Does anyone understand the arrows shown on the driver profiles? Both of mine have mostly had an arrow pointing right on a green background, but my original driver changed to top right on a blue background briefly last night.
I'm also curious about other people's thoughts on levelling drivers up. Does winning necessarily give the most xp? I entered my driver in a race where he stood no chance - the car I gave him was a challenge for me to win in - and he scraped around the back of the field before finishing last. I expected it to be a waste of time, but he got 430ish xp which I think is more than I've seen him get in any other race. Was it the experience of a new car, learning from a couple of nasty slides, or maybe just from racing against better opposition?
Finally I wonder what the advantages of a hot-headed temperament are. Surely it can't just be that calm is best, since we can all just generate new drivers until we get a calm one. Maybe those of us currently training baby Prosts will wish we had a Senna somewhere further down the line.
the arrow beside the helmet is your driver's form.
up and blue is good, right and green is average, down and orange is bad.
he learns that from you. if you direct him through a race and he has a rough go of it, he'll learn bad things from you, dropping his form. if you direct him in a brilliant race, he'll learn very good habits from you and raise his form.
it's easier for him to learn bad things than good.
experience is directly related to level of competition, so far as i've gathered.
if you do like i did and start your B-Spec driver in a Lamborghini Mercielago he won't learn as much as he would in, say, a Mitsubishi FTO.
i know this because i have 3 drivers now. my first one i put directly into my best cars. he was slow building. the 2nd driver, i'm taking a more civilized approach with and he seems to be learning quicker. 3rd driver i haven't taken to a race yet.
one of my drivers has a poor temperament.
one is about middle of the road.
the last one i got has a really good attitude.
i'll have to take the 3rd to a race to confirm, but with the two i've used so far, the one with the poor starting temperament seems to be faster and willing to take more risks to get ahead / win, but he also makes more mistakes than the more level-headed, slower driving mid-ranged chap (who is heir to the Smirnoff fortune).
all of this information is purely from my experience with playing B-Spec mode and has yet to be confirmed by anyone else that i know of. it's just the things i've picked up on.
i'm levelling my 1st driver as i go, in the cars i use to win races.
also, i'd like to note that i haven't noticed any draw-backs to spamming commands. however, ignoring him for long periods of time seems to have a negative effect on his Form. just make sure you're giving the right command at the right time. it's more strategy than anything.
when i go into a B-Spec race, i'll look over the map and divide the track into sections, then direct my driver according to the sections.
using Grand Valley Speedway Short as an example, the front straight is a Pace Up section. the slight S curves to the east are Maintain Pace section. the squiggly bit in the middle on the bottom is a Pace Down section, and the end on the West side is a Maintain Pace section.
if my driver is doing well as i go, and is in a battle for position, i might up the Pace one. if i'm having an easy time of it, i'll slow him down through the entire track to lessen the risk of a catastrophic crash.