Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
That guy is such a catfish.

I have adopted Wesley... Snipes! In regular gameplay, pretty much apply it to any kill which takes time from pulling the trigger (RPG, sniper, 'nade) and one shots them when it arrives.

Also, if you guys haven't watched every single one of Birgirpall 'Operations' you are missing out. Here's the latest
Nope bolt action. My amazing JNG-90 :) already have mastery dog tag for it.

I was suggesting you use a semi-auto rifle for Core :lol:. One of my biggest complaints of Recon players in Core is a refusal to use the semi-auto rifles which just work better, significantly. I use the bolt action sometimes in Core but a vast majority of the time I now use the M417 or sometimes Mk.11 before a bolt action unless I just want to have a bit of fun if the game isn't too close.
I spent a round or two with the L96 yesterday, at Kharg with Apok, went 26-12, mainly around B-C and D (though they always had someone on the roof, which is annoying, they really need a ladder up there). Got 16 of those kills with the M1911...

It's fun sniping out guys hiding in the rocks, not a bad map for sniping, even with the tank stuff. I'll try out the M417, looking at it on BetterBattlelog, I can see why you prefer it to other semi-auto snipers.
The M417 is just an SKS a-like to me, I use it with a holo, bipod and suppressor. It has a significant amount of firepower with this set up whilst remaining stealthy, I'm not sure the damage figures are right though on BBlog and other sources, I think it's more like the SKS in damage so 3-4 shots to kill but the suppressor might be making me think it's different. The only reason I prefer it to the SKS is the bipod looks a bit goofy on the SKS :lol:.

Also, everytime I use a bolt action I tend to rack up very few kills with the rifle quite often but loads with my pistol but it's sort of about quality of the kill/shot when using such a weapon (i.e. was it important, did you save an enemy/flag etc.). They're not bad weapons, they're just so specialized compared to any of the semi-autos which can do everything else so much better. I like using a bolt action on a map like Firestorm and just playing a solid Recon role gaining maximum intel and relaying it, but I'll generally change as soon as I can if I have to go out and get alot of flags myself. I had a game where I only got 2 kills (0 deaths) yesterday in an entire firestorm round, but about 20 spot assists with multiple suppression and normal assists on top as I was sat on the enemies main flag C watching them go for our flags B and A. My score looked terrible but I felt I'd done a good job as I was constantly keeping hold of C by myself by just being sneaky and annoying for their tanks to find/kill. In other words I use a bolt action for fun and as long as I feel I'm still achieving something more then sitting on a mountain counter-sniping I am happy, if I have to pick up the slack the bolt action will not do because you just can't kill as reliably compared to semi-autos.

Edit: I'll also be back on mics soon and can be late in to the night once again. Tried last night to see if my parents could hear me (I did ask first) and they didn't hear a thing. I won't be playing to much as I don't want to appear to be sat playing games when I should be trying to get a job.
I don't want to appear to be sat playing games when I should be trying to get a job.

Oh I know that feeling, just keep looking but also be extremely obliging around the house. Staying in bed until gone 10am is very bad, but stay useful to the people around you and it'll mitigate a lot of the useless stuff you do. Today I woke up, took the dogs out for a long walk, tidied the kitchen, went and delivered a job application, came home and... Well, now I'm playing GT5. Later on I'll be walking the dogs again, putting the bins out, doing some washing and then I'll probably be playing BF3.
I've been pretty active and spending more time then previously with my parents in general as well. We always have plenty to do around the house due to an extension, so I spend alot of my days with a shovel in my hands instead of a controller :lol:. I've applied to 20 or so jobs in the week, found another 19 or so today 👍.

Back on Bf3 I got the MTAR-21 last night, it seems like a FAMAS for Engineers essentially. The recoil is pretty bad but at close range the thing is a complete menace.
I've been pretty active and spending more time then previously with my parents in general as well. We always have plenty to do around the house due to an extension, so I spend alot of my days with a shovel in my hands instead of a controller :lol:. I've applied to 20 or so jobs in the week, found another 19 or so today 👍.

Back on Bf3 I got the MTAR-21 last night, it seems like a FAMAS for Engineers essentially. The recoil is pretty bad but at close range the thing is a complete menace.

Well there you go then, nothing to worry about! I haven't even tried the MTAR-21 outside of Gun Master yet, after I starred the ACW-R I haven't even played as an engineer. In fact I can't even remember what I was doing last time I played... I need to work on the AUG, L85, MTAR, G36C, JNG-90 and something like six LMGs, but I might wait for the patch and concentrate on PDWs until then. That ACW-R is an awesome gun, if shockingly weak.

It looks like one of those great battlefield moments when the score is close until the last few tickets.

Had one rush game like that yesterday (stats were nothing special but level of excitement was really high, especially considering that the opposing team was really good). Zero tickets left, me firing grenades from amtrac like crazy at the armed M com. Screen fades to black and you don't know the result until you see the screen with YOU WIN message! Good times :)

MTAR-21 is a beast in close to mid range, if you have good perks in your squad (cover and suppression especially) you won't lose a gun battle, you just won't.

