Captain Marvel (2019)Movies 

  • Thread starter Populuxe
The second trailer is out.


I find myself distinctly unhyped after that - which is odd as the first trailer seemed interesting. She seems to be ludicrously overpowered in a beyond-Superman way (which I guess is the nature of the character), but they've decided to make her nose bleed occasionally to show she can be hurt - which is odd, as even an axe to the chest didn't seem to draw any fluids from Thanos, and she's supposed to be the one hero who can defeat Thanos... on her own.

Guess I'll wait for the Avengers 4 trailer which is... later today?
For those that haven't been following the comics, there has been a major retconning of Carol Danver's backstory. Her origin has always been that she was caught in the explosion of a Kree weapon called the Psyche-Magnetron which gave her her Kree-based superpowers. But now
it's been revealed in the latest issue of The Life of Captain Marvel mini-series that Carol's mother is a Kree warrior who was sent to Earth to observe, but fell in love with a human instead. The story is written by Kelly Thompson. She's a very good writer and has made this retcon flow smoothly and make sense. I think it's a good development. I have no idea if this has been done to square the comic origin with the movie origin, or if it was simply a good story idea she had that she pitched to Marvel. Either way, I like it.
Me likey that mohawk. Also, her flying through space wrecking all manner of ****. 👍

Still, it just makes me again consider how the hell the Russos are going to get every character their shot at Thanos in Avengers 4, without it devolving into a Neo-vs-army-of-Smiths rubbery CGI bonanza.
Me likey that mohawk. Also, her flying through space wrecking all manner of ****. 👍

Still, it just makes me again consider how the hell the Russos are going to get every character their shot at Thanos in Avengers 4, without it devolving into a Neo-vs-army-of-Smiths rubbery CGI bonanza.
I have faith in the Russos. My guess is they'll handle it like Infinity War and split characters into different groups with their own arcs again. Also I think Ant-Man
being in the Quantum Realm
is going to be significant.

I find myself distinctly unhyped after that - which is odd as the first trailer seemed interesting. She seems to be ludicrously overpowered in a beyond-Superman way (which I guess is the nature of the character), but they've decided to make her nose bleed occasionally to show she can be hurt - which is odd, as even an axe to the chest didn't seem to draw any fluids from Thanos, and she's supposed to be the one hero who can defeat Thanos... on her own.

Guess I'll wait for the Avengers 4 trailer which is... later today?

I think in part it is because of the overuse of CGI, that I agree with the view she looks overpowered and I am not as hyped. Reminds me of the justice league or Green lantern fail. But to be fair, I thought that about the first Avengers movie and the Dr Strange movie that they would fail because of overuse of CGI.

I dont think she is supposed to be able to defeat Thanos on her own. Why would you think that?
So Rotten Tomatoes shut down their "do you plan on seeing this movie" widget because comicsgaters brigaded the website to artificially drive the score down. If you're one of the people who did this, I have a message for you:
Going to see it Saturday. If anyone has seen it already, spoil away. I don't mind.
[Ron Howard voice]Do not spoil away. Other people will mind.[/Ron Howard voice]
From my own opinion, the movie is good, around 7.5/10 from me.

I don't recall seeing too much female empowerment like what some people have been whining about but idk. Enjoyed all the soundtracks though.

2 post credit scenes but just stick around for the 1st one.
Just watched it too. As far as origin stories go, it's pretty straightforward but interesting nonetheless. It's a visual feast for space junkies, just like the first GOTG (and gives a nice backstory to Ronan). I can see how she will be a match for Thanos in Endgame :lol:

I just have one thing I can't figure out, maybe those with a deeper knowledge of MCU lore can educate me:

How did the Tesseract end up in a Kree spaceship in orbit? As far as I know Howard Stark fished it out of the sea after Cap went down in the first movie, and it's under SHIELD's storage.
The opening "Marvel" intro, was awesome!

