Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.TV 

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Do I still spoiler text in these little white letters?

Oooh, I missed you little white letters! What fun we will have together!

It wasn't until you mentioned it that it dawned on me...

Ward won't die. Triplett will.

Why? Look how attached we are to him and how seamlessly he fits in with the group. He's primed for a "dem feels" death.

I do believe you're correct, -12.

Endear him, then off him. :guilty:
Hope I'm doing this right.

I do believe you're correct, -12:guilty:
I hope he isn't but it makes kinda sense.

There's a theory on another forum I was on which suggests that
since Skye's files say her parents were monsters in China that she might be a Makluan. For people who don't read the comics these are basically space dragons.
So @Terronium-12 and @FoolKiller, I haven't watched the show since the first episode. From that information can you feel me in on how good, bad or average the show is. From what I've read here it seems to not be so bad and I wouldn't mind adding a show to my summer while I'm out of school since I've caught up on my Doctor Who and Luther and other shows (all but Walking Dead) and so on. Anyways I would just like a brief summary before I decide to invest into it.

Thanks in advance.
So @Terronium-12 and @FoolKiller, I haven't watched the show since the first episode. From that information can you feel me in on how good, bad or average the show is. From what I've read here it seems to not be so bad and I wouldn't mind adding a show to my summer while I'm out of school since I've caught up on my Doctor Who and Luther and other shows (all but Walking Dead) and so on. Anyways I would just like a brief summary before I decide to invest into it.

Thanks in advance.
I get mixed responses from some people. It seems to be the people that just want straight from the comics canon don't like it, or some movie fans who are just into the stuff blowing up find it boring. It has it's ups and downs, but there is a huge payoff at the end of the season.

If you just want a superhero show, it's probably not for you. If the background workings of SHIELD and what goes on outside of the films in the rest if the world, with occasional super stuff, then it is a good show.

You also have to be willing to ignore how secret agents, hackers living in a van, and super nerds are all really good looking. The one super power required by SHIELD appears to be super hotness, with a few minor exceptions.
I get mixed responses from some people. It seems to be the people that just want straight from the comics canon don't like it, or some movie fans who are just into the stuff blowing up find it boring. It has it's ups and downs, but there is a huge payoff at the end of the season.

If you just want a superhero show, it's probably not for you. If the background workings of SHIELD and what goes on outside of the films in the rest if the world, with occasional super stuff, then it is a good show.

You also have to be willing to ignore how secret agents, hackers living in a van, and super nerds are all really good looking. The one super power required by SHIELD appears to be super hotness, with a few minor exceptions.

I can look over that stuff, it was just too slow paced for me in the first episode and the stuff that tried to be super human was kind of boring considering how some of these actors participate in the actual movies. Everything else I can live for from a typical ABC show, if I can put up with my wife's once upon a time I think I can get back into this. Also people need to realize that Earth 616 is not what the live action stuff is meant to be it's its own time line that is similar but allows difference since you know parallel universe.

Same way DC movies work out too, they'll never be true canon stories based on the comic. Leave that to SW.

Oh and thanks I'll give it a second try.
I can look over that stuff, it was just too slow paced for me in the first episode and the stuff that tried to be super human was kind of boring considering how some of these actors participate in the actual movies.
Some of that has a huge payoff for comic fans that can handle non-canon.
In a related, but not quite, story. Agent Coulson isn't the only one getting his own show.

ABC has approved Marvel's Agent Carter for next season.

It’s 1946, and peace has dealt Peggy Carter a serious blow as she finds herself marginalized when the men return home from fighting abroad. Working for the covert SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve), Peggy must balance doing administrative work and going on secret missions for Howard Stark.

Starring: Hayley Atwell

AOS must be doing fairly well for ABC/Disney to put money into another pricey movie spinoff show. AOS has to have a lot of sci-fi effects. Agent Carter is a period piece with sci-fi effects.
I'll be keeping an eye on that as well, even if I don't know a lot about Peggy.

