*Avoid if you don't like people moaning* Rant: My GTS frustrations and disappointments

Well, as I have said in this thread and elsewhere, I agree there are issues, I just look at the whole situation differently than some others I guess.

I also want to be perfectly clear, If you inferred that I was calling anyone in this thread or in general on this forum childish, I was not. Unless they were one of the people who left a 1 star review on Amazon and in that case, if the shoe fits. I don't think that having problems with GT Sport makes anyone childish just like I don't think that loving the game makes anyone a fanboy. I think it is how individuals from each group expresse their opinions that determines that.
It must be nice to feel you are qualified to issue blanket judgments on everyone on Amazon that gave review scores you don't like. While I don't agree that the game is a 1 or a 5 I also don't look at review scores literally. Online review scores are often used to express anger and frustration and that's where the 1's and 2's come from. If you take the time to read the reviews it's clear people were expecting the franchise to follow the same path as previous games and are disappointed it doesn't. I see nothing wrong with that. Sure they could have done some more investigation but what franchise has been more stable and predictable than GT for 15 years? None. You've been able to buy games sight unseen for 15 years and you know what you're getting. That's likely a big key component in their longevity and overall success. You've never needed to investigate before and always got a quality product. GT is the PS racing game for a lot of people for that very reason. To find out your old reliable is now completely different has got to be shocking and the reviews reflect that. Their old GT is gone and some don't like the new version.
A review is not a "view", it is a supposed to give perspective buyer information with which to make their purchase. If the reviews were written so that they reflected the issues perceived in the game and then given an appropriate score I would have no problem at all. Again as it is now it is punitive, not informative and childish at best.
Quite presumptive to think you can dismiss the views of someone who's bought it simply because you don't agree with them.

It is objectively not a 1 star game and yes, I don't have the time to do it but excluding the 1 and the 5 star reviews would give you a clearer picture of what the satisfaction level truly is.
No, it's subjectivity not a one star to you.

All reviews, regardless of who writes them are subjective.

In it's current state I feel that the 75 metacritic score is actually pretty accurate but I have faith in Sony and Polyphony to elevate the agme through the promised dlc.
That's your subjective view, others will have a different one.

The demo came out 2 weeks prior to the release and showed exactly what this game was all about. It also made very clear the online requirements.
The demo was a week before launch and we still at that time had people here arguing that we still shouldn't judge it for issues as it wasn't the finished product.

In some ways that was a valid point, after all the daily races were actually daily in the demo.

That said you're assuming that everyone downloaded it, again evidence on here shows that wasn't the case, as a 40gig demo was too much for many people's connection speed or data cap.
Yeah cause a bunch of people don't even own the game review bombing Amazon is a really good indicator of how good a game is. I have no numbers to back it up, but I would guess that Amazon sold at least 1000's of copies of GT Sport and most of those people are out playing the game not whining on Amazon.

I agree there are issues which need to be ironed out and I hope they do make changes to the game to make everyone happy, but that whole Amazon thing reminds me of my kids. "if I can't have fun with a toy, i'll make sure no one does".
Jeez, you really do have an issue with other people having an opinion don't you?

Do you think it is a 5 star game?
You waited a long time, and spent good money for something you think has some issues, I think that's fine, and agree with your issues.

I do, also, have a few of my own.

1. Giving me a penalty for someone else hitting me is just asinine. Maybe they need to add that word to the Japanese language.
2. My very favorite part of GT6, the weekly/bi-weekly seasonal trials are...gone? In favor of online terribleness? So sad over that.
3. I simply can't get the cars to stop. STOP damnit, stop! But no, they just slide off the course under hard braking as if they were driving on butter.
4. Sorry, said this before, but no Lotus? Just not even understanding that one...no justification exists. At least give us the heavy ass Evora GT Sport.
5. This is no longer a "Gran Turismo" game IMO, it's a Racing Simulator with bad physics?
6. Controller can't be configured to have acceleration with 2 different buttons? Bad play. Hand fatigue ensues.
7. Tiny writing on the screen, and a map that's all but useless.

I could go on, but that's the bulk of my issues.

Now for the good bits.

1. Cool cars
2. Great graphics
3. Decent load times
6. More accurate tracks
7. Better sound

Blah, blah, blah, same with all the other games.

Are people not entitled to a view on it if they have laid down money for it?

Now I don't think it's a 1 star title, 3 at best would be my score, but I'm not about to turn around and tell people that the subjective view they hold us wrong.

