W wisperdoom 3 mykel-wisperdoom Aug 13, 2011 #3,691 Trying out the Widget now. Seems to work well. PSN: mykel-wisperdoom
D DrtyVegas 5 Aug 14, 2011 #3,695 Hey Guys, Please add me to your friends list, i'm just getting into remote races... Thanks PSN ID - DrtyVegas
Hey Guys, Please add me to your friends list, i'm just getting into remote races... Thanks PSN ID - DrtyVegas
E Edizzle33 48 Edizzle33 Aug 14, 2011 #3,696 Hey! I'm just getting into the whole remote racing and I was hoping you kind people could help me out! PSN Edizzle33 Thanks!!
Hey! I'm just getting into the whole remote racing and I was hoping you kind people could help me out! PSN Edizzle33 Thanks!!
DriftStyle 337 West Yorkshire ScottNX Aug 14, 2011 #3,697 I'll do remote races if you do the same for me! Add: phillipfootball
tomhart9 966 Dorset GTP_RedShift Aug 14, 2011 #3,698 ChewableSpider whats a widget? Click to expand... https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=185890
ChewableSpider whats a widget? Click to expand... https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=185890
T The_Doc350 4 The_Doc350 Aug 14, 2011 #3,702 Feel free to add me. I have 6 drivers all level 34. I also use the widget. PSN: The_Doc350
W Waszabi 11 waszabi Aug 15, 2011 #3,705 Took me awhile to get into B-Spec remote racing. PSN ID: waszabi
mobabur94 5 rubdoo Aug 16, 2011 #3,707 i try to host remote races every night. add me up, my psn is: rubdoo
Lord Voldemort 531 Green Bay lvoldemort666 Aug 16, 2011 #3,708 lvoldemort666 is my PSN. Need some Bob grinding.
R Rempuz 11 Aug 17, 2011 #3,710 I have 6 drivers shared online (lvl 31 up to lvl 39), feel free to use them. Plz add me, my PSN is Rempuz
I have 6 drivers shared online (lvl 31 up to lvl 39), feel free to use them. Plz add me, my PSN is Rempuz
fps_christian 144 fps_nilsen Aug 18, 2011 #3,711 I use widget. Will accept if you also boost, not only looking for someone to do you a favor. PSN: fps_nilsen
I use widget. Will accept if you also boost, not only looking for someone to do you a favor. PSN: fps_nilsen
J jogden88 1 jogden88 Aug 18, 2011 #3,712 I'll be able to do remote races, as well as would like to have my drivers used by others in theirs. jogden88 is my PSN. I now have the widget setup and will be hosting remote races more frequently. Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
I'll be able to do remote races, as well as would like to have my drivers used by others in theirs. jogden88 is my PSN. I now have the widget setup and will be hosting remote races more frequently.
Y yonno 2 yonno1 Aug 18, 2011 #3,713 Had GT since release, only just got into B Spec Id Yonno1 Please Add Me!!!!
G gt addict 204 SQUIRRELSHOOTR Aug 18, 2011 #3,714 My psn is SQUIRRELSHOOTR have 5 of my drivers up level 18 to 29
Fluk3 192 Fluke1981 Aug 18, 2011 #3,715 I'm just setting up the widget now. I'll be running everyone's drivers evenly. If anyone wants to add me I'm Fluke1981 please put some text in the request so I know it's from someone off here.
I'm just setting up the widget now. I'll be running everyone's drivers evenly. If anyone wants to add me I'm Fluke1981 please put some text in the request so I know it's from someone off here.
B BHartje 6 BHartje Aug 18, 2011 #3,716 Hey Guys I'm going to try and build up my B-Spec Bobs in remote races. PSN: BHartje
S st_antonboy67 18 st_antonboy67 Aug 18, 2011 #3,717 Please add me, I use the widget, I have 6 drivers online, trying to get a driver up to level 40. Please mention this thread in request PSN:- st_antonboy67
Please add me, I use the widget, I have 6 drivers online, trying to get a driver up to level 40. Please mention this thread in request PSN:- st_antonboy67