Captain America: Civil War

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Just saw CW, great movie. Especially the airport battle - the moment where they line up and start walking slowly towards each other, then gradually building up to a run gives me chills :drool: Also the iconic IM vs CA scene in the final battle (you know what it is, I won't spoil it here). And Black Panther is absolutely amazing in its duality: savage and regal at the same time.

There's one thing that's been bugging me though. I don't normally get hooked up on small details, but this occurring just before a pivotal moment in the movie is hard to miss:
Just before the final battle at the Hydra compound, when Tony asked Steve "Do you know about the Winter Soldier killing my parents?", Steve said yes. I don't remember at any point in the movie where Steve learns of the events in that detail, nor did I recall Bucky ever explicitly telling Steve about the mission. So when did Steve learns about this?

If I recall, he asked Steve simply if he knew that his parents were murdered. Tony has believed all these years that they died in a crash. Steve knew (possibly from reading the intel in his time at SHIELD), but he didn't want to burden Tony with the knowledge.

The strange thing is... well... Steve most DEFINITELY had to find it out from SHIELD, and he would have been curious, as Howard was a personal friend. But remember, waaaaay back in Avengers 1, Tony hacked the original HeliCarrier's database. So it is quite likely that if he'd gone sifting through the data, he would have found out about the murders on his own. Possibly Jarvis knew... and by extension... Vision would know... but they obviously didn't tell Tony, either.
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If I recall, he asked Steve simply if he knew that his parents were murdered. Tony has believed all these years that they died in a plane crash. Steve knew (possibly from reading the intel in his time at SHIELD), but he didn't want to burden Tony with the knowledge.

The strange thing is... well... Steve most DEFINITELY had to find it out from SHIELD, and he would have been curious, as Howard was a personal friend. But remember, waaaaay back in Avengers 1, Tony hacked the original HeliCarrier's database. So it is quite likely that if he'd gone sifting through the data, he would have found out about the murders on his own. Possibly Jarvis knew... and by extension... Vision would know... but they obviously didn't tell Tony, either.

That's a possibility that I thought of. Steve must have read about it sometime during his time at SHIELD, because I cannot recall in any MCU movie so far that the murder was explicitly discussed. It's weird too that Tony, with all his resources, couldn't have suspected some foul play or just be curious and went digging through SHIELD files before this. Anyway, it's really not a big deal, but the way it was such a pivotal moment in the film kinda messes with my head because it had not been explained properly. I couldn't really enjoy the final fight afterwards because my mind was trying to go through the whole movie backwards finding evidence :banghead:
@niky @LeGeNd-1

When Steve met up with GITM Edition Zola in Winter Soldier, a newspaper headline flashed up on the screen about the Stark deaths. Earlier, Widow had mentioned that Winter Soldier had been responsible for a handful of killings over the decades.

While they don't come out and say it, I've always thought that the later Bucky reveal causes Cap to make the connection. Although yeah, both he and Tony should know by now, all things considered!
Just before the final battle at the Hydra compound, when Tony asked Steve "Do you know about the Winter Soldier killing my parents?", Steve said yes. I don't remember at any point in the movie where Steve learns of the events in that detail, nor did I recall Bucky ever explicitly telling Steve about the mission. So when did Steve learns about this?
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...Crikey, I better re-watch that movie asap. I don't remember that bit at all.

I thought it was implied (no more "inseminating" - happy now :P) Bucky has told Cap while recounting the past. It was just the film-makers' decision to withhold that crucial info so the final showdown would carry a bit more bite.
...Crikey, I better re-watch that movie asap. I don't remember that bit at all.
It's a bit of a cheat since you need like machine reflexes to catch everything the first time around.
...Just re-watched Deadpool and The Winter Soldier back to back, and gotta say, TWS is really good. It feels better with a repeated viewing. Wonder the same will apply to Civil War. Will find out when it's released on bluray.

Oh and Deadpool's also terrific too. Caught a few more jokes that I didn't the first time. Blu-ray + subs FTW!!
The whole point of the movie lol

This movie was so good. I had goosebumps in a lots of parts of the movie, specially the end fight.
This movie does things so much better than BvS and it's a lot more enjoyable, and it's enjoyable multiple times.
It shines pretty much everywhere, all the characters got a defining moment, and none of them was pushed into the movie without reason. That airport fight actually made sense. The last part of the movie surprised me quite a bit since I had no idea how it would unroll (sorry if it's not the best word here), I was expecting some things and what ended up happening was something completely different.

Now just curious to see how this universe will progress into Infinity War and how everyone will come together to fight Thanos.

I only just came across this theory. Maybe the H stands for Him (aka Adam Warlock) but I'm not sure how the N matches up with the Orb/Eye Of Agamotto.

[EDIT] All the letters appear to refer to gem receptacles rather than the gem itself. Perhaps the N stands for the necklace in which Doctor Strange's amulet is mounted.
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I only just came across this theory. Maybe the H stands for Him (aka Adam Warlock) but I'm not sure how the N matches up with the Orb/Eye Of Agamotto.

[EDIT] All the letters appear to refer to gem receptacles rather than the gem itself. Perhaps the N stands for the necklace in which Doctor Strange's amulet is mounted.


Sounds more like a wild fan theory gone wrong to me but still, fun to read about nonetheless.
Kind of weird to me, is how CW is not as much the Broadway Musical as CA:FA. WS seemed much a spinoff from The Avengers. Even though CW is after AoU, I wonder how the next time we see the Avengers, how the feel of the movie will look.

I did enjoy CW. Black Panther FTW!
Hopefully it looks better than what Metropolis has. Bigger town with more money, so I expect it to be a lot nicer.

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