Oh and only yesterday I had time to check out F35 after the patch and it's great. Hoover mode works like a charm now. So taking out infantry/tanks is not a big problem. Air superiority for US side, which is crucial @Oman CQ, is not so hard to obtain as it was before. <good job DICE>
Only at the last minute. My team was dominating for a while before hand, so much so that I got bored and started to use the Repair Tool and Defrillibrator for kills again :D
I have adopted Wesley... Snipes! In regular gameplay, pretty much apply it to any kill which takes time from pulling the trigger (RPG, sniper, 'nade) and one shots them when it arrives.

Also, if you guys haven't watched every single one of Birgirpall 'Operations' you are missing out. Here's the latest

That video is awesome! 👍

C4 is the greatest thing ever. I managed a C4 triple kill last night on the B flag on Operation 925. I felt like a complete badass pulling off the triple kill. I think it went to my head a little because I kept trying for more C4, but failed at all but one other attempt; I think I had a few suicides (I always forget which key is detonate and which key throws C4 :lol:).
Staying in bed until gone 10am is very bad, but stay useful to the people around you and it'll mitigate a lot of the useless stuff you do.

I work nights, so I get up at 4pm. Do no housework and go to work. By the time I come back everyone is asleep so I can just play all night. 👍
I wish BF3 had the assault version of the SKS....

I wish it had the sniper version of the AS Val, the VSS was awesome in BC2. The AS Val is alright, though, I used to hate it but since I've been firing it in bursts it works a lot better.

I've just played two games in a row on our clan's Canals TDM server, one I got about 115 kills for 80 or so deaths, in the very next I was 23-22 because I had to enforce the rules as there were loads of camping complaints (our server has an almost zero tolerance on camping, you get one warning and that's it) and I saw a few people going for the crane. So out came the MAV... Being an admin really messes your game up, it must be said, especially if you can't remember peoples' names for more than a few seconds.

Edit: Yeah, C4 is awesome, in a game earlier I managed to find someone repairing a scout chopper so I chucked a C4 on it and let it fly away a bit before hitting the detonator. I also found a camping AA, covered it in 6 C4s and ran in front of it so the guy could watch me pull the trigger.
I wish it had the sniper version of the AS Val, the VSS was awesome in BC2. The AS Val is alright, though, I used to hate it but since I've been firing it in bursts it works a lot better.

I've just played two games in a row on our clan's Canals TDM server, one I got about 115 kills for 80 or so deaths, in the very next I was 23-22 because I had to enforce the rules as there were loads of camping complaints (our server has an almost zero tolerance on camping, you get one warning and that's it) and I saw a few people going for the crane. So out came the MAV... Being an admin really messes your game up, it must be said, especially if you can't remember peoples' names for more than a few seconds.

Edit: Yeah, C4 is awesome, in a game earlier I managed to find someone repairing a scout chopper so I chucked a C4 on it and let it fly away a bit before hitting the detonator. I also found a camping AA, covered it in 6 C4s and ran in front of it so the guy could watch me pull the trigger.

I have the gun in real life. Bayonet, bipod, folding stock and scope and AK-47 mags that shoots semi and fully automatic. That in BF3 would be epic.
Battlefield 3 Second Double XP Weekend Now Live

Seemingly a day ahead of schedule, the Double XP switch has been flipped on for Battlefield 3 players across all platforms.

Our initial reports indicated a start time of early Saturday (tomorrow) morning, June 16th, but you won’t see us complaining. So, it’s time to get to know those Close Quarters map a little better if you’re a BF3 Premium member. Grab your SPAS-12 and get to work! Remember, you’ll see a 2x score multiplayer at the end of each round after receiving your in-game rewards.

Credit: David Veselka
Battlefield 3 Second Double XP Weekend Now Live

Seemingly a day ahead of schedule, the Double XP switch has been flipped on for Battlefield 3 players across all platforms.

Our initial reports indicated a start time of early Saturday (tomorrow) morning, June 16th, but you won’t see us complaining. So, it’s time to get to know those Close Quarters map a little better if you’re a BF3 Premium member. Grab your SPAS-12 and get to work! Remember, you’ll see a 2x score multiplayer at the end of each round after receiving your in-game rewards.

Credit: David Veselka

Wait, so we get 3 days or....
Completely trapped on the Canals Carrier in Conquest.

Great job, DICE!

Edit: We were getting spawn trapped by helis.

I just shot down the Heli with a stinger, got 2 kills, then instantly banned. WTF?!
Double XP is working, yay. Leveled up twice so far, one time per round. EPIC.
Doesn't it go up from there too?

Had a horrible night last night.
Wednesday I went 9/2 win loss. Last night 3/9.... did rank Col 9 and SS26 g53.

Other than that, it was a crap night.
Lost just about every gun fight I got into. Felt like I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside.
So many gunfights lost to players with 0-5% health.