Captain America: Civil War

  • Thread starter andrea
I don't know a whole lot about the Marvel Universe and it's deep interweaved stories. But could someone shed some light on the Red Infinity Stone?

The last we saw of it, it was being handed over by Asgardians to the Collector in the credit scene of Thor - Dark World. However in GOTG his collection is pretty much destroyed and he never made mention of his ownership in the film.

Will the Collector make a reappearance? And if so do we know as what form?

As far as we know, the red Infinity Stone (Aether) is still in possession of The Collector. There hasn't been any mension stating otherwise.
The Collector himself, will most likely appear, whether for 5 minutes, or as a major role. But so far we know too little about the plot.

...Hmm, is it just me, or are we in a serious need for a dedicated The General Marvel Films Thread up and running? Or at least, The Avengers Infinity Wars Part 1 and 2 Thread?

Yeah, probably. I guess it wans't created a thread for atleast the Infinity War, because we are waiting for anything to discuss, trailer, end credit scene, plot details, etc. But i anyone wants to create one, feel free to do it, and then link the thread here to follow up the discussion about IW.