Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
For those who don't know, Cowboys and I ran into a couple (GF on mic, BF playing) and it took them ages to figure out I wasn't even from America. Although she did say my accent was hot :D

Yes, but she was drunk.
Finally got the SCAR-Light. And loving it! For some reason I've grown to the SCARs' iron sights. I used to hate it on the original one :irked: Next up: MTAR!
I got the SCAR-L and LSAT last night, hate the SCAR-L sights and the LSAT seems fairly typical belt fed LMG in that it works really well with a bipod or 2 feet away from the enemy but I'm liking the L86A2 to much to go with the LSAT. The SCAR-L I didn't give a fair chance really, but I've never been a SCAR fan.

I warmly suggest M145 (3.4x) + Foregrip + Flash Supp.
I never use this sight, but on this particular weapon it seems to zoom in exactly at this weapons most effective range. And the kills are racking up real quick.
It was atrocious during the first service star, but after I found this combo, it's...beatiful :eek:
Make sure you fire it in really short burst (2-3 rounds max), think of it more as a pistol.

EDIT: And at 350 kills you get the PK-A (3.4x) (last unlock) which is same as the US version, except it has that flipped V and that's it in terms of obstruction.
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I just managed to get 110% accuracy in a game...

That's shotguns for you, I guess. Is there a glitch with the SPAS-12? A few people have accused me of cheating because I use it (but so do loads of people) but I have no idea what they're on about.

Also I think I finally figured out how to use LMGs tonight by making myself use the PKP to get the Bullet Provider tag. Turns out the grip was a bad choice because it made the aimed spread huge, so I tried it with a holo, bipod and flash suppressor and made it useful; on Canals TDM I set up the bipod a few times so I could see down a corridor and kept several enemies suppressed, not really hitting that many, but I got loads of suppression and kill assists. Then when I decided to try firing in bursts, basically every burst I fired from the bipod was a kill. Then, firing unsupported, I managed to kill a guy using 51 rounds by sustaining fire for a long, long time (obviously), then tried burst firing from the hip and managed to get a surprising number of kills at decent range. 51-22 in that game, 44 kills with the PKP. Ended with a disconnect, same as the game in the link above, bloody annoying.

Oh and the M1911 Supp. appears to be my best pistol; only 75 kills so far but the highest kills per minute of all my pistols with more than a handful of kills. That might be because I've been using the M417 as my go-to sniper weapon lately so I don't tend to walk around with my secondary in hand, it might also be because I've been playing TDM which works wonders for your kills per minute with whatever gun you care to use. One of the guys in my clan gets a DAO-12 service star in every other round, I swear he hasn't been using it long and is already on his 92nd star for it.
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The FAMAS has found its home on the close quarter maps. Fastest firing weapon in the game means you win the head-to-head gun battles. Put a grip and laser sight on it and go to work. I have had some great results with it on those maps.
Every single time I play on a server that says "NO SHOTGUNS"

[same rules apply as funny picture thread - no profanity in images]

The same guy with his stupid SPAS-12 killed me 12 times and got MVP because everyone else chose to respect the server rules 👎
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The FAMAS has found its home on the close quarter maps. Fastest firing weapon in the game means you win the head-to-head gun battles. Put a grip and laser sight on it and go to work. I have had some great results with it on those maps.

Problem is, you usually aren't the only one with that idea, and if you somehow are, people usually end up catching on...

Every single time I play on a server that says "NO SHOTGUNS"

The same guy with his stupid SPAS-12 killed me 12 times and got MVP because everyone else chose to respect the server rules 👎

Yeah that drives me nuts...
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M5L + Reflex (RDS) + Extended Mag = killing machine
Latest game
Took me a really long time to get used to this weapon. Once extended mag was unlocked it quickly became really good. :bowdown:
By no means the best weapon on the battlefield, but if you and an enemy cross paths around a corner, he's not gonna now what hit him. :D
Think of it like a G18.
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Problem is, you usually aren't the only one with that idea, and if you somehow are, people usually end up catching on...

Its hardly a "problem" or an "Idea" if you or anyone else choses to take a high rate of fire weapon in to a close quarters environment, Its just common sense.

Just had my worst kick yet, I was in a team on my own with randoms and the other team were hammering us (They were obviously squaded up with eachother). Anyway, I dont like quitting and considering it is DP weekend i thought i would still soldier on and atleast try and be a thorn in their side. So i was motoring on quite nicely and well on my way to my best ever (personal round) in BF3. I say that because there were still 800 tickets left for the other team, and at the time i was kicked i was already at 87-40. Im sure i could have surpassed 150 kills easily and maybe edge towards 200. Lets just say he had a very nice and polite PM sent his way:D.

Even though after this great dissapointment, I went on to win my first round of gunmaster in the very next round :D , at one point i was 5 stages behind the leader than i had double kills with all the weapons from the AUG onwards without a death. 1 death at the knife stage and bam!!! comeback complete. I have to say, I did throw out a little Cheer and fistpump.:dopey:
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I had an amazing game on Canals CQ with the PDW-R, Holo and silencer, there was a group of enemies always at a certain area, I would sit somewhere, constantly emptying clips getting double or triple kills, reloading, and doing it again.

Went 60 kills with around 20 or less deaths. 👍
Had some decent fun in the Divine Knights Clan server. The DK guys weren't as hard as I expected them to be (since they were all in the same clan) but they still dominated us randoms. Although to be honest I had a game or two in their team and they were good at teamwork, but when I was switched to the randoms I started barking orders like crazy and just went on a killing rampage at Tehran Highway. They had horrible tactics, they were running from one side of the road to the other and us randoms were just suppressing them and killing them as they crossed the road to get to us. Then conquest at Canals was fun, I had a chopper and unloaded my squad right above B and we went from flag to flag defending/attacking and we won that dominantly. Sadly my squadmates left the game and soon we were in a massive losing spree because we were left uncoordinated. I leveled up twice (42-44 in four rounds) but my W/L ratio dropped from a 1.67 to a 1.57. :ouch: We need to set up a GTP server soon :lol:
This round has everything, including a finish that was way too close for my liking for a 500 ticket round at Kharg.

