B-Spec Remote Race Friends

  • Thread starter Schmo
hey, if you add me to your psn for remote racing, I will be racing almost daily. It will also be utilising the BSpec widget with it sent to reciprocate drivers only so those who don't race mine wont get races back.

I have 4 users who do 10 races+ a day with me so they are in the always use list, will add more to that list if you are seen to be using my drivers an insane amount :)
My B-Spec Grinder has now been running for 11 straight hours, and will continue to run today. Add me if you want to get in on the fun, and also reciprocate!

PSN: Ne2bb7eN
If anyone wants me to run their Bobs send a friend request to my secondary account. I'm having trouble getting a full grid so I'll use your Bobs to fill it up. You don't even have to race any of mine

PSN ID: go69cars
Hi, Thatqcguy here, I'm looking for more ppl to race with, I try to run the widget when i'm sleeping or at school, but I can only host 1 week out of 2.

PSN: Thatqcguy
psn is Nissan_Z32_90

i dont have many friends to do a lot of remote races with so feel free to add me and add put my b spec drivers to work! lol please title friend request message "remote b spec" so i will know who you are. thanks!
I'm widget grinding in reciprocation mode almost all of the time, if I'm not running a-spec. My drivers go unused a lot of the time. Run them and I'll run you back. psn: t_grey
There is a bug when you select always use drivers and choose 0 drivers free. The confirmation message pops up behind the manage drivers screen and you can't see it unless you have dragged the manage drivers screen to the side first.
Hi all,

I have just started off on B Spec and would really appreciate it if anyone could add me, So I can start hosting remote races. I will try to do at least 1 a day.

Many Thanks

User ID:- ND_in_ya_face
Hi guys, if anyone can add me:

PSN ID: Kalim

Just getting into the B-Spec thing to see what it's all about, so I'll be adding a few guys form here to get things going!

PSN: Avaruusnuija
Someone could also add my brother since he has only two in-game friends. :D Just remember to mention "Remote Race" or something.
His PSN is Zekobah