Through 2 different tunes from MrGrado and Vegrard i have tried both... and made a tune that is in the middle of the 2
This Tune is the best yet... but im having a problem with Braking and understeer while entering turns. Here is the complete tune and all... plz help with this problem and will be #1 pescarolo hybrid tune imo..

b/c the rear end doesnt even kick out atm like it used to.
Racing hard
everything else off
No turbo's or car upgrades
total hp: 950
Aerodynamics: 60,85
Transmission: 1st: 4.500 2nd: 3.00 3rd: 2.200 4th: 1.672 5th: 1.280 6th: 1.000
Final gear: 2.791 Top Spead: 236 actually top speed: about 240...
RH: -10, -20
SR: 12.7, 17.3
DE: 5, 8
DC: 6, 7
ARB: 5, 6
Camber: 1.0, 1.3
Toe angle: .02, .15
LSD: 5, 5, 20 (idk y but i like my initial torque and acceleration sensitivity rly low)
Brakes: 8, 7 (i think this may have a lot to do with my brake/ turn entry understeer problem)
plz try the tune and help me fix my braking / turn entry understeer problem
PS: i do all my testing on Grand Valley and La Sarthe 2009 with chicane...
i feel liek Grand Valley is the perfect test track for about everything but top end speed... but thats what La Sarthe is for
so tune at these 2 tracks if u can... i feel if my car does good here... it does good everywere
Grand Valley: 1.39.573 at best so far with this car
Le Sarthe: 3.24.535 Terrible time i know... hlp fix