B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
The widget still gets stuck on the "selecting drivers" bit, but there's nothing on the debug window explaining what the problem is.

Edit: Now there is.

03/02/11 01:20:39.212: Somehow got stuck in no man's land. Resetting and trying again.
03/02/11 01:20:39.255: Resetting state. Waiting for 0.016666666666666666 minute(s). Will reauthenticate.
Yonis, it sounds like you already tracked down the problem you were looking for. But just in case you still needed the output you asked for a few pages' back, here it is:

03/01/11 20:37:00.840: RAW STATUS: Ready.
TypeError: CONFIG.currentEvent has no properties (Race.js: Line 219)
=> [null,[{"id":5542,"laps":5,"maxEntrants":16,"time":5},
Is there a way to see the debug window with the new version? I found it interesting to read some of the processes involved.

Hold CTRL + Shift when right clicking on the Yahoo widgets icon on your taskbar, debug mode should appear on the list, click that and close the widget. Re-open it and the debug window will appear again.
Yonis, it sounds like you already tracked down the problem you were looking for. But just in case you still needed the output you asked for a few pages' back, here it is:

I reported the problem this morning but have not seen it since it resolved itself (running on 3 accounts).

Though just now I've noticed it has been hanging at "selecting drivers" for over 10 minutes now with this every 5 minutes:
03/01/11 18:07:12.275: Somehow got stuck in no man's land. Resetting and trying again.
03/01/11 18:07:12.301: Resetting state. Waiting for 0.016666666666666666 minute(s). Will reauthenticate.
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If you select leave 0 drivers, how does the automation select B-Spec drivers used? Does it grab one or two from every friend with a shared driver or is it possible to select all of another accounts B-Spec drivers who you are certain are NOT online.
OFF TOPIC: Has anyone actually donated money to yonis yet?

Wasn't much but yes I did. I can only imagine the amount of hours he's put into coding this little gem and reading all our complaints, debug scripts, and wants for the next version.

OFF TOPIC: Has anyone actually donated money to yonis yet?

Can't give much or I will have to sleep on the couch for a week.. Wait that is where the PS3 is..... Where can I donate a little?
nice work man !!
can you make the option for we can choose wish race to do ?
short race - tsubuka 5laps
long race - daytona 25laps

this is possible ?
Love the app, this will make the 'The Air of experience' trophy so much easier! I'd donate, but unfortunately I've just had the bills through and rents due tomorrow :/
ran it all night last night and no issues.... :) i will have to remember to get the paypal donation done....

is it possible to exclude psn names's bob's? my main account is already at L40 and usually around 20 million, and i want to keep them to share with friends, but i dont need to grind them, I have 3 other accounts for that. keep the other accounts mainly to find cars in the UCD that im missing since they are all on different days... :)

anyway...great work! i love it
Quick update - I started up the v1.0 widget this morning without realizing I had gotten disconnected from PSN during the night. What was strange was the widget loaded, logged in successfully, then came back with a 'Racing' status, with the racing progress bar stuck near the end (around the 95% mark).

I signed back in on the PS3, went back to standby mode, reloaded the widget and all is well.
i think the GT website cache's or cookies login info. on my iphone, I have a bear of a time logging out and back in on a different psn.

it logs out, then I go back to the login screen, and it takes me back into the account I just logged out of.
Just tried to log in using the widget and received the following popup (text may vary slightly as I closed it promptly):

"Attention: This widget has tried to perfom an illegal unauthorised action and will be closed"

Should I try logging in again or ? I'm sceptical now to be honest.
Is this message from the widget itself, Yahoo, or maybe Playstation ?

OK, phew ( ! ), panic over. It loaded and logged in succesfully the second time - but what was the message above all about?
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Been getting this message ever since I switched to my second account in the config page:
Welcome to Yahoo! Widgets 4.5.2 (build 10A50) on 03/02/11 11:12:42.630

Type '/help' for help.

