- 123
- DriftUnion-Burst
Does music help you when you drift? It helps me alot because it calms my nerves and gets me flowing. I was just wondering if im the only one that enjoys drifting with music.
i have all music off, prefer listening to the cars
Dubsteppppppppp, but really, it's an entirely personal thing what you listen to/if you do.
Well, i totally can get loose on the song 99 red balloons... it doestn matter which version (german one from Nena, english one from Nena, or the Goldfinger one...) When that song plays, even in the car irl, drifting is a must
99 red balloons? im gunna have to listen to it.
This was made back in 2000's some of that footage came from D1 Rankings I believe...and Keiichi's Drift Bible
DriftUnionBurstLupe fiasco's album lazers is pretty good if you wanna get pumped up for drifting.