Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.TV 

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
This episode was amazing, especially the scenes with Hive, and the next few episodes looks like it's going to get even better. Can't wait to see who it is gets killed off in the season finale.

Promo for the next episode:
Marvel have started uploading videos asking which cast member will be killed off on Tuesday's 2 hour season finale. Coulson & May are uploaded already and the rest of the team are likely to be uploaded in a few hours. Who do you think will be killed off?

I highly doubt they'll kill off Coulson as it would almost definitely end the show. I can't really see them killing off May either, especially with Andrew having just died to save Daisy.

It's either going to be Mack or Lincoln. Fitz and Simmons are off that radar too from my perspective as they're too integral of cast members.
Mack is holding the Crucifix Of Doom.
BUT in the promo Fitz is seen with it. Could be anyone.

18 Seconds in:
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD 3x21 "Absolution" / 3x22 "Ascension" Promo Season Finale by JASON_ROCKS1998 posted Wednesday at 6:52 AM

The 2 most likely seem to be Mack or Lincoln.
I'm just going to say this: As problematic as it likely would be for the life of the show, they can't kill off Brett in any way, shape or form - he's too damn good.

He's such a great protagonist that I can't see anyone, for as long as the show may continue, making you hate them (and yelling at your TV for someone to 🤬 kill him :lol: ) as much as Ward and Hive has.
I'm just going to say this: As problematic as it likely would be for the life of the show, they can't kill off Brett in any way, shape or form - he's too damn good.

He's such a great protagonist that I can't see anyone, for as long as the show may continue, making you hate them (and yelling at your TV for someone to 🤬 kill him :lol: ) as much as Ward and Hive has.
Well they said it would be someone from SHIELD dying so I think it's pretty certain he won't be the one being killed off.
Easy cop out: Future isn't set. We can change the outcome.

Second easy cop out: One of the Secret Warriors.

Third easy cop out: Most Wanted isn't happening. Have one or both of them show up and get killed.

Truth be told, they have a ton of options that prevent them from dramatically changing the show.

They could also be setting up a way to merge SHIELD back into the movies, knowing that the show can't possibly last long enough to make it to the Inhumans movie that has been pushed beyond Infinity Wars. Only one character would cause issues if he popped up in the movies.

They may have also written it so that it would create a conclusion if they got canceled, but have a backup plan that only causes minor disruption on the show.

While typing this I thought of another possibility.

Kill Coulson. Talbot gets put in control. Have him become Iron Patriot like Norman Osborn in the comics? Or Spider-Man is in the MCU now. Blatantly bring in Osborn?
It's a possibility it could be one of the Secret Warriors.

Or it could be Fitz as he is the only one so far (that I can think of) that has not had one of these "RIP" videos posted yet.
And now ABC is (albeit in the vein of pseudo innocence) trying to kill it by moving it to a 10PM time slot. It could work to the advantage of the show (thus slapping them in the face in the process) by appealing to a broadened adult demographic.

Should it fail I hope it's picked up by Netflix.
God. Dammit.

They may have possibly killed off Dalton. Unless he's the Decoy that was behind the glass. I know I said to keep him on the show, but if this is the case it's going to feel really shoehorned. May as well have just kept him on as Hive.

And speaking of which, the bonding moment between him and Lincoln felt... unnecessary.
God. Dammit.

They may have possibly killed off Dalton. Unless he's the Decoy that was behind the glass. I know I said to keep him on the show, but if this is the case it's going to feel really shoehorned. May as well have just kept him on as Hive.

And speaking of which, the bonding moment between him and Lincoln felt... unnecessary.
I read an interview with Dalton on Screen Rant, and he said no one has approached him about a return in a season 4 storyline feature LMDs. He did not say he won't be back either, though.

He is encouraging fans to use the hashtag #HiveSurvives the same way they did #CoulsonSurvives.

I think that if he is brought back as an LMD that it should be as Grant Ward, not Hive. If Hive returns at all, it needs to be powered down a bit or given a known weakness. The invulnerable villain that can control any inhumans it shares the air with is tiresome and would just become repetitive.

I really think they need to move on from the Inhumans story focus. That isn't the only cause of powers, but suddenly that's all there is. Step away from Hive and Inhumans so it doesn't stick us with a cliffhanger before the movie comes out in 3 or 4 years.

Ultimately, I am more inclined to believe that the LMD is Lincoln, if anyone that we know who is dead (based on his comments about Fitz and Simmons not needing to lose friends). I think that it is far more likely to be Holden Radcliff. He's just egotistical enough to do that. I know he's excited to show it to Fitz because it will be a more secure replacement for the holograms.

Another option for next season: They make LMDs of the whole team for field ops, but they turn evil and it's SHIELD vs SHIELD.

Also, who is the new director. Coulson referred to getting orders from the director when they were trying to get Daisy.
Maybe the director he was referring to was Talbot. He's the director of the ATCU isn't he?
Still bother me why did they choose Robbie Reyes version rather than Johnny Blaze's Ghost Rider. The car is too similar to FnF Charger lol
I questioned the Robbie Reyes choice as well, but his origin has ties to Daisy's father, Mr Hyde.

I'm also hoping it's because the rumors of a Netflix Ghost Rider series is somewhat true, but still too early to announce and this leaves Johnny Blaze free to have his own show. He does exist in the comics at the same time as Reyes.

Reyes will also play on the AoS theme of good or bad. Reyes is struggling for control of his body with the spirit of his satanic, serial killer uncle. Reyes also goes after Mr. Hyde, which will play heavily with Daisy and likely give her reason to return to SHIELD.
First proper promo was released today:

The SFX on the Charger looks amazing:
I'm unable to load this video at work but can't help thinking they'll have a hard time fitting this in with the rest of the series but I guess if Daisy went underground then maybe we'll buy her as an illegal street racer (or at least the girl who drops the handkerchief at the start of the race).

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