It sounds far more like you would simply like to bias the numbers to favour a result you would prefer.

Tell you what let's get rid of those fives as well, No way anyone could subjectivity say that it's a five.

Which assumes people watched that at all let alone all the way through.

At no point does it state that the entire GT mode is gone, nor does it tell me I will always need to be connected to the net and PDs servers.

It does show what appears to be far more cars than the final product has however.

You also forget that this is marketing material, GT also calls itself the real driving simulator, it's not.

Well said Scaff, as well as spot on video detailing the poor tire model. I actually think it has to also be a throttle mapping issue as well. None of those cars bounce off the rev limiter that rapidly.

I'm in the minority I think. Very much surprised at how into GT Sport I am. It's been since GT 5 prologue for me since a GT purchase. It's like a rush of nostalgia, with welcome new experiences like proper sounding cars, well programmed surround channels, and a lag free online experience.

I wholeheartedly acknowledge it's shortcomings, it's not the same scope as a typical GT. It is however a step in the right direction in some ways.

I just refunded Forza Motorsport 7, after 3 weeks of solid crash to dashboards, horrid sound, and insufferable bugs galore. Maybe that's why GT is so refreshing for me. It's a stress reliever, calm and chilled out time attacks with gorgeous replays. Then can easily switch gears to a competitive online racer, or a photographers wet dream.

I do hope that they can address these issues to make a better experience. With FM7 I expected too much, just the opposite with GT, and that makes a bit biased, but also easier to enjoy. Good luck fellas
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Most of those one star reviews was people complaining sport is not old GT. If them was a long time fan why that donot know nothing about this game before buying it. I mean duh, I could have told you that.
I'll do that, but seriously any review that gives the game 1 star is not even to be counted in my mind. Nobody in their right mind would think that this is a 1 star game and review bombing 1 star reviews is just childish.
Anyone who gives a good score to this game with a save system like it has is rather more than just childish I'd say...

It's amusing how many folks bought a game with the premise of online e-sports racing, and expected it to be like previous Gran Turismos. The marketing material directly fro Polyphony tried to dissuade this (remember the commercials saying they were rebooting the premise of the game away from Car Pokemon Time Attack Career).

Almost as amusing as people who are members of a Gran Turismo fan site somehow thinking everyone else takes as much notice as much notice of this series as we do....

Seriously, I can't image not looking up details of a game I'm interested in. People do actually seem to walk into a games store, see the title and buy the game...
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Most of those one star reviews was people complaining sport is not old GT. If them was a long time fan why that donot know nothing about this game before buying it. I mean duh, I could have told you that.
That's what happens when you build a brand over a twenty year period and over that time barely change the product.

People buy it out of habit, and when twenty years of brand goes they are going to complain, and personally I don't blame them.

I honestly don't get how people are still struggling with the rather basic and obvious concept that the majority of people who buy Gran Turismo are not die-hard racing game fans. They are average gamers who don't expect a franchise that has refused to change its basic structure for twenty years to actually change.
I was not even interested in GT:Sport until I got the chance to try the demo. I liked the demo, bought the game and I'm enjoying it on a daily basis without even having played any multiplayer. You really have to approach this game with an open mind. If you expect the 1000+ cars and zero-to-hero singleplayer career of GT6 you will be disappointed.

I enjoyed GT5 and GT6 on my PS3, heck it's what lured me from FPS, RTS and RPG towards racing games in the first place. And I absolutely loved that singleplayer career mode and car collecting feeling in GT6. Sure I would love to see it get patched into GT:S as well but I'm not really missing it, I've been enjoying mostly the career mode challenges and arcade single races, getting gold medals, getting new gift cars, spending a little bit of time in scapes and the livery editor (where I can see myself sink in a lot more time). And one of the next days I will get my 14 day PSN+ trial activated so I can give multiplayer a try.

I can understand it's not for everyone but I fail to see how people can get mislead by it. There have been video previews and there was a demo. In case someone still expected GT6 from GTS then they should just return the game and ask for a refund if they really don't like it.
I can understand it's not for everyone but I fail to see how people can get mislead by it. There have been video previews and there was a demo.

Read my post above, it's honestly not that hard to understand at all.

In case someone still expected GT6 from GTS then they should just return the game and ask for a refund if they really don't like it.
Good luck trying that if you bought digital or live in the UK.

Read my post above, it's honestly not that hard to understand at all.