Just watched it too. As far as origin stories go, it's pretty straightforward but interesting nonetheless. It's a visual feast for space junkies, just like the first GOTG (and gives a nice backstory to Ronan). I can see how she will be a match for Thanos in Endgame :lol:

I just have one thing I can't figure out, maybe those with a deeper knowledge of MCU lore can educate me:

How did the Tesseract end up in a Kree spaceship in orbit? As far as I know Howard Stark fished it out of the sea after Cap went down in the first movie, and it's under SHIELD's storage.

DON'T READ if you haven't seen the movie!!!
Mar Vell was a trusted "American". May have had access to it. I'm sure it'll be explained in the next Carain Marvel movie.

DO STAY for both end credit scenes. The second one, will answer the question you'll be thinking. ;)

Oh, yeah. Good movie. They pieced scenes in the trailers, that didn't coincide with the same scenes in the movie(first end credit scene, I'm looking at you). A bit slight of hand, if you will.
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Just seen it today and I thought it was alright. Samuel L Jackson was brilliant in it as a younger Fury, and the de-aging CGI for him and Clark Gregg was amazing. Some funny scenes in the movie as well that didn’t really feel forced or out of place.

The dogfight at the end in the desert looked like something straight out of Star Wars or something, was really well done.

My least favourite part was probably how Carol seemed to instantly get her memories back just from hearing an audio file although the sequence to show that was fun to watch.

The fight scenes on the kree ship at the end weren’t the greatest either IMO, the lighting wasn’t the best which sometimes made it hard to figure out who was who at times.

But aside from that I really enjoyed it.

Overall I’d probably give it a 7/10, an enjoyable movie definitely but not quite as good as other Marvel films I’ve seen imo.

While I’d love for this movie to succeed so we see more of Captain Marvel as a character (and hopefully more Nick Fury and Coulson) I am worried that Larson’s comments leading up to the films release will cause enough controversy to make this film perform below expectations but I really hope that’s not the case.

Also it was nice to see Fury driving a 1995 Impala SS.
Man that was .... not good?

It wasn't bad but it relied heavily on "girl power" (which isn't bad at all), just the execution was very on the nose. It was also very cheesy (like more than usual Marvel cheesy). The story was alright with a twist (that a lot will see coming). There was also an overabundance of space mumbo jumbo (which isn't a problem if you're a fan of the comic books). Brie was alright, decent chemistry with young Sam Jackson (best part of the movie), but overall -- a pretty forgetful average Marvel movie. 6/10
It wasn't bad but it relied heavily on "girl power" (which isn't bad at all), just the execution was very on the nose.
I felt that it was a little bit cringeworthy at times.
Especially when the song ''Just a Girl'' was being played while she was fighting but considering the 'girl power' theme of the movie, it was fitting.


Overall, it was an okay and entertaining Marvel movie and that's all I care about at the end of the day.
I felt that it was a little bit cringeworthy at times.
Especially when the song ''Just a Girl'' was being played while she was fighting but considering the 'girl power' theme of the movie, it was fitting.


Overall, it was an okay and entertaining Marvel movie and that's all I care about at the end of the day.

Was it fitting though? My friend kept rolling her eyes throughout the movie.
Poorly excuted in my opinion.

Plus points for using a Garbage song and that sweet NIN Tee though. The whole theater laughed at the part where
Rambo and her daughter casually talking to an alien and their superheroine friend. Like they barely gasped at the thought.
I finally saw it last night. It was enjoyable, just like I would expect of an MCU movie. Brie Larson was terrific as Carol Danvers. Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn and Annette Benning were all amazing.
The opening "Marvel" intro, was awesome!

DON'T READ if you haven't seen the movie!!!
Mar Vell was a trusted "American". May have had access to it. I'm sure it'll be explained in the next Carain Marvel movie.

DO STAY for both end credit scenes. The second one, will answer the question you'll be thinking. ;)

Oh, yeah. Good movie. They pieced scenes in the trailers, that didn't coincide with the same scenes in the movie(first end credit scene, I'm looking at you). A bit slight of hand, if you will.

