Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.TV 

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Ok well I heard it'll be back this month in the UK so I guess that's true, no TV channel here has picked up Agent Carter yet as far as I know...
Just a reminder to my fellow Brits that the show will be back from it mid-season break here tomorrow night, usual time on C4...
@FoolKiller What's your take on the second half of the season? I don't have any of the comic book background knowledge so I've always been open minded with the movies (love em) and this show (had its moments) but I feel like I've been rolling my eyes more and more with each episode.

The Inhuman/powered people stuff is fine to me for the most part(although some of the dialogue has been downright cringey). The drama between the multiple SHIELDs has just felt too manufactured and like a repeat of season one with the military chasing Coulson around like the bad guy while Hydra does its thing. Then it just feels like you're watching the same plot twists and double-crosses over and again. Maybe some of that gets resolved next week since Coulson turned himself in but a lot of it just feels tired to me.
@David, you really don't need any background knowledge as for the most part AoS is doing its own thing and fleshing out the characters in a way unique to the show itself. There are a few made-for-the-series characters as well so that'll muddy up things a bit for you as well if you happened to just jump into reading the books.

At first I thought they were going the S.W.O.R.D. route with this "real" S.H.I.E.L.D. but now I'm not so sure where they're going with it, but this season has been great. I get the sense they're still trying to strike that sweet spot with balancing everything for the purposes of the show and making that its own adventure, and the aftermath of specific events from the movies.

I think the primary reason some may be getting that weary feeling is, at least to me, there are too many secondary story arcs going on at once. You have Skye coming to grips with her abilities, Skye coming to grips with her family, May assisting 'other' SHIELD in what I presume to be an outright farce, Ward working toward whatever his end goal is, and then you have the secondary subplot with Skye and Raina. It isn't much to grasp a hold of in the grand scheme of things but it's definitely a lot when it's all presented in several episodes.
@Terronium-12 Right, I figured it was pretty stand-alone and I remember some of the stuff FK wrote about previously regarding Skye's character relating to multiple characters from the books. Was really just wondering if the comic fans with more background were still enjoying it or not, or if it's just me. I guess we're about due for the tie-in with the new Avengers movie so maybe that will help.
The Inhumans storyline feels fine, but is being slowed by other events. It could be a build up to something more.

It seems like they are trying to bring Ward back in and trigger her father's Mr Hyde personality. The second SHIELD bit is driving me crazy though. They hate secrets, but no one knows they exist while Coulson has openly been working with General Talbot? Someone has their definition of secret wrong.

But now Hydra has Deathlok and Hyde has reason to really go berserk, so hopefully it was a build up to something bigger.

I honestly doubt we will know the intended direction until after Avengers.

As for Skye/Quake, it isn't as if she is a mainstay in comics. They could take her story pretty much anywhere so long as she shakes things and has wrist gauntlets to aid her control and comic fans will be happy.

I imagine that we will hit a point where things get big and the Inhumans storyline just becomes a background bit. Otherwise they would have to play it out for another four years until the movie. If they do things right they can end this season with us knowing this group exists and will occasionally interact, but not be a story to pursue, other than to allow SHIELD to know what they are really dealing with when it comes to powered people. I hope that they have it so the Inhumans flee to another secret city that can't be found, like in the comics, and we meet them later in the movies.
I think that what you hit on with the second SHIELD in your spoiler is a big part of what has been throwing things off for me. The logic just seems so twisted that the whole thing just feels like really manufactured drama to me. Nobody knows these people exist and then suddenly Coulson is supposed to be a bad guy because they said so. Seems like Coulson's team had plenty of other enemies to contend with without that part of the story line.
The build-up to AoU was to be expected and was well done to the point where it played off the events of the episode and set it up for everything afterwards. The comedy with Ward may have been cheap but I loved it to the point where I rewound that scene several times just to hear everyone agree with Skye shooting him.