Good luck trying that if you bought digital or live in the UK.
I was simply replying to the OP, I didn’t read the other posts.
Hi there - I agree with you in regard to the braking, useless and difficult at best. I say this largely as I am having great difficulty if settling on a new working button configuration for the controller.

All the way through the GT game series I have used the R1 & R2 buttons for braking/acceleration and the L1 & L2 buttons for gear up/gear down. I was mortified to see that we are unable to reconfigure the R2 & L2 buttons with the stock configuration and have been unable to work out a suitable alternative configuration with all the options of buttons, sticks etc.

Despite hours of practicing and hundreds of laps, on even the most basic track, I am unable to do laps without reverting to style and either accelerating when I should be braking, looking backwards when I should be changing gear and , as for braking whilst changing down and steering around a corner whilst looking behind, forget it!

Maybe my advancing years have slowed my reflexes some, but I am unable to go back to playing GT6, and my old configuration, whilst I am trying to get to grips with a new button combination.

Please bring back full reconfiguration of ALL buttons.

As a workaround, you could set the gas and brake to R2 And L2 shifting to R1 and L1. Then use the button swap feature in the Playstation settings to switch the function between R1 and L2. You’d have to switch it back to use the controller for anything else but it should work.
That's what happens when you build a brand over a twenty year period and over that time barely change the product.

People buy it out of habit, and when twenty years of brand goes they are going to complain, and personally I don't blame them.

I honestly don't get how people are still struggling with the rather basic and obvious concept that the majority of people who buy Gran Turismo are not die-hard racing game fans. They are average gamers who don't expect a franchise that has refused to change its basic structure for twenty years to actually change.

Magic again, How did you know a majority is not diehard racing fans scaff? Citation needed. Others are not allowed to make stuff up like this without proving it, what excuses you? If you have proof of it, post it.
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Has anyone tested the actual effectiveness of brakes in GTS and compared with real life behavior?

I have a “feeling” that my cats don’t stop as well as maybe they should, but my “feelings” don’t count.

So I’m thinking it may be time to do some hard stops at speed on a flat straight road and calculate the G Force.

It’d be simpler to choose a car with decent brakes but without significant aero downforce.

However, I still don’t know what is a realistic expectation for each tire model.

Any ideas on how to inject some measurements into this?
Very easily if you think about it. Hundreds of thousands of GTPlanet members verses millions of buyers. Or do you think the casuals are the minority?
I ment to say my word should be just as good as scaff. I say fans should know better than to not know about gtsport. he says they are majority not fans. He is going need some type of pie chart or proof showing they are not fans of the game. I'm waiting to see what he got to say to that. And if I say people that hated it and gave 1star are majority long time fans, aren't you going to want me to bring some proof about it? Because then we would have a problem when the frustrated one star reviews knew ahead of time what they was getting in.
Has anyone tested the actual effectiveness of brakes in GTS and compared with real life behavior?

I have a “feeling” that my cats don’t stop as well as maybe they should, but my “feelings” don’t count.

So I’m thinking it may be time to do some hard stops at speed on a flat straight road and calculate the G Force.

It’d be simpler to choose a car with decent brakes but without significant aero downforce.

However, I still don’t know what is a realistic expectation for each tire model.

Any ideas on how to inject some measurements into this?
Isn't this a question for the Pet Forum?:sly:
I ment to say my word should be just as good as scaff. I say fans should know better than to not know about gtsport. he says they are majority not fans. He is going need some type of pie chart or proof showing they are not fans of the game. I'm waiting to see what he got to say to that. And if I say people that hated it and gave 1star are majority long time fans, aren't you going to want me to bring some proof about it? Because then we would have a problem when the frustrated one star reviews knew ahead of time what they was getting in.
I've bought every Grand Turismo game that's been released in the UK and nearly all of them on day of release or earlier. After the Beta and the demo I decided not to buy it.

I knew since Copper Box that it was unlikely I'd buy this but I waited until the demo to make the final call on it. If, and only if, they fix the truly terrible online save issue will I buy it and even then I doubt I'd be willing to part with more than £20 for it. That's have totally unimpressed I am with the direction this series has taken.
In case someone still expected GT6 from GTS then they should just return the game and ask for a refund if they really don't lik

Not possible here in the states, if it's opened it's yours.
Best I could do was sell it back to Gamestop. They gave me $25 which I put on Call of Duty WW2.
Same daily races for like a week when they changed 3 times in 5 days prior. I hate all three of them currently. Campaign is a joke. Cannot set a lobby to have no setups allowed. I'm truly frustrated with this game. I have no complaints with the physics or that sort. Oh and how in the **** am I supposed to setup a car in this game to act how I want it too. The only thing that has any affect seems to be the diff settings. As i said I'm just frustrated.
I ment to say my word should be just as good as scaff.

