B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
PSN: FlyinHawaiian77

Got the widget running as I'm typing. Have six drivers available. All ranging from level 27-31. Just put "b-spec" in the message when you add me.
I just started B-specing


I'm doing some remote races with my Iphone so I plan on racing everyday. I'd like some drivers to fill up the races. Would also like if others could use some of my guys.
Thanks to everyone whos added me!! :D on my way to getting my X2010 :)
I've had so many FR's that you've maxed out my friends list!! :lol:

My friend is in need of help so could you add him as a friend on PSN: tree767
He's running the widget all the time so I'm sure he'll return the favour!
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hey guys.... love running b-spec races!!! I'm in with 6 drivers, & the more - the merrier!

psn- GTP_SockHat ---- ad b-spec in subject line please . ;-)
I host 3-5 hours a day, every day. I use the widget. I just cleaned out a bunch of leechers and now have room for people who host frequently. Feel free to add me psn = smokezeke.
I host most of the day using the widget but I also need people to help my bspec driver. Please add CFC4LIFE and I'll host races but expect the same back
Run the widget often (sometimes 24 hrs a day unless I'm playing A-Spec or resting my machine). Have 6 drivers myself. Feel free to add me, just be sure to put b-spec, gt5, remote, or something else to let me know why you're adding me.

Note: I do not keep freeloaders for long. I completely understand if you only run a race or two every couple of days, but if you go several days without racing any of my drivers you get the boot (I make exceptions for gifters).

gn: morrosco

Hope to see you on the track. :cheers:
My machine has been running now for about 24 hours straight (apart from watching Dark Knight :D ) and over the last three days here how my b-spec friends have held out. The number indicates the number of times a driver has been entered in one of their races, not number of races they have run.

soakthecork 47
FoxPT 45
marcocosworth 41
didgeman91019 37
Kovalex27 34
gtp_mardiearse 33
FerriumPferd88 24
Firesilver 24
Dublee 22
bad45577buik 18
laserviper 17
Devinc 12
FullSpe3d98 10
YoungRand 7
R_Johansson 6
Forzamasta 5
COXY4773 3

Bearing in mind that some people get added, but if I add you, and you haven't gotten enough entries to get you off the bottom of this list, you will get deleted.

Considering I run at least 25 races a day with 15 drivers a total of 360 driver entries at least a day.

My PS3 is having a rest now, but it will be up and running again before I go to work tomorrow :D
Okey dokey... As I've more Bobs than PSN friends looking for some B-spec/remote mates.

I've made my 3 level 40 Bob's available and they're buzzing with the anticipation of doing your dirty work.

I'm also giving my remaining level 39, 32 and 28 Bobs the lash to get them ever closer to a full house of 40's.

Anyhoo, just fire up a FR with a mention of B-spec or remote and we'll be off. Not quite figured out hosting yet but will have a look at that over the weekend.

PSN: Burbler-STi350
Looks like either my PS3 or IP had a 'brain-fart' last night; I was involuntarily offline from about 01.30GMT. Sorry to my B-Spec Widget friends.

Normal service has now been resumed. 👍

*Edit* Looks as though we had a short power-cut here. My other two PC's have rebooted too...
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I'm looking for some people to remote race with, I am planning on hosting races and will return the favour of anyone who races my Bobs. PSN: G_Piaggesi
Thanks in advance.
Add me: PSN: JohnC8183

I Have 6 drivers ready to roll lvl's 16-30...I host anytime im on multiple times and try to use the widget when i can, I also play everyone on my friends list starting at the top and work towards the bottom. Just having a hard time getting people to host races to benifit me as well.