If I had one problem with the episode, and I'm currently reaching down the barrel as nothing stands out at the moment, were those awkward camera movements (and the angles) during Skye's scenes at the base. I didn't necessarily hate them but they were jarring.
The build-up to AoU was to be expected and was well done to the point where it played off the events of the episode and set it up for everything afterwards. The comedy with Ward may have been cheap but I loved it to the point where I rewound that scene several times just to hear everyone agree with Skye shooting him.

If I had one problem with the episode, and I'm currently reaching down the barrel as nothing stands out at the moment, were those awkward camera movements (and the angles) during Skye's scenes at the base. I didn't necessarily hate them but they were jarring.

I also rewound the scene with the talk of shooting Ward. That part was incredibly funny.

The end of the episode was amazing. Coulson dropping the Fury bomb on Olmost Shield guy was awesome. Bobbi's reaction was also pretty awesome. Coulson and Maria Hill was pretty good also.

Skye's scenes at the base were good, but could have been better. The lighting was a bit on the dark side and the camera movement a bit too jarring. However, it was still a cool sequence. Though, I should say John Wick has ruined me on what action sequences should be.

So I was already excited for Age of Ultron and this last episode on made it me more excited.
That episode definitely felt a lot better than most of the recent ones. Ward's character brings a fun uncertainty into the mix, and the humor from everyone else on the team hating him gave the episode a lighter tone despite some of the serious things going on in the rest of the universe. Coulson's Hill/Fury reveal to the others at the end was also good stuff.

I thought Skye's fighting scene in the hydra base was one of the best in the series. I was just thinking about how terrible and wooden some of Ward and May's fighting was in the first few episodes of season 1. The camera work didn't really bother me at all if that's the scene you all were referring to. I thought it was fine with the frantic, fast paced fighting that she was doing.
Anyone else find it odd that other countries got AoU earlier than the US, but don't get to see AoS until a few weeks after?

After seeing the latest episode, but not AoU:

My first thing: Coulson is working with Hill, who is working with Stark. Coulson clearly gave her info that is important to the film. Does the rest of the team know that Coulson is alive? If not, how much is Hill hiding from Stark?

The fighting scenes with Skye definitely had some quick camera angles and dark lighting. But this is TV. They don't want us to see it is a stunt person, but can't afford to CGI her face or put Chloe Bennett through rigorous martial arts training. The fight scenes were good. Definitely better than most TV shows.

The new SHIELD continued on my questioning of their honesty. No more secrets, but we are so secretive that we didn't find it odd that no contact was made with us, despite the heavy activities of Stark and the A-Team? I hope that after this New SHIELD recognizes that fact that Old SHIELD is still alive and well and what they believed was Coulson keeping secrets was him actually working to keep the planet safe from Hydra.

I loved seeing Skye use her powers with control. The look on Ward's face was great.

Speaking of Ward: I once predicted that he wasn't with Hydra. At the time I thought that he was still working for SHIELD. He has made it clear that I was half right. He was working for one man, who happened to be working for Hydra. Ward is really just a sociopath. He has no allegiance to anyone, other than the one man who brainwashed him at an early age. He sees everything he does as inconsequential or someone else's fault. He thinks he can just show up and bring the team back together again. He is a dangerous wild card.

That brings me to Simmons. Killing Ward would likely be a good thing, but not for the reasons she wants to do it. Simmons has gone off on a scary path that could lead her to being opposed to SHIELD as they begin to bring in more powered agents. She is ready to kill for vengeance. She doesn't trust anyone with powers to be anything more than a weapon. Despite all of his issues, Fitz has remained sane and in control. Simmons feels so guilty over Fitz's condition that she can't see that. She is unable to separate her duty from her emotions. I expect her to cause a lot of issues in the future.

And Raina's prediction at the end: I am as excited about seeing where the Ultron issues take the show as I am about the movie itself. I've forgotten to look past the film and what the aftermath will be.
Anyone else find it odd that other countries got AoU earlier than the US, but don't get to see AoS until a few weeks after?
More than a bit. I've seen up to and including the Frenemy of My Enemy episode, but now I've seen Age of Ultron I can pretty much guess what's going to happen over the next four episodes.