Yeah, no. Given the difference in sales and player figures between "hardcore" racing games like iRacing, Assetto Corsa, Project CARS and "soft" racing sims like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport, I think it's absolutely fair to say that the majority of people who buy games like Gran Turismo aren't die-hard racing fans. They can't be. There's not enough overlap between the 10 million+ who bought GT5 and the ~50,000 odd that play iRacing to get anywhere near a majority.

I'd say that if you want to make the case that it's not correct, you're the one who has evidence to provide, not Scaff. Basic common sense says that most GT players aren't hardcore racers. You wanna prove otherwise? Go for it.

Also, this is a discussion board with humans. Of course the word of a member with 9 posts who joined a fortnight ago isn't worth as much as a staff member with a long history of posting detailed and accurate information on games. You want to change that, then start posting detailed and accurate information on games.
At the moment GT Sport is rated 2/5 on amazon with 61% of reviews 1 star. I think that 2/5 is fair if one does not have PSN+.

Perhaps disappointment by fans could have been avoided by simply titling the game Gran Turismo Online instead. Many of us felt misled if we were not following the game development and reading previews. I do not have the budget for a PSN+ membership right now.

Also, it is possible the game could be saved by adding a decent single player campaign with cup races via DLC.

My experience was that I assumed it would be like the old GT games and had a regretful purchase. Yes, should have waited for reviews. This was only the 2nd game in life I ever pre-ordered (the other was Soul Calibur for Dreamcase, which was awesome). I just assumed Gran Turismo was such an important franchise for Sony that they would not mess it up. Kind of like Nintendo with Zelda and Mario games where the quality of titles has been consistently excellent. Big lesson learned, no pre-ordering games in the future.

Like someone else mentioned here, in the USA opened games can't be returned. I would return it if this was possible though.
Magic again, How did you know a majority is not diehard racing fans scaff? Citation needed. Others are not allowed to make stuff up like this without proving it, what excuses you? If you have proof of it, post it.
The average buying demographic of gamers, the trend shown by the trophy achievements earned are all very, very strong indicators of this.

It's not just GT either, it's a trend across all racing titles, as I discuss in detail here.

As such the evidence supporting my position is quite significant, and as I have already explained you have taken an outlier and attempted to turn that into the norm.

In doing so it's not myself that would need to be providing evidence to support a position (I already have ands it's open to anyone to review), but you.
All the whining about the online part of the game really amazes me.

We live in a freaking online world and all is connected with eachother.
My home thermostat is controlable from anywhere on this rocky thing we call earth.

If one is 5 minutes without wifi/3G/4G we feel so lonely. No more mail, twitter, FB, whatever. We can no longer share our lives with the other 7 billion peeps.
Now there is a videogame, that takes this online behaviour of us all, and makes it all about sharing the racing experience with the world and now it’s a not done subject.

I’m not saying that GT Sport is a perfect world. There is plenty to overcome and change. But PD took a new road, and also needs to learn.
Give it time, and they will adjust. It!s for them and us a learning project.

Be part of it, enjoy it or not, it’s all up to yourselves.
Has anyone tested the actual effectiveness of brakes in GTS and compared with real life behavior?

I have a “feeling” that my cats don’t stop as well as maybe they should, but my “feelings” don’t count.

So I’m thinking it may be time to do some hard stops at speed on a flat straight road and calculate the G Force.

It’d be simpler to choose a car with decent brakes but without significant aero downforce.

However, I still don’t know what is a realistic expectation for each tire model.

Any ideas on how to inject some measurements into this?
Brakes wouldn't be the determing factor, tyres would.

As long as a cars brakes are sufficient to exceed the tyres peak longitudinal grip level (and for every car in GTS they would be) then it's the tyres that are going to determine the stopping distance and time.

Now the tyre model does have issues, mainly from the testing done so far below 20mph and I have seen a good argument that part of the issue is that the brake force is applied in a linear manner in GTS, which in reality would not be the case.

A combination of these and other factors could be at the heart of things, but it's an area worth testing without a doubt.