B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
totally new to online console games. i have always loved GT and just started delving into the online play of gt5 after about 6-8 months of playing it.

playstation ID: mike_breaker_5
i'll do my best to race as often as i can in the remote races.
Anyone know what happens when your 6 Bobs all reach level 40?

No one wants to race them anymore :ouch:
IMHO have six Level 0's online so you can maximize your buddies wins.

Can either just do what you've been doing or this.
Have five availible for share and one to work on to complete seasonals and such.
note: Remote races add to win loss ratio and I do not know if xp is a factor either
PS: Do you use the widget?
Anyone know what happens when your 6 Bobs all reach level 40?

After a while their stats start to deteriorate once they hit 40. I think maybe 200 races???
After a while their stats start to deteriorate once they hit 40. I think maybe 200 races???

500 between the lot of them, unclear if the remote races contribute to that and if they do if its multiplictivly indpendent. Like bob1 gets 100 races bob 2 gets 90, up to bob 6 with 200 races. coming out to 1000 races between all of them in one level up. This is what is unclear to me. So I run test.
5 bobs always maxing out lvl and reseting and the offline bob always winning races offline and seasonals. Still working out variables.
Just saying if you friended me and are not getting races blame others who are running my drivers, I can get races in cuz my drivers are in use lol ironic but sorry!!
Scottish GT5
After a while their stats start to deteriorate once they hit 40. I think maybe 200 races???

Thanks Scottish GT5, did a little research on it already but thanks for the prompt response mate. :)
well my 6 drivers already in lvl 40 long time ago and i keep running with them!! :) i already reached the lvl 40 also (maybe even first then my bobs) but i keep runing the remote races to get money! lol

I've been last 48h without a break grinding the gt5 im back to work again and thats keep work at home so u can add me so I can grind you all and you might also run mines! :D make sure you all add me :D eheh

PSN: HanzouKensei

see you there
Hi there all my psn dbh2009
im level 38 bspec and would appretiate all help getting to 40!
I try to do 2-4 hosts a day using one of everyones drivers so we all chip in, i have a nice collection of cars to share including all of the 20,000,000 race cars. leave gt5 bspec in your FR please :-)...thanks dan

bump add me plz its going very very well so far

update to this : now have both chapparal cars to share if you want to borrow them for historic bspec race
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Hello! New to ps3 and GT5 and im looking for some racers! I don't exactly know how this works but i think i get it.
My id is "dr3af_" without the quotes.

One question,can i add anyone who shares his id in the last few pages?
PSN: DrivenByF30


i will add you you as soon as i get home.

I recently had to start my game all over because my first two accounts got corrupted... due to hard drive failure.
bump add me plz its going very very well so far

update to this : now have both chapparal cars to share if you want to borrow them for historic bspec race

keep adding me plz, im trying to add ppl too...this is going exceeding well, woke up this morning with about 7m credits to collect
keep adding me plz, im trying to add ppl too...this is going exceeding well, woke up this morning with about 7m credits to collect

The community has been doing excellent work :cheers:

To help add I have ticket 1000 for you guys with backups that can send it back to me :sly:
If you do not have a back up save we the community will help
Thank you
Have 5 bobs and cars to share, 2j, ferrari f1 07' and if anyone needs anything....
PSN id daddybats.
will reciprocate races when I can.