Axis Of Almost Evil......

  • Thread starter ledhed
One of my buddys fell out of the boat raving about" kicking your queens butt " I do not believe in violence to women so someone please tell Elton to look out . My buddys a strong swimmer . On with the invasion ! Is east that way ?
nono, East is the OTHER way, duh. After all, the sun sets in the east
Touring Mars
But it does make playing Gran Turismo a bugger :sly:
I'm afraid I didn't think this one through.......

P.S. I think it was J"O"L, btw. I'm sure you can figure out where that "O" came from, unfortunately. :yuck: I'll give you a hint. It's "witch" in Japanese(I'm a Paul fan). :D
I feel like i've just materialised in some alternative universe where the english language makes no sense to me anymore.
Well so far the trips been mostly uneventfull ...I never realised how hot it is up here in the north Atlantic . our trips been postponed because Ed got hungry after drinking a bunch of Moosehead and tried to eat a whale . We didnt have any big hooks so he shot it ...well bad news for 'Ol Ed it turned out the " whale " claimed to be a brazilian coastal submarine ( wtf is a " Brazilian " sub doing all the way up here ? ) and the sailor dudes were all pissed off and talking real fast while they beat the crap outta Ed ( he mooned the whales " eye " after he shot it ) and took him away in chains..its gonna take a while for us to row to a gas station in this puta place the sailors told us to go to near maricon ..or americone or something like that it sounded like . After a few more beers we will start rowin again ..its really hot up here .

Led, you wouldn't happen to have a persona present on a sword based forum by any chance would you? It's just that your invasion diatribe bears a striking simialrity to one promulgated by a certain viking of my aquaintance {except he's busy invading California for no immediately apparent reason :confused:} :)
No vikings on my boat. We did see Odin a couple times but that could have been too much beer and not enough water ..and all this sun . Well we seem to be a bit lost although we took all the proper precautions . I have been throwing dead beer bottles overboard to leave a trail ..but when we turned around to follow them to backtrack they were not there , can you believe someone eats beer bottles or collects them the middle of the ocean ? At any rate JB has been acting a bit odd ..he refuses to piss over the side of the boat claiming " no fish is getting this worm " . We did find and island that I invaded promply and liberated . The lizards and the birds seemed unimpressed that they were now a democracy. The birds were very tasty ...cant seem to find the lizards . We shoved off and soon after JB drew an X in the bottom of the boat so we could find this spot again..( although I do not see what good it will do because we may not have the same boat if we come back ) At night I try to follow the north star by looking straight up ( up is north right ? ) but there's way too many stars up there and they cant all be the north one ..why dont they make it a different color or something or put a big " N " on it...our compass is useless it always points north no matter what direction you go in so I threw it at some birds that **** on us . But we carry on , TREMBLE at our approach !
The UK isn't metric.

uhh... when was the last time you got a 2 pound (lb) bag of sugar? all the bags i buy (tate and lyle and silver spoon are both 1kg). apart from mesurements related to distance and the (in)famous 'pint of lager', i cant think of anything in daily use that is still measured imperially, though there are a few exceptions.
So you honestly believe that my statement "The UK isn't metric" is in error, with our rulers graded in (mm and) inches, our heights stated in feet and inches, our weights stated in pounds and ounces, our recipes written in pounds, ounces, fluid ounces, our pints in pubs and from the milkman (shop-bought is always in litres, for some reason), our "wee dram", our socket sets in (mm and) inches, our road signs and speedometers in miles/mph - not to mention our quarter-pounder with cheese and 8oz steaks. And when was the last time you bought a car which had power and torque ratings in kW and Nm?

The UK is NOT metric. It's a struggle to think of anything in daily use which is measured in metric, as it happens. Off the top of my head there's litres of petrol and milk (in supermarkets - though you can get a 1 pinter) - which is odd considering that l/km or km/100l make no sense to us, but mpg does - kilos of chips and pretentious pick'n'mix and metres of carpet, depending on where you go (it's usually priced per sq ft). Houses are still described in ft/in (often alongside metres) too.

I use both - I'm a scientist. I prefer metric for simplicity, but Imperial for beauty.

Well, 1/4 ounce.

Metric, Imperial - it's all French anyway.
I use both - I'm a scientist. I prefer metric for simplicity, but Imperial for beauty.

I use only metric at work. If I reported my numbers in mph or lbs, nobody would know what the hell I was talking about - which is funny considering how English units are so prevalent over here in America.

Metric is clearly superior, it's just a matter of getting everyone to bite the bullet and get used to it.
Metric is only superior in the universality of it. US Imperial and actual Imperial differ significantly, for instance (our gallon is 20% larger. Our ton is 240lb heavier).

But horsepower is more satisfying than "kilowatts" (or the metric bastardisation "Pferdenstarke"). Footpounds is more suggestively forceful than newtonmetres. The "200mph barrier" is more exciting than the "300km/h barrier" (or even the 321km/h barrier). A ton of stuff is more interesting than a tonne of stuff - and the metric version isn't helped by the nature of the homonym. And I'm five foot ten, not 178cm (well, I am, but... well, you get the idea).

