Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I wish i knew what my true K/D and SPM is, I was so bad it the game when i first started i think it will take me another couple of months to get my truthful scores of how i am playing now. My SPM went up 5 points in 1 round last night 370 to 375 so that shows how much i have improved. :D it was one of my better rounds i'd played though 103 - 40 OP MET CQ

If you regularly use bf3 stats then you can click on history and below the graph it shows your stats between updates. I usually check mine after a session.

Don't forget about the GTPlanet leader board as well guys. Password is gtplanet

161 hours for me, got this game at launch but put it down until the start of this year when I convinced some of my mates to get it.

One of them loaned me one of his PS3s so now I am able to play this game uninterrupted. Might get premium now if I can convince them too.
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Man, I haven't checked it in a while, I've moved up to third for SPM, and it seems like I have the highest Headshots/Kill percentage. Which is cool, because I don't think my "accuracy" rating is accurate because it counts things like extra shots after someone dies, hitting teammates when an enemies name pops up over them, and etc. as misses even though I probably was right on target with what I wanted to hit. Also, I tend to take a lot of potshots at people out of my range in the off chance that they have been weakened, or that I can help a teammate by causing the initial damage.
How do you set up that bf3 stats website?? I ain't got a clue what I'm doing

Just search your name in the bar and you can view your page. Make sure you are searching the right platform though. If you want to make an account you can track a whole bunch of players and join and create leaderboards.

You can also integrate some of it into Battlelog with Better Battlelog but you have to be using either Firefox or Chrome.

Blitz, Im pretty sure it counts all your shots fired vs your shots that hit. On BF3stats it shows it including vehicle and RPG shots etc, whereas on Battlelog Im pretty sure its just regular weapons. Hence the decrease in accuracy percentages.

Im very selective with my shots, I hate it when I kill a guy and another one comes around but I dont have enough to kill him as well. I can kill three guys with one clip if I get them all on target. Yesterday on Metro I got five guys with one clip. They were all in the ticket booth behind that locker beside the door. Walked in and there were so many. My mate pissed himself at the killfeed.
Looks like I'm still the king of KDR on the GTPlanet leaderboard, 3.13, which is both impressive as I don't spend all that much time in ground vehicles but predictable for playing alot of Recon (which is why my SPM puts me 6th at 491, that and only playing CQ alot of the time results in a dip it was 495 after CQ and my KDR dropped on those maps as well). The reason my accuracy is so low for a Recon player, is I've played the other classes so much but I use quick reloading weapons so I can chuck suppressive fire around everywhere like an M16A3 with a laser and the laser is purely to suppress on the move.
Had some fun with my clan today. We were talking about knife-only matches and went onto defibrillators as weapons. I decided to use it and got 5 kills with it in the match we were playing :D
I even got a double feed with it.
The only stats I care about in my own profile are:

- PKP kills (Top 4%)
- Number of resupplies (Top 5%)
- Whether I have positive KDR and WLR. As long as I am killing more then being killed, and winning more then losing, happy days.

With the ability to reset scores now, the rest become somewhat meaningless in my opinion.
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Mike Rotch
The only stats I care about in my own profile are:

- PKP kills (Top 4%)
- Supplies per minute (Top 5%)
- Whether I have positive KDR and WLR. As long as I am killing more then being killed, and winning more then losing, happy days.

With the ability to reset scores now, the rest become quite meaningless in my opinion.

There will always be stat whores who take this game to seriously. Just go on battlelog :L

All i care about are my sniper rifle kills and accuracy.
On the stats argument. Depending on your viewpoint the point of the game is either to rank up as fast as you can or to win as many games as you can.
Therefore, the only stats I care about are my SPM and W/L ratio.
Although W/L ratio can only really but used with a player with a low quit percentage, otherwise it could suggest that they quit when they are losing.
I am at 8% quits. Disconnects and freezes count towards your quit total.
I have rage quit once.

I have been working to improve my w/l and as a result my k/d is climbing as well.

The only weapon stat I really care about following is the g53. Top 0%? Ithaca 25** kills.

