Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Just got 408 marksman headshot with the L96. Shot a guy in a moving DPV in Gulf of Oman he was driving off A and i was at the roof of the hotel closer to C. Bipod, Ballistic and Laser.
Completely trapped on the Canals Carrier in Conquest.

Great job, DICE!

Edit: We were getting spawn trapped by helis.

I just shot down the Heli with a stinger, got 2 kills, then instantly banned. WTF?!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, that map makes no sense. How does 2 scout helis, a LAV and that slow moving piece of 🤬 work against 2 tanks, a scout heli and the light armoured jeeps (which can take down the helis)?

It could be a great map, but the balance of vehicles is horrific. Remove one tank and it's a whole lot better.
Doesn't it go up from there too?

I don't think so, I'm level 58 and it's still 230,000. Thanks to the double XP I've leveled up twice today and I'm 90,000 into level 58, but I'm totally done for today.

Earlier on I got 126,644 points in one game, that was insane, it wasn't even a particularly good game K/D-wise! Then again I did get three medals and a service star. Looky:

Also tonight I think I finally learned to stop worrying and love LMGs, the QBB, L86 and PKP in particular. Every time I've used them up until tonight I've just hated them, but for some reason I got on ok with them just now. Starred the QBB, got a few more kills towards Bullet Provider and made decent progress with the L86; managed to kill someone from the construction site to the warehouse on Kharg (D and E on CQ Large) with it, and from C to B (again on Kharg, CQ L), which kind of goes against how I felt about LMGs, but at the same time I opened fire on someone who was 10m away from me with the PKP and after 25 rounds I only got an assist! 84 points, though, but even so, that's like what... two out of 25 shots? That was with a grip and flash suppressor, aimed through a holographic sight.
I was suggesting you use a semi-auto rifle for Core :lol:. One of my biggest complaints of Recon players in Core is a refusal to use the semi-auto rifles which just work better, significantly. I use the bolt action sometimes in Core but a vast majority of the time I now use the M417 or sometimes Mk.11 before a bolt action unless I just want to have a bit of fun if the game isn't too close.

M39 emr is also good
M39 emr is also good

All of the 10 round ones are awesome in my opinion, especially with a holographic, grip and suppressor (or laser). The 20 round ones are good too but the 10 round ones can be used as actual sniper rifles if necessary because headshots are still one hit kills. They're my favourite weapons in the game, no question, it's just a shame that the gadgets aren't quite as useful as the defibs or C4.
Completely trapped on the Canals Carrier in Conquest.

That's happened so many times to me that I avoid that map on CQ all together. I guess there's not AA gun on the ship for consoles or something?

And about getting banned, just another bad rent a server admin that gets butthurt when his spawn trapping is interrupted.

505 baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice, I hit 420 today, up from the 399 I was on yesterday. I wonder if double XP affects SPM too... It would suck if it does because loads of peoples' SPM will plummet after the weekend.
Nice, I hit 420 today, up from the 399 I was on yesterday. I wonder if double XP affects SPM too... It would suck if it does because loads of peoples' SPM will plummet after the weekend.

First, yes; your SPM is effected by the double XP. Second, unless you play like a rock, it won't go down right away, if at all. Before the last double XP event, my SMP was hanging around 520. When it was done I was up to around 560. Since then, not only has it not gone back down, but I am up to 570.
Well I suppose it depends on how much time you've spent in the game, new players might see it drop sharply but I suppose I might not. The thinking behind that being that if you start the game in a double XP weekend your score per minute will be twice as high as it should be, so when the weekend ends after a few days it will have halved... Or quartered? I'm not sure, it's too late to be doing maths and averages and all that.
That's happened so many times to me that I avoid that map on CQ all together. I guess there's not AA gun on the ship for consoles or something?

And about getting banned, just another bad rent a server admin that gets butthurt when his spawn trapping is interrupted.

I think it was a "No SOFLAM/Javelin/Stinger" Server.

Kind of hypocritical since the helicopter was using laser painter and guided missile, one-hit killing every chopper no matter what.
I hate how most servers are so one-sided with full on prestige players that over well over level 40 prestige and I'm put on the opposing team with only non-prestiges and are outmatched by the other team which spams M26s and shotguns to death. My W/L ratio (which is the only significant stat in the game) went from a 1.88 to a 1.67 in two hours due to those games. Really puts me off and causes me to pick up another game. I'm sure new players would feel that a lot.
A nice long Close Quarters Donya Fortress gameplay video from Chuggy (explicit language warning)

