Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.TV 

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Has Europe gotten the new episodes yet? I really want to discuss the latest one.
I'd have to watch it again as a lot of the actual episode is lost on me, save for a few critical bits.

But an entire month until the next episode? I hate it. :lol:
Yeh these american breaks sux, waiting on family guy and american dad now, tomorrow people is due a month break and walking dead has just come back after 2 months off
Pretty impressed with that ep, some questions answer and more questions asked but TAHITI isnt what you think (especially if you havent watched it)

Think Thor and the 9 Realms are starting to play a part and Captain Americas original tine zone too.
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It looks like next week's ep will have a level of integration with the movies that we perhaps should've got in the first four or five episodes. The show keeps haemorrhaging viewers who turn up hhoping for the excitement of the movies but are confronted with the results of a TV budget. It's improved greatly in the last three or four episodes but that won't bring back the people who left.
Defo, views have dropped a few million in american and about a mill here, i don't see why. Even if bad i see it through but cant believe the pilot turned that many people away, maybe it was to movie like for normal audiences, and when people didnt get references they would get bored!
Defo, views have dropped a few million in american and about a mill here, i don't see why. Even if bad i see it through but cant believe the pilot turned that many people away, maybe it was to movie like for normal audiences, and when people didnt get references they would get bored!
All shows have an early drop off. They can't make 100% of the curious happy.

There is also a factor ratings still don't account for properly: DVR/Internet viewers. For a big show premier people will watch live to see what all the hub bub is about and not have it ruined at the water cooler. But as all the shows get into full stride people can't watch everything live anymore.
My boys and I start watching about 20 minutes after it starts so we can fast forward through the commercials and still finish in time for them to read before bed.
Defo, views have dropped a few million in american and about a mill here, i don't see why. Even if bad i see it through but cant believe the pilot turned that many people away, maybe it was to movie like for normal audiences, and when people didnt get references they would get bored!

I can get why. The number of breaks between episodes has been ridiculous.

All shows have an early drop off. They can't make 100% of the curious happy.

There is also a factor ratings still don't account for properly: DVR/Internet viewers. For a big show premier people will watch live to see what all the hub bub is about and not have it ruined at the water cooler. But as all the shows get into full stride people can't watch everything live anymore.

Binge watching a bunch of episodes at once is also a pretty awesome thing to do.
My boys and I start watching about 20 minutes after it starts so we can fast forward through the commercials and still finish in time for them to read before bed.
I watch in Hulu, the next night.

Truth be told, as more people cut the cable and streaming becomes more popular it will reach a point where the old ratings system will be obsolete. Why get a sampling that will give you an average week-to-week, from different people every week, when you can just count actual downloads?
Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D is back on in the UK on Channel 4 on Friday at 8 after the mid-season break 👍
All shows have an early drop off. They can't make 100% of the curious happy.

There is also a factor ratings still don't account for properly: DVR/Internet viewers. For a big show premier people will watch live to see what all the hub bub is about and not have it ruined at the water cooler. But as all the shows get into full stride people can't watch everything live anymore.
They do track watched programs from streaming andstorage services, just ask the host service. They know the data that is being used so could track popular programs as well as IPs and locations. Tivo is included and Skys replay service is too i believe.
They do track watched programs from streaming andstorage services, just ask the host service. They know the data that is being used so could track popular programs as well as IPs and locations. Tivo is included and Skys replay service is too i believe.
Nielsen, in the US, is just getting to this point. They still currently rely on a box connected to your TV to see what you are watching at that moment. They also use a weekly log, that until last year had no way of identifying if you also DVRd a show for later viewing. Despite trying to track this stuff the ratings still show the show count for its specific air time. If you watch a show that airs at 9:00 on Tuesday on Saturday you did not contribute to audience share for the Tuesday at 9:00 block.

To add to it all, if you watch online the next week you aren't counted in the ratings in any form, as ratings are released weekly. You play no role in whether or not a show gets cancelled after three episodes.

This is potentially why live shows are getting higher ratings. You can watch your normal shows later, so you don't miss anything trying to watch the Oscars. TV schedules reflect this because they just hold off on new episodes because even their die hard fans may not watch the first airing.

Ultimately, true ratings are a long-term factor that the media and advertising industries have no patience to see play out. Only one content producer, so far, can tell you the overall popularity of their show after only a few weeks; Netflix. They release the entire season at once. They can see what traditional binge watchers do, see if occasional viewers are sticking to their habits or moving on, and extrapolate the ultimate popularity in relatively no time.
Nielsen, in the US, is just getting to this point. They still currently rely on a box connected to your TV to see what you are watching at that moment. They also use a weekly log, that until last year had no way of identifying if you also DVRd a show for later viewing. Despite trying to track this stuff the ratings still show the show count for its specific air time. If you watch a show that airs at 9:00 on Tuesday on Saturday you did not contribute to audience share for the Tuesday at 9:00 block.

To add to it all, if you watch online the next week you aren't counted in the ratings in any form, as ratings are released weekly. You play no role in whether or not a show gets cancelled after three episodes.

This is potentially why live shows are getting higher ratings. You can watch your normal shows later, so you don't miss anything trying to watch the Oscars. TV schedules reflect this because they just hold off on new episodes because even their die hard fans may not watch the first airing.

Ultimately, true ratings are a long-term factor that the media and advertising industries have no patience to see play out. Only one content producer, so far, can tell you the overall popularity of their show after only a few weeks; Netflix. They release the entire season at once. They can see what traditional binge watchers do, see if occasional viewers are sticking to their habits or moving on, and extrapolate the ultimate popularity in relatively no time.
Like the olympics were nothing good was on for 3 weeks. Neilsen is so 20th century, maybe thats why some decent shows got canceled due to the rerun and replay factor not counting. I miss hellcats, need my cheerleader fix, but she is a lesbian on two and a half men now so lose win i guess.
Don't forget that it is back on in the UK at 8pm on Channel 4 tonight!
This series seems to be getting boring but I've still got to watch it as I want to know what happens.
Wait what, its not funded via TV broadcasters? And is linked in with the marvel universe til 2016 so how can that be. Episodes in talk about GotG cross over and future Phase 3 links. Nooo way.

Edit: you had me worried. Its had speculation but i can only see up after the last coulle weeks. I think they need to switch days. Tuesdays seems like a lost day, nothing on in britain apart from champions league. Can't do funny thursdays as thats owned by BBT and 2ahM. Maybe fridays?

just bring on the Kree, S.W.O.R.D and Ms Marvel!!
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Bad news, the show hasn't been picked up for a second season.:grumpy:
Where have you heard this?

And is it a final decision or just not in the list of second seasons that ABC has announced. Some shows don't get final word until just before scheduled filming.
I thought the last episode with Cybertek and the train was the best of the series so far in my opinion, brilliant episode 👍
The tie in with The Winter Soldier was definitely done better than the Thor tie in. Looking forward to where the series is going to go from here.