Amen! I frick'n hate those!
Here, in LA SoCal, we had one from
Slate & Leoni law firm. It was a old, fat, round-faced Southern gentlemen in a cheap late '70s suit sitting in a large TV chair spouting off his lines with NO emotion or feeling whatsoever. His lines were,
"Hi, I'm Hugh Slate of Slate and Leoni. We can stop the foreclosures. We can stop the garnishments. We can stop the phone calls. Call, day or night, NO BILLS. Dial, N-O B-I-L-L-S. NO BILLS."
With his Southern accent and his deadpan face and unemotional tone, it made me laugh my ass off. Everybody who saw this commercial, aired only late at night, mimicked him. It was horrible but a huge hit.
Then, we have our Cal Worthington commercials.