Baltimore Key Bridge Collapsed

  • Thread starter Tornado
What is the estimated loss of life so far? It's hard to see how busy the bridge was at the time even with a warning.

There are 6 missing people, from the workcrew repairing potholes on the bridge.
You hit one port and a bridge and your career is over.
I'm basically convinced the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge here in the Bay Area will eventually suffer the same fate...if an earthquake doesn't get it first. That thing looks so spindly. The Pylons on the Key bridge don't look like they had a whole lot of protection for something like this
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You hit one port and a bridge and your career is over.
I mean, I keep failing that final Superpilots' test at the Panamaburgring, so I haven't unlocked the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Seriously, the captain's going to have nightmares forever.
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Been watching this. Seems like the most extensive overview of what happened I've seen yet, but I'm not really knowledgeable enough about these sorts of things beyond watching Plainly Difficult videos so I guess I'll just assume ISIS did it when I'm done.
David Simon doing some of his finest work

I mean, I keep failing that final Superpilots' test at the Panamaburgring, so I haven't unlocked the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Seriously, the captain's going to have nightmares forever.
Ah, Canal 34. You have to pass the 5th place boat before the 2nd lock and you have to be alongside the lead boat before you get to the final lock. Otherwise, just restart.
With the number of electronic navigational aids ships have, one must fathom how does this happen in this day and age.
I don't care how many electronic navigational aids your ship has, if you lose all power, they're not going to do you any good.
Surely they have emergency generators for situations where a loss of power happens where, some systems work and you can drive the bow thrusters.
Surely they have emergency generators for situations where a loss of power happens where, some systems work and you can drive the bow thrusters.
Might have tried that before the mayday call went out. It is hard to say. I wonder if they will require tugs further out into the harbor.
God, this is going to make conservative conspiracy nutjobs go absolutely insane:

The men, who are now presumed dead, are from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, and were living in Dundalk and Highlandtown, according to our media partners at The Baltimore Banner.

Clearly, illegal immigrants collapsed the bridge. I can already hear Margey Taylor Green foaming at the mouth to start going off about this (or she has rabies, I don't know).
I'm sure it will spin like that but it's so twisted. Immigrants dying while repairing our bridges being turned into scapegoats...
And I'm pretty sure they were legal immigrants too. From what I'm reading, they were refugees who had been in the country for several years. Brawner, the construction group they worked for, is also very involved in government projects for the state of Maryland, and I have to imagine they wouldn't have been contracted had they been employing undocumented workers.

Still, conservatives are going to go bat 🤬 insane over it.
And I'm pretty sure they were legal immigrants too. From what I'm reading, they were refugees who had been in the country for several years. Brawner, the construction group they worked for, is also very involved in government projects for the state of Maryland, and I have to imagine they wouldn't have been contracted had they been employing undocumented workers.

Still, conservatives are going to go bat 🤬 insane over it.
It's immigrants all the way down. Except for MTG. I'm not sure any country would have accepted her coming to their country for any reason.
This was a huge bridge (the pictures don't make you realize the scale) .Was shocked to hear the news in the early morning hours.
I always used to get nervous when I used to drive over it, the fact the center span was only supported by two piers used to make me nervous. Mind you , I drive frequently over the Bay Bridge and Delaware Memorial bridge.
This was a huge bridge (the pictures don't make you realize the scale) .Was shocked to hear the news in the early morning hours.
I always used to get nervous when I used to drive over it, the fact the center span was only supported by two piers used to make me nervous. Mind you , I drive frequently over the Bay Bridge and Delaware Memorial bridge.

I feel the northern span of the Bay Bridge is scarier to cross than the more modern (~50 years old) southern span.
The immigrants who have already been demonised were... working? Paying taxes? Contributing to society? I don't see what the issue is other than outright, blatant xenophobia.

People go missing (I don't know their status or condition) in a horrible tragedy and others are making a big deal out of where they're from? What a ****ing disgusting mindset to have. Ghouls.

All I've learned in the past 24 hours is that DEI is the new substitute for the N-Word/other racist terms to these useless sacks of air in society.

The most ironic part is that claiming Baltimore's Mayor being black is DEI. Baltimore is 62% black, double that of the white population. It would arguably be "DEI" if the Mayor was white.
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