Mark Ruffalo - 2

9. Anthony Mackie - 1 (His contract could end with either Ant-man and the Wasp or Avengers 4, assuming a standard 6 picture deal)

10. Chris Pratt - 2 (open for more)

11. Zoe Saldana - 3 (has publically been mum on her contract. This assumes a standard 6 picture deal.)

12. Dave Bautista - 3 (Though Infinity War may be his last flim)

13. Bradley Cooper - Unknown since he is publically mum on his contract and he is a voice actor in the MCU.

14. Vin Diesel - 2 (though Marvel may want more)

15. Paul Bettany - Unknown (though his appearance in both Infinity War and Age of Ulton as a live action actor may affect the contract)

16. Elizabeth Olsen - 3 (assuming a standard 6 picture deal)

17. Paul Rudd - 3 (Ant-man and the Wasp, and Avengers 4 are confirmed at this point, leaving one unknown film)

18. Chadwick Boseman - 2

19. Tom Holland - 3 (all of his films are known at this point.)

20. Benedict Cumberbatch - 3

21. Pom Klementieff - 4 (assuming a standard six-movie deal)

22. Gwyneth Paltrow - May be finished

23. Jon Favreau - Unknown

24. Hugo Weaving - Wasn't in Infinity War, but is contractually obligated to appear in more movies

25. Emily VanCamp - Unknown

26. Tom Hiddleston - 1
Just watched this last night and what a ride, there was so much going on I might have to give it a second viewing. I was definitely not dissapointed.

The ending, wow, I'm glad they took it there, I just hope they don't get too lazy with any time travel stuff in the next one. I did notice when Strange hands over the stone, Tony asks why, he says "it's the only way". I think he's seen what will happen in the next film and perhaps going forward, bringing people back and defeating Thanos will rely on Tony and not him, and he saw that. He was very certain that he would protect the stone over saving anyones life earlier in the film, and I think he's done what had to be done for them to win in the end.
I've left the cinema feeling somewhat overwhelmed, I mean what an experience! But... seriously Star-Lord! They literally had the gauntlet off! Idiot! Besides that why could they not just chop his arm off? I knew the ending was coming but with the deaths being so sudden you can see they won't be permanent, as people have already said lets hope they don't simply time travel them back. I think it could have something to do with Red Skull and the soul stone, as we haven't actually seen what it does yet.
I've left the cinema feeling somewhat overwhelmed, I mean what an experience! But... seriously Star-Lord! They literally had the gauntlet off! Idiot! Besides that why could they not just chop his arm off? I knew the ending was coming but with the deaths being so sudden you can see they won't be permanent, as people have already said lets hope they don't simply time travel them back. I think it could have something to do with Red Skull and the soul stone, as we haven't actually seen what it does yet.

I'm 100% certain Strange told Quill to do that. He saw every outcome -- so them taking it off wouldn't have guaranteed victory at all.
I'm 100% certain Strange told Quill to do that. He saw every outcome -- so them taking it off wouldn't have guaranteed victory at all.
I agree, I also think the soul stone will play a big part and will maybe become a tormentor to Thanos, we saw him in a dream like world at the end with a young Gamora, the one person he loved, and I wonder if that will become his undoing. I do think Strange has seen what is going to happen, and maybe he has seen that the only way to win, is to let Thanos win and then end up so tormented he begins to regret and that gives the Avengers chance to take him down and "fix things" in a hopefully not too cheap way. When they were at Knowhere, I said in the Cinema, Gamora is his weakness, then he killed her for the stone, but I still think that could end up being true.
I agree, I also think the soul stone will play a big part and will maybe become a tormentor to Thanos, we saw him in a dream like world at the end with a young Gamora, the one person he loved, and I wonder if that will become his undoing. I do think Strange has seen what is going to happen, and maybe he has seen that the only way to win, is to let Thanos win and then end up so tormented he begins to regret and that gives the Avengers chance to take him down and "fix things" in a hopefully not too cheap way. When they were at Knowhere, I said in the Cinema, Gamora is his weakness, then he killed her for the stone, but I still think that could end up being true.

