B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
Never tried the Remote Racing before so looking to start up - sharing drivers and hopefully some hosting if time permits.

PSN - CountyRoadKopite
Just started GT5 over again from scratch and I'm getting into B-Spec this time. Add me, my PSN is JetSetSonic
Sent all you guys a FR with a message of 'bspec.'

Add Drokk99 I'm sharing and hosting as well.

Just started GT5 over again from scratch and I'm getting into B-Spec this time. Add me, my PSN is JetSetSonic

Add me on PSN for remote race, Thanks
PSN Zeppelin_82

Never tried the Remote Racing before so looking to start up - sharing drivers and hopefully some hosting if time permits.

PSN - CountyRoadKopite
Add me for hosting remote races, my PSN is oORowShamBowOo

Add me on PSN for remote race, Thanks
PSN Zeppelin_82

Never tried the Remote Racing before so looking to start up - sharing drivers and hopefully some hosting if time permits.

PSN - CountyRoadKopite

Just started GT5 over again from scratch and I'm getting into B-Spec this time. Add me, my PSN is JetSetSonic

Add Drokk99 I'm sharing and hosting as well.

I have sent a FR to all you guys about the B-Spec.
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I thought it would be good to finally take on B-Spec, so add me on PSN. Already added some of you guys. Thanks :)

PSN: Prodejee
PSN: f1fanmatt, please add me with a request saying something like GT5 B SPEC.

I have put up 4 of my drivers, feel free to use them all. I will host races as well in the evening.
I have my bobs shared when I'm not using them. I always have atleast one or two shared at a time though. Working on leveling them more right now. Rusk8894 is my PSN ID.
I just wanted to say thanks to all for racing my drivers. My goal is to get to lvl 40 with all of my drivers, and you folks are really easing the pain. :cheers:
I still have them up for share if anyone is looking for drivers to compete in their remote races. Send a friend request to JeepXJFreak98 if you'd like. ;)
Please add me, psn DrivenByF30

And feel free to use any of my Boobs:

U. De La Fuente ( if he is available, only he is a bit more reserved )
S. De La Fuente ( he's the cooler and more suave brother, but not necessarily more reliable driver )
E. Carbone ( he's in training to be the future Stig 2.0, he's made up entirely of e-Carbon material, so very light-weigh)
K. Love ( the only female in my group, Kate is here to prove she is as tough as her brothers, and yet still remain very sexy )
I. Good ( his driving skills are as obvious as his confidence, E. Carbone is aiming to overtake him )
R. Mcdonald ( the clown and buffon of the group, but everyone is feeding on his humor )

Please help them level up, i shall host my own races too, and will use your drivers too ;)
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