Give or take a Daisy. Not sure how that's going to play out.
I watched the two-part finale last night. There was a bit of rushing through the story that skipped over a lot of character development and an introduction of a few new characters with no explanation of who they are or what their motivations are. That said, this was also some of AoS' best stuff.

We finally get to see Mr. Hyde. It was slightly disappointing, as I was expecting near Hulk-like strength. He destroyed a village, but had problems with some reinforced glass?

Beyond that though, this episode did what everyone wanted from a Marvel TV show: showed extraordinary people. The powers were alive and well here. Skye takes down May with her powers. SHIELD's aircraft carrier is nearly wiped out by powered individuals. Most of it is done by someone I am calling multiple girl for right now. The credits only call here Alisha. Not a big stretch for an actress named Alicia. But the combined efforts of Lincoln and Skye take her down. The Skye vs multiple girl fight was brought to you courtesy of too much Zack Snyder influence, but no one can complain about the scene being too dark. That said, still a great scene.

The big stuff was at the end. Skye's father killing her mother, showing who the true monster was in their relationship. Fitz got the best line in the whole episode, possibly season (science biatch). Coulson sacrifices his life to save the day, only to have Mack cut off his arm. I was sitting there in my seat thinking that Coulson can't die. I hoped the Kree blood would save him somehow, but then, WHAM! Mack cuts off his arm. I think that for the first time in any Marvel franchise I felt a true sense of danger that someone we viewed as important would be lost.

Then in the end the terrigen crystals are dissolving and getting into fish, which are then being used for fish oil pills. I guess we will have a bunch of health-junkie, hipster Inhumans in season 3.

And Skye/Quake is working on what I am assuming will be the Secret Warriors. Some I have seen online have thought Secret Avengers, but I think that would require a much more heavy tie-in with the movies to get there.

The one thing this all does do for the movies is set up a world where the government will feel the need for a registration act.

Oh and then there is Fitz and Simmons, finally going to have a date. That is great. They are perfect together and I bet they will make a happy...SIMMONS!!! Now I am left with wondering if she is an Inhuman or someone the object intends to turn into a weapon against Inhumans, or possibly even humans. The Inhumans thought it was a weapon, but that doesn't mean they actually know for sure what it does and how it works, or if the weapon was meant for them directly.
I watched the two-part finale last night. There was a bit of rushing through the story that skipped over a lot of character development and an introduction of a few new characters with no explanation of who they are or what their motivations are. That said, this was also some of AoS' best stuff.

Marvel really knows how to end a season.

We finally get to see Mr. Hyde. It was slightly disappointing, as I was expecting near Hulk-like strength. He destroyed a village, but had problems with some reinforced glass?

But can we really complain at how awesome The Captain has been playing Cal/Mr. Hyde? He is just the best

Beyond that though, this episode did what everyone wanted from a Marvel TV show: showed extraordinary people. The powers were alive and well here. Skye takes down May with her powers. SHIELD's aircraft carrier is nearly wiped out by powered individuals. Most of it is done by someone I am calling multiple girl for right now. The credits only call here Alisha. Not a big stretch for an actress named Alicia. But the combined efforts of Lincoln and Skye take her down. The Skye vs multiple girl fight was brought to you courtesy of too much Zack Snyder influence, but no one can complain about the scene being too dark. That said, still a great scene.

This fight scene was definitely easier to follow with the brighter lighting.

The big stuff was at the end. Skye's father killing her mother, showing who the true monster was in their relationship. Fitz got the best line in the whole episode, possibly season (science biatch). Coulson sacrifices his life to save the day, only to have Mack cut off his arm. I was sitting there in my seat thinking that Coulson can't die. I hoped the Kree blood would save him somehow, but then, WHAM! Mack cuts off his arm. I think that for the first time in any Marvel franchise I felt a true sense of danger that someone we viewed as important would be lost.

Mack also had a pretty awesome line with, "I'm the guy who kills Gordon".

Glad to hear I was not the only one legitimately concerned for Coulson. I was, "NOOOOOOO! They cannot kill Coulson." And Mack to save the day.