I'll buy my beer in pints, my slate floor tiles in square feet, my wood in feet and my finest Jamaican Skank in ounces, until my dying breath.

And I'll NEVER measure the major groove of DNA in Angstroms.
Metric is only superior in the universality of it. US Imperial and actual Imperial differ significantly, for instance (our gallon is 20% larger. Our ton is 240lb heavier).

But horsepower is more satisfying than "kilowatts" (or the metric bastardisation "Pferdenstarke"). Footpounds is more suggestively forceful than newtonmetres. The "200mph barrier" is more exciting than the "300km/h barrier" (or even the 321km/h barrier). A ton of stuff is more interesting than a tonne of stuff - and the metric version isn't helped by the nature of the homonym. And I'm five foot ten, not 178cm (well, I am, but... well, you get the idea).

I'll buy my beer in pints, my slate floor tiles in square feet, my wood in feet and my finest Jamaican Skank in ounces, until my dying breath.

And I'll NEVER measure the major groove of DNA in Angstroms.

But measure your weight in stones you will ;)
Metric is only superior in the universality of it.

But that's a big deal. The universality of it is fantastic - no conversions necessary. You don't have to remember how many fluid ounces are in a pint or gallon. You don't have to remember how many feet in a mile, or inches in a foot. Because it all makes sense. It's just... well.... it's beautiful.

But horsepower is more satisfying than "kilowatts" (or the metric bastardisation "Pferdenstarke").

Horsepower isn't very satisfying to me. I don't like the idea of comparing my car to a horse. It smells better than 200 horses that's for sure.

Footpounds is more suggestively forceful than newtonmetres.

That's just because you switched the e and the r around. :)

The "200mph barrier" is more exciting than the "300km/h barrier" (or even the 321km/h barrier).

Ok come on... 200mph is better than 300kph? What's the difference besides the "k" and the number.

A ton of stuff is more interesting than a tonne of stuff - and the metric version isn't helped by the nature of the homonym.

We call it a metric ton... but this is one area where there would be no difference if we eliminated "Imperial" units (I'm not used to calling them that).

And I'm five foot ten, not 178cm (well, I am, but... well, you get the idea).

How about 17.8 decimeters?

And I'll NEVER measure the major groove of DNA in Angstroms.

I'll never measure an orbital velocity in miles/second.
But measure your weight in stones you will ;)

Yep. That's an Imperial unit which never made it to the US.

danoff - I get it. I do. I'm used to working in extremely small units, where 1/32" just doesn't cut it. But, like the Borg, I like my organic mixed with my mechanical.

Oddly, metric has very little place in music and time. Imagine the "decadave" replacing the "octave" - 10 tones or 20 semitones per decadave... Or the metric minute... I suppose this renders almost any speed measurement part-non-metric, as a matter of course.

And in the UK a newtonmetre is a unit of work. A newtonmeter is a device for measuring mass.
danoff - I get it. I do. I'm used to working in extremely small units, where 1/32" just doesn't cut it. But, like the Borg, I like my organic mixed with my mechanical.

I know you do. I'm just giving you a hard time and contributing to overall thread hijacking.

Oddly, metric has very little place in music and time. Imagine the "decadave" replacing the "octave" - 10 tones or 20 semitones per decadave... Or the metric minute... I suppose this renders almost any speed measurement part-non-metric, as a matter of course.

Decadave.. now that's messed up right there. The second would still be meaningful, but you're right - the minute and the hour need to be adjusted. Maybe we should go to stardates.

And in the UK a newtonmetre is a unit of work. A newtonmeter is a device for measuring mass.

Newtonmeter = mass??? bizzare. What's wrong with kg?
So you honestly believe that my statement "The UK isn't metric" is in error

neither of us are wrong, and both of us are correct in one way or the other. there is a directive from the EU that every memeber nation must use the same measurement system ie. metric by some date in the not too distant future.
we have only just started the conversion to metric, but most things that you buy are measured in metric and not imperial. you can buy a gallon of petrol, but it is priced in litres. any food you buy is measured in grams/kilograms and not ounces or pounds. though, as you stated the recipies are measued imperially. im sure it is illegal to sell somethings in imperial measurements. do you remember a few years back when a grocer was prosecuted for selling 5lb of bananas?

those measurements that are left imperial, are left because they would no doubt cause mass confusion - especially the change from miles to kilometres, or MPH to KPH. others like those used by trades (carpenters, plumbers etc) or the milkman will no doubt in time have to convert to metric. in general though, i find that most things are measured dually, with metric, almost always stated first. as i stated, and you have pointed out there are exceptions, but the uk is slowly moving away from imperial, towards a metric system.

as for your best jamaican skank brought in ounces, you are correct there, but when the police sieze any quantity of drugs, they always state the quantity in kilos. when was the last time you heard them say, we found 15 nine-bars, and 70 ounces...etc?
do you remember a few years back when a grocer was prosecuted for selling 5lb of bananas?

Sounds like he was a dangerous criminal deserving of prosecution...
Grocers must, by law, display both metric and Imperial measurements on their scales. He was prosecuted for not having metric measurements.

Absolutely ******g ridiculous. I'm SO glad my tax money went towards the apprehension and punishment of this evil gangland boss.

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