Loaded Widget 'B-Spec Grinder' from C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\My Widgets\B-Spec Grinder.widget
03/02/11 11:12:46.912: RAW STATUS: Ready.
TypeError: CONFIG.currentEvent has no properties (Race.js: Line 219)

EXCELLENT work. I just installed this for the first time a few minutes ago and it seems to be working well so far. This will definitely be worth a donation.

I agree the main thing you need is some kind of log (basic text file should be fine IMO) just so people know what is going on. As it is, there really isn't much information.

I also agree with a post a few back that you should make a configurable random delay between races. Not only would this reduce the load on PD (making them less inclined to block you) but it would also make the app essentially impossible to detect. As is, this app will restart races consistently faster than a human would ... other than someone who is staring at the GT5 page all day.

A "nice to have" would be a way to choose preferred/blocked drivers (from your own list that is) so you could either focus on just one driver or entirely ignore other drivers you dont want/need to advance.
Been getting this message ever since I switched to my second account in the config page:
Welcome to Yahoo! Widgets 4.5.2 (build 10A50) on 03/02/11 11:12:42.630

Type '/help' for help.

Loaded Widget 'B-Spec Grinder' from C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\My Widgets\B-Spec Grinder.widget
03/02/11 11:12:46.912: RAW STATUS: Ready.
TypeError: CONFIG.currentEvent has no properties (Race.js: Line 219)
Please run this command in the debugger and post the results:

JSON.stringify([CONFIG.currentEvent, CONFIG.events])
not working, can you explain how to use it????? the wiget stays on Loading profile the whole time, i will be back tommorow
I'm not sure why it's not loading your profile. Have a look at the debug window to see if there are any clues, using the instructions here.

Is there a way to get 1 driver from each friend or just total randomness?
If a friend has six drivers, you can set it to leave at least 5 drivers free, and then it will get a maximum of 1 driver from each friend. If one of their drivers is already being used, though, or if they have fewer than six drivers, than you won't use any of their drivers. More granular controls are coming.

nice work man !!
can you make the option for we can choose wish race to do ?
short race - tsubuka 5laps
long race - daytona 25laps

this is possible ?
This is tricky because the race events are liable to change at any time, whereas the Widget Preferences are largely static and would be the place where you would normally specify such things.

Just tried to log in using the widget and received the following popup (text may vary slightly as I closed it promptly):

"Attention: This widget has tried to perfom an illegal action and will be closed"
The message is from Yahoo! Widgets. My guess is that Sony's servers redirected the Widget to a domain that I did not specify in my whitelist, and as a result, Yahoo! Widgets freaked out and closed it.

is it possible to exclude psn names's bob's? my main account is already at L40 and usually around 20 million, and i want to keep them to share with friends, but i dont need to grind them, I have 3 other accounts for that. keep the other accounts mainly to find cars in the UCD that im missing since they are all on different days... :)

EXCELLENT work. I just installed this for the first time a few minutes ago and it seems to be working well so far. This will definitely be worth a donation.

I agree the main thing you need is some kind of log (basic text file should be fine IMO) just so people know what is going on. As it is, there really isn't much information.

I also agree with a post a few back that you should make a configurable random delay between races. Not only would this reduce the load on PD (making them less inclined to block you) but it would also make the app essentially impossible to detect. As is, this app will restart races consistently faster than a human would ... other than someone who is staring at the GT5 page all day.

A "nice to have" would be a way to choose preferred/blocked drivers (from your own list that is) so you could either focus on just one driver or entirely ignore other drivers you dont want/need to advance.
Logs and more granular driver selection are planned features! Nice suggestion for the log summary. Not sure about the random delay setting, though I am making some tweaks to reduce traffic on their servers.
Mine works, but keep having server issue.
Is it because my account is in Singapore?
By the way, I do have to keep my Ps3 on @ server standby right?
Just wanna clarify. Thanks