I have been considering a stats reset but not sure if I want it. My winloss was down to.6× at on point and k.d. was around. .7×
I don't pay attention to my quits because I get disconnected so frequently it's not a true reflection of anything (I think it's 26% now). I don't think W/L represents a player's skill either, unless they're so extremely good that they can carry an entire team. K/D, too, just shows how many kills you get in every life.

Basically it's very difficult to tell who is actually a good player, which is why we should stop caring and just have fun, really. And yes, I am saying that as someone with a W/L ratio barely over 1.1 and a pretty average K/D of 1.5. I'm extremely jealous.
Hey, look, I'm up to 9th on the leaderboard :)

Anyone want to set up a sort of "tactical" squad that has mics and is based on teamwork? If you can, add me - ghskilla
Agreed neema. I consider myself a decent player even though my dstats indicate moderate at best. I will sacrifice myself to draw fire for teammates,spot everthing and ptfo. Starting to branch out into other classes/loadouts as the situation dictates and try to swap squad perks to add whats needed.
Hey, look, I'm up to 9th on the leaderboard :)

Anyone want to set up a sort of "tactical" squad that has mics and is based on teamwork? If you can, add me - ghskilla

Sounds like fun.
Hey, look, I'm up to 9th on the leaderboard :)

Anyone want to set up a sort of "tactical" squad that has mics and is based on teamwork? If you can, add me - ghskilla

If its on hardcore and you need a sniper (close-mid range) add me :)
I get why people track stats, I keep track of mine more for reference, but all I really count is what I am doing at that exact moment on the game regardless of the score or stats or how many times I've died or how much my team is losing. I want to do the best I can do at that exact moment, once the moment has passed I move on and reflect at the end of the game, what did I do wrong, right etc. Good stats usually are just historical, which is why alot of now great players have poor stats or ok stats which don't reflect their actual decisions and contribution, even getting killed can result in a victory if you just do enough to waste the enemies time. Similarly not being on the flag can save the guys capturing giving you +100 for a kill or so whilst they get 450.
I see where you're going at, but it's all in the name of consistency. I mean, I was leading the boards yesterday at Conquest in Caspian Border because I was literally running around the map with engineer giving orders, repairing, and capturing bases one by one. I started out using jets, then when I bailed out the enemy was dominating us. Then I took out my mic and immediately starting barking orders. In no time we were dominating the enemy team, and I was telling my squad to go to the flags that were being captured and we went from 138-98 to 0-94. You can be good and a team player, but you just need to be consistent on your gameplay. I do this almost every Conquest, and I defend/attack hard in Rush which is why my scores are a little better than average. You can't win the game staying back and help others all the time, you have to make sacrifices to win.

If its on hardcore and you need a sniper (close-mid range) add me :)

Does it have to be on hardcore? We can rotate around softcore and hardcore if you want.
Does it have to be on hardcore? We can rotate around softcore and hardcore if you want.

Sorry mate hardcore only, only way i can really help and watch your back is if we do hardcore, its a ohk most of the time, especially at the ranges i play

Until now, this huge request by fans have been ignored by DICE and has never been spoken about publicly. But, today the Battlefield 3 community manager has commented on what fans would want from an addition such as this.

BF3 Community Manager
: Glad to see the enthusiasm. Really, though, if this is something you guys want the best way to go about it is to try to get #BF3Dinos off the ground on Twitter.

Get on twitter and Facebook and like and favorite the **** out of this.
That *might* be a standard assault rifle in that class with a ballistic scope on it because I know that exists. I can't say for sure though because I can't see that much of the gun itself.

Edit: Actually I think you're right.
Battlefield 3 Armored Kill DLC Gameplay Walkthrough E3 2012
<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Skip to 2:26 for the footage.

I love how useless the Machinima guy is. Looks good but my only concern is how spread out people will be on consoles. Big maps are good but too big is just boring.
I love how useless the Machinima guy is. Looks good but my only concern is how spread out people will be on consoles. Big maps are good but too big is just boring.

You have to remember its a vehicle oriented pack. If you're not in something with wheels, wings, or rotors then you're wrong. If everyone was on foot, then ya be concerned.

I am sure they will also edit the cap points for you guys so it isn't 5 minutes before you see an enemy.