Wonder if the place at the end was
The pocket dimension and we get introduced to Adam Warlock and a not dead Gamora. I really hope they don't revive everyone in a cheap manner. The set pics for Avengers 4 hint at interesting stuff though.
I now need Avengers 4 far more than I need Game of Thrones season 8, the anticipation is gonna kill me

Also @sems4arsenal I don't think thats too likely as Adam Warlock won't feature until Guardians in 2020?
I saw it last night.
I wasn't expecting Thanos to win. It's an Avengers movie. The Avengers win. But no, this is like Han Solo in the carbonite turned up to 11.

I keep going back to Strange seeing only one way forward, then giving up the time stone and telling Tony "It's the only way." There is a lot more at play here.

I wasn't expecting it to be as funny as it was, too. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments. I think a big reason is the retooling of Thor's personality. He's now become a bit of a doofus, and with Chris Hemsworth's comedic skills, it really works for him.

I'm wondering how a lot of these characters are coming back. After all, we know there's going to be another GotG and Spider-Man movie. GotG with only Nebula and Rocket would be kind of funny, but it's not enough. And you can't have a Spider-Man movie without Spider-Man. Unless they go the Miles Morales route, or even Spider-Gwen. I love Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther, but I would be perfectly happy with Shuri becoming BP. There are a lot of different directions they can go now.

I almost squealed when I saw the Captain Marvel symbol on Fury's comm device. I'm a big Carol Danvers fan. I'm really looking forward to her joining the MCU. And Fury's last words were perfect.
I saw it last night.
I wasn't expecting it to be as funny as it was, too. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments. I think a big reason is the retooling of Thor's personality. He's now become a bit of a doofus, and with Chris Hemsworth's comedic skills, it really works for him.

I get that Thors personality changed because he's been around earth for some time now, he was "Hey I'm serious Asgard man" but now he's got a nice sense of humour. But I hated Ragnarok, everything about it was a joke, tried to make it like GotG, so I enjoyed a somewhat more serious Thor in Avengers 3.
A lot to take in in one sitting. Might bring the wife out to watch it a second time.

I love that they brought the Red Skull back. I was expecting him to be in this movie, but it was still a pleasant surprise.

I am wagering that Hela will be in Avengers 4 in some fashion, but how, I'm not sure, exactly.

They did change a lot from the comics, but let's be honest, the comics would have been impossible to recreate in the same manner. I like the new backstory for Thanos and Gamora, even if it does create some retroactive plot holes for Gamora leading back to Guardians I. This version of Thanos, his motivations are more relatable, and it makes his blind spots and weaknesses more understandable. He's not a wanton killer who offs his opponents. He's a man with a mission, and simple murder is beneath him.

Peter Quill gets too much guff. His character arc was well worked out and telegraphed in the previous two GOTGs. What he did was wholly understandable.

I'm wondering if Nebula will play a similar role to the comic in Avengers 4, though it seems unlikely, given her character arc in the movie. I did get chills seeing her first scene, as it seemed like they were actually going to go there. What a tease.

I'm pretty sure, by now, that a lot of people are chanting "Okoye is my spirit animal." What a character.

The chemistry between RDJ and Tom Holland was great fun. They've really gelled over the past few movies. It made the final scene much more gut-wrenching than it would have, been otherwise.


The only sour point of the movie is that they worked in so many twists that by the end, the final twist before the snap was wholly expected. Otherwise, this is what I've always imagined a crossover movie event could be like. Just like an afternoon spent reading a pile of comics. Great job by the Russos for making such an incredibly unwieldy project work.

Several Doctor Strange thumbs up. It had its issues, but hell, I'll give it a 9/10.

Looks like it might actually come close to $2b. Hasn't been out a week and it's grossed over $800m already!
A reason why Thanos arm wouldn't be cut off is, although Stark gave him a scratch, his skin is too strong. I tell you, the Russo's got their desired fan reaction with that scene.

One surprise will be, the kid that was in IM 3, to make an appearance in A4. He's grown up now, but will he wear an IM suit?

I keep thinking an escape pod was jettisoned. I feel the Valkyrie, Korg and Mick got out. Why showcase those characters and not at least acknowledge them in this movie?
It's very likely Valkyrie and Korg escaped. Thanos killed exactly half the Asgardians and let half go, as was his way. We know Tessa Thompson is signed up for more movies, so we'll see if she puts in an appearance in Avengers 4.

