As an increasingly grumpy old man, most ads annoy me.
The Sheila's Wheels one particularly because the car is being driven, backwards, by a kangaroo, while the girls sit unrestrained on the boot lid singing. Is the kangaroo a sheila?
All the ambulance chasers, insurance peddlars and loan sharks annoy me too. "Borrow £25,000? Really? Me? But I've got bad credit! Oh well, let's go for it. I'll not read the small print that says I have to give you £45,000 for the loan because I'm stupid".
Oh, and Touring Mars, those M&S food ads are not about the voiceover. Threy're about the cinematography, which is frankly jaw-dropping. ultrabeat, M&S Food dragged M&S back into profitability this year...
I look for hidden messages in ads. For example, the Vauxhall Astra Twin Top, which features the car "surfing". Are they trying to tell us that chopping the roof has made it handle like a boat? And the Fiat Grande Punto ad, where the car "smashes" through "plate glass", each plate with something written on it. All except the one about Reliability, where the glass falls apart of its own accord before the car gets near it: are they trying to tell us that it's an unreliable Italian rotbox?
Meh, ads are aimed at idiots anyway.