It indicates that the in-game TC light likes to come on at various times where you wouldn't expect, this could be for any reason, maybe even as part of the stability management helper and not the TC you're thinking of at all. Making the large assumption this is automatically tyre-model related is unfounded in my opinion.
Stability control was switched off so it has nothing to do with that, its also more prevalent below 20mph and on partial throttle. Nor did I automatically assume it was tyre-model related, that's why I carried out further tests.
Because it really isn't important.
Really having an accurate TC model in a game which features cars (both race and road) that feature TC isn't important?
I meant in-game, in-game its highly likely both tyres will be equal, where the model recreates the result faithfully with the data at hand.
Then as a sim its a poor recreation of reality (which is not what a sim aims to do).
I still think everything you've said is extremely minor
I disagree, but then depends on what you see as a priority in a racing title.
and things will be a trade-off with computing power used by the game engine and graphics, sound, etc.
That I agree, and I personally prefer a balance the other way.
The overall package is largely unaffected by these things, it would be nice sure, but it's GT, it isn't a full sim (it's getting there) and never will be imo (hope I'm wrong). But it's made a good jump here and is a blast.
GT is still around five years behind other sims on the market and while you may find these acceptable compromises, others don't.
Which is why we discuss them, which is kind of the point of a discussion forum on racing titles!
Do all other sims have fuel maps ? GT has fuel maps. While we're talking about it, GT has made a nice focus on fuel/pit strategy, it's a cool new aspect.
Yep and in much more detail.
As far as pit/tyre/fuel stratergy goes PC2 is streets ahead of GTS.
Does GTS allow you to set different pit strategies in advance and change between them on the fly?
Does GTS allow you to change the pit strategy while on track before you pit?
Does GTS allow you to have full manual control over the pit stop, meaning you have to ensure you keep to the pit lane limit, enter the box manually, leave the box manually?
What you see as a cool new aspect, is new for GT only, not for sims as a whole.
Can all other "sims" be called a sim when they might not have fuel maps? I'm being pedantic, but there is more to a game or racing sim, than the tyre model recreating these isolated events.
They do, honestly in terms of the areas that can be simulated in regard to Motorsport, GT is quite a way behind.
EDIT: I don't want to cause offence btw, might sound confrontational but it's not supposed to. No hard feelings
It doesn't come across as confrontational, it honestly comes across as defensive.
Because to accurately reproduce all the variables involved in all that would be stupid. 80/20 rule kinda thing. Taking all those precious FPS just so the starts can accurately kink to the left or right. Or that each cars TC should be replicated with accuracy.
Like the Rigs of Rods engine, works amazing to replicate loads of things, body torsional stiffness, crash physics, etc, but KILLS performance. There is a reason no one uses it.
You are aware that a sim exists on the PS4 that runs as well as GTS in terms of frame rate yet manages to do all those things?
It may not look quite as pretty, but it does all of that at 60fps.
Because 99.9% of people won't notice or care, I run right at the sharp end most races, the game is a good challenge and seems to reproduce things in a way I'd expect, like tuning the diff to remove oversteer but introduce high speed understeer for when on Endurance low grip slicks (RH), it's not bad.
Its not bad, but its a long way from the rest of the genre.
It's all a balance, and they've left out things they thought were worth leaving out, and did other things with that time. Maybe the tyre model in other areas was failing when it was, in your opinion, better.
And its a balance I disagree with, a point I am allowed to express.
Because of the point I made about PCars, I feel people that "know" racing sims, base everything on what other sims feel like, when in-fact most sims were wrong, and made driving harder than IRL, according to the old Stig, I forget his name.
Nope I base min eon reality, always have.
Reality or other "more accepted" sims? This assumes you don't mean the TC or launch side movement, which we've covered.
I'm fortunate to have worked in training roles in the motor industry for twenty years, its provided me with a lot of access to cars (road and race), tracks and proving grounds.
I also feel the lack of G-Force and restricted FOV mean the sense of speed is lessened, and that we're actually being far more brutal with the car and tyres than we realise.
G-force missing can be an issue, but a decent rig with a tactile set-up goes some way in that regard, as does having the ability to adjust FOV (and a dynamic FOV is even better), again thing other titles in the genre do.
The idea that trophies are related to user activity and longevity with a title is insightful, but cannot be entirely accurate. What if I log into GTS every day from launch to the bitter end, take 500,000 scapes photos and do nothing else?
Probably a rare occurrence, but so is getting a platinum trophy. So you have two different players and both could be spening the same amount of time. Heck, the scape fiend could ultimately dedicate more time than the platinum achiever.
You would be an outlier, which is why I've never looked at a single trophy in this regard, but a whole range to get a wider picture.
I believe developers delve more deeply into the data they obtain rather than relying on raw trophy information.
They almost certainly do, but as we don't have access to that we use what we have, and what we have is a staggeringly huge data-set that does tell us a lot about owners habits.