After reading some more backstory from wikis and some leap of faith, I think it's not as entirely far fetched now that Mar Vell may have private access to it. What probably surprised me though is how no one else seems to know it exists until they laid eyes on it on the Kree ship (including Fury), and no one tried to find where it's gone in the years before the movie. Surely Howard Stark must have told a few more people of the existence of such a potent power source?

So, from my understanding, the Tesseract's history in MCU is as follows:

Birth of universe > somehow gets to Earth > found by Red Skull and used in the events of Captain America > falls into the sea with Cap > recovered by Howard Stark and placed under SHIELD protection > Mar Vell gains access to it for experiments in project PEGASUS > its energy is used in the "lightspeed engine" which later gets absorbed by Carol, while the real Tesseract lays dormant in the Kree ship in orbit > found again in the events of Captain Marvel and swallowed by Goose > spit out by Goose on Fury's desk > remains in SHIELD storage until stolen by Loki in events of Avengers 1 > taken for safekeeping in Asgard > taken by Loki just before Asgard is destroyed in Ragnarok > taken by Thanos in Infinity War > ???

Phew. Did I miss anything? :D
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After reading some more backstory from wikis and some leap of faith, I think it's not as entirely far fetched now that Mar Vell may have private access to it. What probably surprised me though is how no one else seems to know it exists until they laid eyes on it on the Kree ship (including Fury), and no one tried to find where it's gone in the years before the movie. Surely Howard Stark must have told a few more people of the existence of such a potent power source?

So, from my understanding, the Tesseract's history in MCU is as follows:
Birth of universe > somehow gets to Earth > found by Red Skull and used in the events of Captain America > falls into the sea with Cap > recovered by Howard Stark and placed under SHIELD protection > Mar Vell gains access to it for experiments in project PEGASUS > its energy is used in the "lightspeed engine" which later gets absorbed by Carol, while the real Tesseract lays dormant in the Kree ship in orbit > found again in the events of Captain Marvel and swallowed by Goose > spit out by Goose on Fury's desk > remains in SHIELD storage until stolen by Loki in events of Avenger 1 > taken for safekeeping in Asgard > taken by Loki just before Asgard is destroyed in Ragnarok > taken by Thanos in Infinity War > ???

Phew. Did I miss anything? :D

Some saying it may have been brought to Earth by Odin and protected by Nordic people. Hence why it was hidden in that "tree of life" sculpting/frieze.

Also, Stark was killed in 1991, would explain how Fury didn't know about it( Seeing Fury was a field agent mid-90s.). I could be wrong about that.

Fast forward to Tony speaking about project Pegasus and Goliath, in what, IM2? Then, searching and finding the hidden WMDs on the helicarrier in Avengers.

Only other person I think would know about it would be Peggy Carter and whoever was on that ship, when the Tesseract was retrieved.
I've seen this movie twice now and both times I really enjoyed it a huge amount. There's exactly 2 movies I want to own physical copies of because of how much I enjoyed them, and Captain Marvel is one of those movies.

I should go watch it again. Hmmmm.....
I've seen this movie twice now and both times I really enjoyed it a huge amount. There's exactly 2 movies I want to own physical copies of because of how much I enjoyed them, and Captain Marvel is one of those movies.

I should go watch it again. Hmmmm.....

What is the other?
I watched it Wednesday before seeing Endgame on Thursday and was surprised at how many people were in the theater. Lots of people doing last minute cramming too, wonder how much of a bump it got right before Endgame.
I watched it Wednesday before seeing Endgame on Thursday and was surprised at how many people were in the theater. Lots of people doing last minute cramming too, wonder how much of a bump it got right before Endgame.

A bump of about € 1.1 Billion dollars:lol:.
I watched it Wednesday before seeing Endgame on Thursday and was surprised at how many people were in the theater. Lots of people doing last minute cramming too, wonder how much of a bump it got right before Endgame.
I was surprised to see it was still in the theaters. But it makes sense. Give people one last chance to go see the new character before they see her in Endgame. To be honest, I'm tempted to go back and watch it again.

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