Skip to times of note:
10:39 - 10:55 - Nice team wipeout
11:15 - 12:27 - Another wipeout
12:38 - 12:50 - Handgun workout
19:46 - 20:02 - Noooo! (This part made me laugh hard)(explicit language warning)
Twice tonight my friend and I have crashed into each other in jets because we can't see each other on the air radar. There are many things in this game that annoy me but none are more annoying than THAT :grumpy:
It took a few hours of trying, but I finally got my EOD Bot kill at Oman. :D Some sniper was camping in a building near the Gas Station and I think he saw me as well. :lol:

Also got three kills from the US Ship to one of the cranes near Delta Flag. Unfortunately, none of them were headshots :(

@ Blitz_69 Apologies for the late friend accept on Battlelog. I never actually noticed it :scared:
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Finally got Premium and CQ as a result, and I gotta say, I really like all the maps. Played one on each, won three, MVP in all.
Little snapshot of the evening so far, 2700 SPM :eek:

AEK is an absolute beast, anyone not using this needs to try it out. Hipfire is key, take the .44 as a finishing tool.

These modes/maps can get seriously hectic. Had several moments where I thought what the hell just happend and I look down and I have like 1500 points. Highlights include a triple collateral with the Magnum at the Cafe on Op. 925.

Ive noticed that I seem to get spawn bombed all the time now. Would not be so annoying if the spawn invincibility was not so long. I think at least 30% of my deaths tonight came from the inability to shoot players. Especially annoying if you pop out to shoot someone in the back and someone spawns on them, because they can shoot through teammates, they just have to turn around and Im dead out of nowhere.
Finally got the SCAR-Light. And loving it! For some reason I've grown to the SCARs' iron sights. I used to hate it on the original one :irked: Next up: MTAR!
I got the SCAR-L and LSAT last night, hate the SCAR-L sights and the LSAT seems fairly typical belt fed LMG in that it works really well with a bipod or 2 feet away from the enemy but I'm liking the L86A2 to much to go with the LSAT. The SCAR-L I didn't give a fair chance really, but I've never been a SCAR fan.
Just started downloading the update, it's a biggie isn't it. 1393MB download and streaming the Le Mans race is really going to 🤬 with my internet provider.
That video is awesome! 👍

C4 is the greatest thing ever. I managed a C4 triple kill last night on the B flag on Operation 925. I felt like a complete badass pulling off the triple kill. I think it went to my head a little because I kept trying for more C4, but failed at all but one other attempt; I think I had a few suicides (I always forget which key is detonate and which key throws C4 :lol:).

Your not one of those guys who lays c4 at a flag and then hides in the wall until the flag starts blinking, are you? I hate those guys.
Your not one of those guys who lays c4 at a flag and then hides in the wall until the flag starts blinking, are you? I hate those guys.

I don't tend to do that unless my team is running around the map capping one flag at a time and losing the other they have constantly, so it can be at least partly defended whilst we try to get back in to the game. It's annoying, but viable to me as it generally occurs on certain maps and countering it is fairly simple with a grenade/explosive (never all dive on a flag at once, let 1-2 clear the area and keep the assault behind to rev if it goes wrong).
Damn 541 spm. Never thought I'd get that good. I remember when I first time I played COD I SUCKED. Literaly 5 kills if I was lucky and about 50 deaths. Same with BF3 thats why my deaths around about 800 higher overall.
I have a feeling the FAMAS might be good again...

What gives you that feeling? I haven't used it since the day I unlocked it, which was the day B2K was released (I think). I got a service star and haven't been back. I might start again after I've starred the AUG.
I have a feeling the FAMAS might be good again...

Yes me too. Been killed more than a few times lately by it after I clearly fired first and felt accurate I think unless that's some lag...
Your not one of those guys who lays c4 at a flag and then hides in the wall until the flag starts blinking, are you? I hate those guys.

I did put C4 on flags for my 10 kills for the Assignment, but I did not hide in walls to do so. I would capture an objective, throw down some C4, and go to the next objective that needed to be captured. If I noticed the objective I put C4 was being taken . . . BOOM! I mostly died before I had a chance to actually use the C4. Annoyingly if you are killed, then revived, your C4 disappears.

Speaking of Assignments, I found a server of Gun Master with just five people and only four of which were actually playing. Now that I have finished that part of the Assignment, I will likely never knowingly play Gun Master. I do not enjoy the game mode and find it to be awful.

Close Quarters has been terrible for my kill:death. It was increasing slowly before Close Quarters, but has taken a nose dive since. My win ratio has been decreasing also, but it was going to be difficult to maintain a 1.95.
It took a few hours of trying, but I finally got my EOD Bot kill at Oman. :D Some sniper was camping in a building near the Gas Station and I think he saw me as well. :lol:

Also got three kills from the US Ship to one of the cranes near Delta Flag. Unfortunately, none of them were headshots :(

@ Blitz_69 Apologies for the late friend accept on Battlelog. I never actually noticed it :scared:

