B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
Hey I am currently hosting races for bspec add me on psn slan3dog also if ur hosting races I have 3 bobs ready to go
Can someone add me so they can do a couple of remote racing races for me please? If you want I will give something in return
Add fdee345677 and july1898.
I'm using this account to host remote races only so I don't cycle the UCD on my main (2J in the UCD...)
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Add me, I need cash and skills. I'll try and remote race on Cape Ring once every few days while my brothers are at school. Make sure you mention B-Spec, or I won't add you.
PSN: SevestraRythorn
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Feel free to add Pelder to your PSN if you want to race some B-spec Bob's in remote racing

You can add me on PSN.

Username: DGCSE

Add fdee345677.
I'm using this account to host remote races only so I don't cycle the UCD on my main (2J in the UCD...)

Add me Akbar2k7, I am doing races! on grinder!

Add me please, I do remotes during the day while at work and would like more friends using my drivers as well!

PSN: xbinkus

add me also --=) Noneevo

Add me, I need to put these drivers to work, PSN: GTP_Mamba, And manumanu19

Add me, I need cash and skills. I'm just freeloading as my brothers don't let me do remote races. :(
PSN: SevestraRythorn

Wow! Will try to add you all
I'm running remote races for several hours each day to build up my secondary account.
Always room for more drivers, so add "alhajoth" if you want in.
If you wish to reciprocate, please add "alhajoth_uk".
Those that race the uk-account will obviously be given priority..:)
Hi guys,

I will be doing a quite a bit of remote racing in the next few weeks to build up credits to buy up the remaining cars I don't yet have.

I use a secondary account to race my own drivers, I don't have many GT5 friends on it so please add it if you would like your drivers raced :) PSN: transporttycoon7.

Also I would appreciate it if anyone could race the drivers on my main account (PSN: level42fan) so if anyone could do that for me that would be great. Thanks! :D
Yo Peeps ;>

I'm a new player looking to explore more this side of the game, please add me for B-Spec racing. PSN: Yogi_mgc

I have been doing B-spec grinding pretty much all day for the last 3 days and nights.

Will do it as much through the week as possible.

Add "CraiG_GT5_CraiG" as it is my b-spec account.
Hi Folks

Please add me - Promptusiscool - too! Have two 37 drivers; three 39 drivers and one 40.
Drop me a line - subject "B-Spec".

Thanks, happy racing,

I need to get my Bobs ranked up, also do host remote races too. Add GUNSLINGER_R450 and I will add you back
Hi bro had just started grinding to fund my car requirements needs so add me up @ GTP_CaptainSwan ill be grinding every sundown. Cheers!