Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.TV 

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Series five of Agents Of Shield premieres in the UK tomorrow night, E4 at 9pm with a feature length-almost two hour-episode.

Series five of Agents Of Shield premieres in the UK tomorrow night, E4 at 9pm with a feature length-almost two hour-episode.

Before you watch it, watch the last few minutes of the last episode of series 4 (and the epilogue scene) first.

Also, abandon all hope of knowing what's going on for the first five episodes.
Two episodes in, and err....its OK I suppose but it has got a bit stupid.
"You calamari mata hari... I swear I'll bust your kraken ass" is my favourite line of the season so far.
Fitz took the hitz. Luckily there's still a Fitzicle floating around out there somewhere.
Finally (almost) caught up with AoS, finished season 4 and I’m one episode into season 5.

Gut wrenching seeing hope disappear, poor Mack was distraught but then back in the real world he’s like “that’s cool I had ten years with her at least”, I know they know it wasn’t real but you would just get over that in an instant.

Anyway, S5:E1 wow this season should be awesome.[\spoiler]
So the finale of season/series 5 aired in the UK on Sunday. I only just watched it today.

Its was a very good finale which I enjoyed, but I didn't really like this series, felt lacklustre and a bit flat compared to the other four series.
Okay a few question for our friends in America.

1. Is the new series airing over there?
2. If so, how far into the series?
3. More importantly, is it any good?

We haven't had it in the UK yet.
Season 6 has yet to air. It will start this summer. It was confirmed that there will be a Season 7 as well (however both S6 and S7 will only have 13 episodes each).

I'm looking forward to it, as I care more about these characters than any others in the entire MCU at this point (with limited exceptions).

Season 6 Teaser:

So I don't know if this is common knowledge here (it certainly hasn't been posted by anyone) but SHIELD is finishing next year.

Chloe Bennet, who plays Daisy/Quake, posted on her Twitter that they only have two more days of filming for the seventh and last season and then they are done.

Really sad that its ending, whilst I don't think the storylines have been especially strong in the last few seasons I have still really enjoyed the show.
The seventh and final series/season of Agents Of Shield is now streaming on Disney+.