Then in the end the terrigen crystals are dissolving and getting into fish, which are then being used for fish oil pills. I guess we will have a bunch of health-junkie, hipster Inhumans in season 3.

And Skye/Quake is working on what I am assuming will be the Secret Warriors. Some I have seen online have thought Secret Avengers, but I think that would require a much more heavy tie-in with the movies to get there.

The one thing this all does do for the movies is set up a world where the government will feel the need for a registration act.

Shut up and take my money Marvel!

Oh and then there is Fitz and Simmons, finally going to have a date. That is great. They are perfect together and I bet they will make a happy...SIMMONS!!! Now I am left with wondering if she is an Inhuman or someone the object intends to turn into a weapon against Inhumans, or possibly even humans. The Inhumans thought it was a weapon, but that doesn't mean they actually know for sure what it does and how it works, or if the weapon was meant for them directly.

And of course such a cliffhanger! Great job Marvel! You guys already had me hook, line, and sinker and I have no idea what is worse than that.
The second season has recently finished here and although I enjoyed it I didn't enjoy as much as the first, I don't really know why, I just felt that it was missing something, I'm delighted that its got a third season though 👍
Anyone know when this is back in the UK?, is it back on in the States yet??
Ok well we were four episodes behind America in the last series so if its on in late September there then it would most likely be late October here..
When I saw the title, I immediately thought of WWEs, The S.H.I.E.L.D

What is this show about?
When I saw the title, I immediately thought of WWEs, The S.H.I.E.L.D

What is this show about?

In simplest terms, it's pretty much telling what's going on in between Marvel films. It's worth a watch if you like the films.:cheers:
Just met Chloe Bennet at the airport! We talked for a while and she was pretty cool!
Season three airs in the UK from tonight, 9pm on E4, I only found out by reading the TV guide earlier....
Started watching this a week ago and just finished Season 1. Absolutely loving it so far and can't wait to see what Season 2 is like.
Spent the entire day (and a lot of the last few days) catching up on season 2 and season 3 and this has quickly become one of my favourite shows. Love the characters and quite a few suprises throughout the second and third season.

Favourite episodes so far include Turn, Turn, Turn (1x17), ...Ye Who Enter Here (2x09), Afterlife (2x16), Melinda (2x17), Scars (2x20), SOS (2x21/22), Laws of Nature (3x01), 4,722 Hours (3x05), Closure (3x09), Maveth (3x10) and The Inside Man (3x12)
Last night's episode was amazing.

Really loved how they did Bobbi & Hunter's departure from the show although it seems a little early for it, since there's still 9 episodes left this season and there's still no air date on their spin-off "Most Wanted" yet.

And for those interested in the spin-off, Nick Blood and Adrianne Palicki (Actors of Morse & Hunter) did an interview talking about it.


Regarding their emotional good-bye scene, where the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents anonymously sent drinks to the departing agents, the actors themselves were a little bit emotional. Especially Palicki.

Palicki: I cried in every take, whether the camera was on me or not, because every time I would look at Henry [Simmons, who plays Mack] I fell apart.

Blood: And in between takes I was poking her.

Palicki: He kept pinching me under the table! That was the other thing. No, you form these friendships and these bonds, plus it was very parallel to what’s happening [on-screen]. We’re leaving the show, these characters are leaving the show…. It’s emotional.

Regarding their emotional good-bye scene, where the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents anonymously sent drinks to the departing agents, the actors themselves were a little bit emotional. Especially Palicki.

Palicki: I cried in every take, whether the camera was on me or not, because every time I would look at Henry [Simmons, who plays Mack] I fell apart.

Blood: And in between takes I was poking her.

Palicki: He kept pinching me under the table! That was the other thing. No, you form these friendships and these bonds, plus it was very parallel to what’s happening [on-screen]. We’re leaving the show, these characters are leaving the show…. It’s emotional.

The characters of Morse and Hunter have evolved since we first met them as bitter divorcees back in season two. When Morse was first introduced on the series, it was shortly after Hunter had only just referred to her as a hell beast, of course, as the season went on, though, the two ended up back together. And while their relationship is anything but normal, it works for the most part. And while it wasn’t entirely clear where their characters would end up early on in season two of S.H.I.E.L.D., Palicki and Blood were aware of where the writers and showrunners intended on taking them early on.

