Hi there all my psn dbh2009
im level 38 bspec and would appretiate all help getting to 40!
I try to do 2-4 hosts a day using one of everyones drivers so we all chip in, i have a nice collection of cars to share including all of the 20,000,000 race cars. leave gt5 bspec in your FR please :-)...thanks dan
dbh2009Bump yay level 40 bspec thanks to all the help
psn : dbh2009
Richhard1Tis a pleasure! Your bobs are good! Better than mine, thanks for racing remotely for me too pal!
Brother NumseyFinally got GT5 last thursday. I wanted to finish GT4 first, but decided it was time.
Now starting out on B-spec. Looking for some remote races.
PSN: BrotherNumsey338
SubaruTechnicais this as complicated as it reads? I read the FAQ thread and my head hurts haha. I'm B-Spec level 0 and not really a fan of it. Does this mean I can level up in B-Spec without playing one single race my self?
ShortAzianKidFirst you need a b-spec to level 20 then you can level from there, unfortunately that means you have to do some b-spec races so my best only only suggestion is to do it while you do homework or while a game is on
SubaruTechnicaOh I see. I never liked b spec much to begin with but well see. To each their own!
Already got some Addsty for added me some of u
ill continue to add new friends but you can add me as well
PSN ID: HanzouKensei
Im running 12h ~ 18h per day
Can I add you?
I need some remote race friends, because my bobs are getting lonely on the track lol![]()
I am always looking for new remote racing friends
PSN: WhiskeySauer
ShortAzianKidI host every weekday nearly 24/7 add ShortAzianKid you wont regret it
dbh2009Bump yay level 40 bspec thanks to all the help
psn : dbh2009
outofcrepesi am looking for friends and also playing remote all day, psn: outofcrepes
XoteRzPSN: XoteRz
I have all my spots filled and host a couple races a day. My Bobs are low leveled so it is an easy win for you.