B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo

My save file got corrupted. Lvls: A-37, B-35. Everything on gold except a few endurances. If you feel sorry for me you could race my bobs, i mean my bob. I wont return the favor as im too pissed to play gt5 atm and when im done being pissed i will probably rather play the game while im playing the game. Your races would cheer me up a little and save me some trouble when i will go back to b-spec again (not soon).

psn: fafik_PL
I have 4 shared drivers just waiting to go, feel free to send me a friend request and feel free to take my drivers for a drive ;-)

My PSN is is bigbillwrx
hi all this is a bump for me as all my current psn friends have stopped using my bobs :(

i have 2 psn accounts

kirk4646 is my master account

kirk464646 is my new bspec grinding account

add both if you wish :D

i will be doing alot of bspec :D
I guess after 6 years of lurking I should post something.

My psn is hannibalbarca81

I've got a few 35+ bobs and quite a selection of cars.
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Just had a sort through my PSN Friends list so have some spaces free. I try to run B-spec races twice a week and hold at least six races each time. Looking for people who b-spec alot and I will return the favor when i can.

PSN = Kevlad_84
Hello Folks,

Please Add me PSN ID = TheRoadster

I have 6 Bobs* to choose from, all between Lvl 28 / 31

I shall return the favour when I get the chance.

*Drive with care.
Would like some help with this so could you please add me

PSN ids : stigy_bird_85
: luke4hay

Any help would be great, I have a young baby so I don't get much chance to play anymore, but I will try to race whenever I can.
Cheers everyone.