The Space Stone could probably block a portal attack, as well. It would have been an interesting way to end the movie, though. Or it would have been interesting to see Strange do it, and for Thanos' fist to close (remotely) and have the arm and the gauntlet teleported straight back to their owner.
This thread be like...

Just watched it last night. A big milestone in movies. Never have has a cinematic universe been so expansive and successful critically and financially. Just remarkable how the people at marvel and Disney can make a coherent ensemble movie without mucking it up (looking at you Justice Leaugue)

I think it is rather suspicious the original Avengers survive "the purge"... I suspect it will be the end of these characters in the phase after the next Avengers sequel. Considering the end of this movie... the sequel will probably break even more box-office records then this one!

It's very likely Valkyrie and Korg escaped. Thanos killed exactly half the Asgardians and let half go, as was his way. We know Tessa Thompson is signed up for more movies, so we'll see if she puts in an appearance in Avengers 4.

The Space Stone could probably block a portal attack, as well. It would have been an interesting way to end the movie, though. Or it would have been interesting to see Strange do it, and for Thanos' fist to close (remotely) and have the arm and the gauntlet teleported straight back to their owner.
I wouldn't be surprised if the next phase of Marvel movies will have her as a female Thor?
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I wouldn't be surprised if the next phase of Marvel movies will have her as a female Thor?

Considering they haven't built up Natalie Portman's Jane Foster character recently, that's more than likely.

On the other hand, they could use the cancer story arc as an opportunity to explain Jane's absence in the past few movies. She was simply too sick to show up and didn't want to burden Odinson with worry about her fate.
Considering they haven't built up Natalie Portman's Jane Foster character recently, that's more than likely.

On the other hand, they could use the cancer story arc as an opportunity to explain Jane's absence in the past few movies. She was simply too sick to show up and didn't want to burden Odinson with worry about her fate.
I guess you haven't seen Ragnarok?
I’m ready to watch the movie a second time now I’ve had a good while to process it all..

Everybody turned to ash will be alive inside the soul stone, I think that will include Gamora, they’re not done with her yet. The place where Thanos killed her I’m guessing was like a crossing point into the stone, so she can come back. Perhaps Thanos will bargain with Red Skull in A4 for her life but the deal is its everyone or no one.

I don’t think all of the remaining team will die, Tony Stark will have his happy ending with Pepper, Thor has only just begun to discover the extent of his powers, perhaps it will be necessary for Banner to die to actually find peace? He’s got a helluva fight scene due in the sequel.

One thing I think is for certain, they won’t be so lazy that the time stone brings everyone back, they literally just did that at the end of this one so....
Saw it and it was pretty good :) my first time seeing
is the kind of villain superman needs one that can stand toe to toe with him.:)
I have, but it would still work.

Jane simply explains she broke up with him because she was hiding her disease.

There are much worse ways to do it.
Problem is I don't think Nathalie Portman is going to sign a multiple movie deal to replace a beloved character like Thor. I would definitely believe she'd nail it, but she is sadly not likely to make a return to the Marvel Universe.

Saw it and it was pretty good :) my first time seeing
is the kind of villain superman needs one that can stand toe to toe with him.:)

I don't think the DC cinematic universe can ever top the Marvel Universe. They just started on the wrong foot with Man of Steel. And another reboot would be even more disastrous! The original Iron Man set the standard and tone for the rest of the Marvel cinematic universe. We have to thank it for doing so many things right!
It's easy to portray your characters on film when they're just characters, but DC heroes are like gods and it's a lot harder to show on screen effectively.
I’m ready to watch the movie a second time now I’ve had a good while to process it all..

Everybody turned to ash will be alive inside the soul stone, I think that will include Gamora, they’re not done with her yet. The place where Thanos killed her I’m guessing was like a crossing point into the stone, so she can come back. Perhaps Thanos will bargain with Red Skull in A4 for her life but the deal is its everyone or no one.

I don’t think all of the remaining team will die, Tony Stark will have his happy ending with Pepper, Thor has only just begun to discover the extent of his powers, perhaps it will be necessary for Banner to die to actually find peace? He’s got a helluva fight scene due in the sequel.

One thing I think is for certain, they won’t be so lazy that the time stone brings everyone back, they literally just did that at the end of this one so....

