bruddahmanmattHAHAHAHAHAHA. WTF? Do you even know how nitrous oxide works? OMG don't tell me you think that a giant flame coming out of the tailpipe magically produces enough thrust to assist in PUSHING a car forward. All of a sudden the reciprocating piston engine becomes a turbine engine? LMFAO HAHAHAHA. Yes if you put nitrous oxide on a car with sidepipes on one side it'll spin the car around in circles. LOL. OMG that was just too funny. And yes cars equipped with nitrous oxide automatically spit flames. AAAAAAAHAHAHA.
bruddahmanmattHAHAHAHAHAHA. WTF? Do you even know how nitrous oxide works? OMG don't tell me you think that a giant flame coming out of the tailpipe magically produces enough thrust to assist in PUSHING a car forward. All of a sudden the reciprocating piston engine becomes a turbine engine? LMFAO HAHAHAHA. Yes if you put nitrous oxide on a car with sidepipes on one side it'll spin the car around in circles. LOL. OMG that was just too funny. And yes cars equipped with nitrous oxide automatically spit flames. AAAAAAAHAHAHA.
The last video posted is of SSR5:JohnBM01Plus I seen my first pictures of GT4's rendition of Special Stage Route 5, looking good although I still want to see a video before my Finals are over next week (otherwise, I'll have to use NetTransport). I know the track inside and out, but just want to see the GT4 rendition. Like to see Grand Valley as well. And at the moment, haven't seen a video yet.
NavyADTeH Wo0o0o0TAGE!!!
enjoy. big file tho lol
like i said in a prior post, dont judge my driving on this. even tho its not all that bad hahah
Jedi2016Yeah, gotta agree there.. The images aren't clear enough to tell if the rims are 3D. In fact, I'd say it's a safe bet they're still 2D, for a very simple reason. Motion-blur cannot be added to 3D rims in-game. The blurring wheels we're used to seeing in GT3 are actually swapped textures.. the map of the rims is swapped out when the car passes a certain speed, replaced with pre-blurred textures to give the appearance of speed. Even GPL on the PC does this, and that game's older than dirt.
Depending on whether motion blur ends up in the replays or not, we may see 3D rims in replays, but probably not while we're actually driving.
Maybe that's the reason GT4 is pushed back untill feb. or march 2005, to fix allI6-4-evaheh didnt anyone notice in the first video that the wall would just disappear?
I had to watch it a couple of times before I even noticed it. Well PD joo better fix dat.
Once again man, thanks!NavyADone. this is XVID!!!
celica, isnt all that great but u get to see whos driving id=C48F002B716B66E7E2692762ED6DC40F
NavyADtwo. this is XVID
that old school car in gane ss route 5,
sucky driving in the beggining by the end i got the hang of the car.