My B-spec level is stuck at 10? I've got gold on every race every level up to professional? What am I doing wrong? And stuck at 22 on A-spec and I've closed out everything but extreme with gold, and done all of the special events.........HELP
My B-spec level is stuck at 10? I've got gold on every race every level up to professional? What am I doing wrong? And stuck at 22 on A-spec and I've closed out everything but extreme with gold, and done all of the special events.........HELP
Keep repeating previous A and B spec races you have done already until you get enough points to move up a level.
The seasonal races you can't repeat and get points for if you have already won them, the A and B spec races you can repeat as many times as you like to get the necessary points to move to the next level.
The more you progress in the game the more likely you will have to do this as the amount of points you need to move up a level increases with each new level, to the point where you wil need millions of points to move from say level 34 to leve 35.
If, however, you are already doing this and your points are not registering then that is a problem, as that shouldn't be happening.