You make a good point there. So far I am really like this version of Thanos. In his mind he is the saviour of the universe and also explains believably why he just doesn't murder everyone in his path. He has a moral compass and not inherent Evil. The writers did a great job of making a great Supervillain. It just clearly shows what Justice league did wrong. (it is the main villain)

It's easy to portray your characters on film when they're just characters, but DC heroes are like gods and it's a lot harder to show on screen effectively.

Thor literally is a god...
I just went to see the movie a second time this weekend, and it’s one of the only movies in history where I laughed and cried exactly where I did in the first viewing, despite knowing everything that would happen already.

I think this might be the first time where we’ve ever seen a supervillain visibly cry on screen. Not even because he was defeated, but because he felt genuine loss and sadness at the death of his daughter. I teared up in both viewings. That scene was the most powerful I’ve seen in any marvel movie, a close second was the now famous Spider-Man death scene.

The Guardians of the Galaxy stole this movie too. Every scene they were in was filled with action and humour. It seriously feels like the directors of each movie were present in each of the scenes the characters were in. Despite different directors, this crossover of unheard of proportions kept the characters consistent, which is high praise given the scope of the movie.

The only problem I could find was the potentially plot-breaking power of the infinity stones. Questions like why doesn’t Thanos spam the powers during the movie are front and centre. I guess that would conflict with a good plot, so I’m willing to let it slide.

Overall I think this is one of the best sequels of all time. It’s the best Avengers movie and one of the best in the MCU. The villain is only second to Killmonger himself.
Went yesterday with Sam's little bro. He hadn't seen it yet, and I was interested to see how it played out knowing everything.

There are still a few issues — Glaive must have a cloaking device or something, considering how often he stabs people (with others around, often facing the victim) — and an article from Polygon was in my head the entire time: if Thanos is all-powerful with the Gauntlet, why erase half the universe's population instead of simply increasing the amount of resources? It accomplishes the same thing.

Also, his inconsistent stance on killing: it's unclear if half of the Asgardian ship's population was spared (it seems to have been), but how was that determined? If the people we saw in that scene were meant to be eliminated — Heimdall, Loki, Thor, Hulk — why do the latter two escape the cull? Or Stark for that matter.

I'm fine with Cap surviving a direct to-the-face punch from a five-stoned Gauntlet. I'm also fine with the rag-tag Titan group nearly being able to remove the glove, but Hulk getting his ass handed to him early on. If we believe Thanos has a level of self-doubt, even sub-consciously, then he could be varying his effort based off the task at hand.

That said, the mo-cap work from Brolin is so impressive. I found myself even more empathetic to him and Gamora the second go-round: her ugly-cry scene when she believes she killed Thanos confirms a complicated relationship.

The deaths got me more this time around, even knowing most of them will probably be reversed. Tom Holland's (ad-libbed!) scene is the top one, but even Rocket watching Groot go (again) and Cap/Bucky were good. Also, when it's all done, Widow looks devastated.

I'm also a little confused about the post-credits. I don't know who Fury and Hill are working for ("Control"), but the timing isn't clear either. Hill talks about multiple energy signatures over Wakanda, which implies the start of the fight, but then people almost immediately start disappearing. I get that the snap could've been what she was talking about, but wouldn't that be a huge single instance? I also figure the snap rewound time at least a bit (though maybe not locally around the Gauntlet, given Thanos and Thor are still in the same spot).

Really, no idea how A4 will kick off. Which is exciting.
Also, his inconsistent stance on killing: it's unclear if half of the Asgardian ship's population was spared (it seems to have been), but how was that determined? If the people we saw in that scene were meant to be eliminated — Heimdall, Loki, Thor, Hulk — why do the latter two escape the cull? Or Stark for that matter.
My thoughts on this are that before acquiring the stones to use the gauntlet Thanos would physically choose half of a race or group of people to spare and kill the others. Once he used the glove, it wasn't him physically choosing who would die and who would live on a conscious level, the stones simply acted on his will to elimitante half of life in the universe and did so radomly, only perhaps done so species by species. That would explain how and why despite being physically selected to be elminated by Thanos at the start, Thor and Hulk we're not later eliminated by the gauntlet. The same could be said for Stark, though Thanos did choose to spare him in exchange for the time stone, I believe ultimately his fate was chosen at random by the gauntlet.
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