As for tonight's episode: Goodness gracious. Great balls of fire.

Okay, not literally but I just finished watching The Goldbergs and it somehow reminded me of a song from the late 50's despite The Goldbergs (no, not this one) taking place in the 80's. Anyway, I need season 2.

I'm glad Agents made it to a second season. It really picked up after a slow start. Gregg's acting seemed a little bit wooden next to Sam Jackson and Bill Paxton but I'm putting that down to the Kree resurrection thing.

I guess we can expect to see a lot more Patton Oswalts popping up throughout the show.
Agents of Shield improved greatly from the beginning to the end of this season. The finale was fantastic. The clip at the end :lol:. Nick Fury's cameo was tremendous. The lines between Nick Fury and Coulson were outstanding. Bill Paxton did a wonderful job as the villian. And Patton Oswalt popping back up was a welcome surprise. Lanyards!
The last episode aired in the UK about two weeks ago, fantastic season, really enjoyed it, cant wait for the second season...if there is going to be a second....
The last episode aired in the UK about two weeks ago, fantastic season, really enjoyed it, cant wait for the second season...if there is going to be a second....

It was indeed renewed for a second season. If they can carry that momentum forward the next season should get off to a much better start than the first.
Just a reminder that season 2 starts this week with it premiering in the UK on Friday 8pm on Channel 4
Just a reminder that season 2 starts this week with it premiering in the UK on Friday 8pm on Channel 4
If it's anything like the last one I'll give it a miss.

Not because it's rubbish, but because C4's entirely random scheduling made it impossible to keep up with it and you had to wait to see bits of it until after you'd paid to see the next Marvel film at the cinema - on a wholly different schedule to the film releases and TV broadcasting in the States.

In fact I'm only now catching up with the back end of season 1 on 4OD.
Yeah I agree with that, I remember the last series had an episode in which the story was in the aftermath of Thor 2, a film I hadn't seen at the time, whole episode went right over my head..
Just a reminder that season 2 starts this week with it premiering in the UK on Friday 8pm on Channel 4
Weird, I'm on episode 4.

If it's anything like the last one I'll give it a miss.

Not because it's rubbish, but because C4's entirely random scheduling made it impossible to keep up with it and you had to wait to see bits of it until after you'd paid to see the next Marvel film at the cinema - on a wholly different schedule to the film releases and TV broadcasting in the States.

In fact I'm only now catching up with the back end of season 1 on 4OD.
And this is why I went online streaming.
Oh ok, I didn't know that, Friday the 24th for us, about the same time the first season aired..
I was wondering when we over here get that...probably in a week or two??
Congratulations, Whedon and company. You played this in a way to mislead and confuse the audience along the way without using red herrings. This is really going to shake things up.

They combined the Inhuman and Mr Hyde stuff to make both top theories correct. She is an inhuman in the show, but shares the identity of Daisy Johnson (Quake) from the comics, the daughter of Mr Hyde. In the comics she got her powers from her father's experiments. Here they made her mother, thus her, an Inhuman. Well done. It had been orchestrated in a way that only a very few whiney comic fanboy ragaholics will not like it.

And Skye looked hot as hell when she busted out of her superhero cocoon.
I finally watched the first season and must say I'm impressed at how it progressed considering the first few episodes were fairly rough. Unfortunately Hulu only has the last 5 episodes so I will probably have to wait before starting the second season.
So apparently the show is back in the US after the mid season break?
So apparently the show is back in the US after the mid season break?

Indeed. A new episode aired earlier this week on Tuesday. However, as I not caught up on Agent Carter, I did not watch it. I think I have two more episodes of Agent Carter to watch and then I will watch this week's episode of Agents of Shield. I should be able to get to that this weekend.
So apparently the show is back in the US after the mid season break?
Yes. The return was hit and miss. One of the best moments of the season occurs, but also some questionable character developments that aren't fully explained.