Palicki: I knew of Mockingbird, obviously, because she’s a comic book entity, but they were putting their own spin on it, which was brilliant. It was that thing where we were all discovering her at the same time. I knew enough to get through, but then the transitions happen as you get to know the character, and the writers get to know you, and you bring what you bring to the character. Having her being an Avenger, I had already known about her, so it was a little bit of an upper hand.

Blood: Initially, he wasn’t named as Lance Hunter; that was a bit later that they decided on that. As far as the correlation to the comic books, it was their version of Lance Hunter, rather than the Lance Hunter from the comic books necessarily. They said he’s a bit of an outsider, bit of a rogue, not really sure where his loyalties lies. As Adrianne said, as you go through, you work out the character a bit more and the writers adapt to you. They’re in the process of creating the character themselves. It’s something that evolves over the course of 22 episodes a season. There’s a lot of room for the evolution, so they’re quite adaptable, really.

Still, even though they knew what to expect with their characters on S.H.I.E.L.D., it didn’t mean they considered the possibility of a spin-off, something I’m sure most fans would have agreed with prior to the announcement. For Palicki, it was a “pleasant surprise.” (You’re not alone on that one, Palicki. A few of us here at MCU Exchange were big fans of a potential Mockingbird spin-off early on!)

Blood: No.

Palicki: No.

Blood: I hadn’t considered that at all.

Palicki: It’s definitely a pleasant surprise.

However, while a pleasant surprise to learn that they’d be getting a spin-off series, Palicki and Blood actually heard about their departure from S.H.I.E.L.D. rather last minute. Something that more than likely occurred because of the production schedule on the pilot.

Blood: It was only just before, really, wasn’t it?

Palicki: You knew more than me. I was literally on set for the episode before, and we were like hearing little murmurs and gossip of what was going to happen possibly, maybe down the line. We were trying to put it together ourselves like detectives. It’s all very top secret.

Blood: I remember I knew bits and pieces, and you asked me or something. You said something about it, and I went, “Oh yeah, blah blah blah, this is what I’ve been told is happening,” and you were like, “Why have you not told me?!” I was just like, “I thought you knew! I thought I would be the last to know, so I just assumed you knew.” You start to hear, sometimes when there’s something big coming up, little murmurings from people. I tricked the first A.D. into telling me. I probably shouldn’t say this. [Laughs]

The only other cast member that Marvel has officially announced was Delroy Lindo, who will play the character, Dominic Fortune. When asked what it was like working with him, someone who has not only been in this business for a long time, but built such an expansive resume, both Palicki and Blood responded with pure enthusiasm. (Note: Both Oded Fehr andFernanda Andrade were announced as joining the cast earlier today, but Marvel has yet to confirm their castings.)

Blood: He’s a lovely dude, very interesting guy. He’s actually from just around the corner from where I live in London. He lives near, so we talk loads about football — proper football. He’s a great dude.

Palicki: We have the football argument a lot. [Laughs] He’s not only just a really sweet human being and incredibly professional, he adds a gravitas to this character, a very interesting charm to Dominic Fortune.

Blood: You could tell straight away on set that he’s going to nail it.

Along with singing the praises of Lindo, they also addressed the official log-line for the series, which states that both Morse and Hunter have a bounty on their heads, and how the show will be different from its predecessor, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. According to Blood, there’s “more of a clear line” between the good and bad guys, as opposed to the gray area S.H.I.E.L.D. tends to hover in.

With the way that the MCU connects all of their properties, it is possible that we will see Morse and Hunter pop up again in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Until then, we can look forward to them in Most Wanted. How do you feel about the spy goodbye in last night’s episode, and what do you hope to see in this spin-off series? Sound off in the comments below!

Sources: TV Line and Entertainment Weekly.
I'll miss Palicki more than I will Blood. I can understand Marvel/Mutant Enemy wanting to expand like their rivals at WB but another spy show seems like overkill to me.