The round started great - I piled into a US tank and my lone sqauddie joined me and we ran amok. Our team pulled a handsome ticket lead (~100) and I thought this game would run down like so many before it.

Unfortunately I didn't bargain on my squaddie basically reducing us to one tank as he took one and spend 30 minutes trying to get to the top of the hill opposite A :mad:. I couldn't believe it, I wanted to throttle him!

To make matters worse, a clan squad joined the other team and the tide started turning. We were up 267 - 130 and all of a sudden it had to makings of a defeat-from-the-jaws-of-victory feel to it. We couldn't hold on to more then one flag at a time and with us reduced to one tank, I couldnt stem the flow of armour from the other team.

The scrapping went on, but everybody from my team forgot how to flank - we couldn't get past A and were bleeding tickets hard. I tried to flank C in a jeep as I couldnt get a tank and my team mate team killed me in his tank from the hill :mad:. 90-46 and holding no flags now. I cannot believe we are going to lose this one!

I grab a boat and tear off to try and get D, but whilst sussing out A I hit a pylon under the oil pipe in the ocean and reduce the boat to 9% :rolleyes:. After a long swim back to A, I help capture it and now its 65-30, still 1-3 flags down. No jeep at A, so I run all the way to D and find what, some moron mortaring! He isnt on the blasted minimap so dont know if he has company..I find him and he's alone. I cap him, and take the flag. 40-20 and A is lost now. An enemy tank arrives as does mortar man looking for me. I kill him again, and stalemate the flag. My team has woken up now sort of: 30-17 . Mortar man brings a friend and kills me. 1-3 flags down. 20-12. I spawn on A and run to B and start taking it, my team has neutralised C now...a friendly tank arrives and we have B too. 15-8. I see on the minimap a clump of red arrows coming our way from D, the tank runs for cover, leaving me!. I hide up the stairwell and they start hunting me out. 10-5. Flags are blinking everywhere. Some guy appears at the base of the stairs and I give him a face full of A-91, but his friend follows. I empty the clip and we both take damage, I back up the stairs and switch the .44, 8-3, he charges up and I drop him...7-0 we win. Phew.

Had a profitable time of it with x2 XP. Got the combat efficiency, supply, PKP, claymore, mine, Engi and Support medals/stars this weekend :)
What gives you that feeling? I haven't used it since the day I unlocked it, which was the day B2K was released (I think). I got a service star and haven't been back. I might start again after I've starred the AUG.

Yes me too. Been killed more than a few times lately by it after I clearly fired first and felt accurate I think unless that's some lag...

I've been decent with it lately. I've only just started using it last week though so I don't have many unlocks for it.

The FAMAS has found its home on the close quarter maps. Fastest firing weapon in the game means you win the head-to-head gun battles. Put a grip and laser sight on it and go to work. I have had some great results with it on those maps.

I tried it out today along with the F2000. FAMAS has no accuracy beyond about 15 metres, and if you encounter more than two guys you are basically screwed, which seems to happen a lot in CQC.

F2000 has a bit more power downrange which is handy sometimes. Slightly larger clip really seems to help. Can easily take out three if the circumstances are right.

For me though, I just cant go past the AEK. Superb ROF, and pretty decent even at >50m. Cant beat it really.

Foregrip is pretty much essential for all of the above weapons. Was running suppressor on the AEK, but I tried out both the laser and the suppressor on the F2K and FAMAS. Would probably take the suppressor on the FAMAS and that laser on the F2000.
Did you try the FAMAS without the grip at all? It reduces aimed accuracy so maybe it would perform better at range without it. I had been using LMGs with the grip but when I swapped it for a bipod I found the unsupported accuracy to be far better.
Every single time I play on a server that says "NO SHOTGUNS"

[same rules apply as funny picture thread - no profanity in images]

The same guy with his stupid SPAS-12 killed me 12 times and got MVP because everyone else chose to respect the server rules 👎

I'll ignore stupid rules. Shotguns are great at close range, obviously, but are pretty easy kills at mid/mid-close range. If they were OP or glitched, fine, but they aren't.

Some great fun with Apok, VEXD and a random (mic'd, which was useful) last night. The final round was insane, we start 5-8, so it was tough.

I tried the Mortar at one point, they held a position at B that was proving tough to attack, but it just doesn't fire quickly enough.

Good night for my stats, SPM went up 7, K/D up .02 and my longest headshot went up by 120m or so, now at 434 I believe. In the same game I got my best knife, ever. I previously got a 340 or so from the crane to the mentioned highrise below.

You know the big high rise near Russian deployment on Oman where you have the big ladder by the swimming pool? There was someone up there, doing a useless job of sniping, but I thought it would be a fun kill, and it was. No T-UGS, which helped!

The Pecheneg is good, doing it for those assignments, not as good as the MG36 (not that I've used it post-patch), but not bad.

VEXD and I had some good runs in choppers too. Almost mastered Scout Helis now.

I got the EOD bot kill, then realised I hadn't unlocked the assignment yet...
For some reason my M1911 seems to have gone missing.
It has become unequipped from all my kits and when I look for it its not there. It doesn't even say that it is locked. Battlelog still says I have it unlocked.
Any ideas anyone?
Did you try the FAMAS without the grip at all? It reduces aimed accuracy so maybe it would perform better at range without it. I had been using LMGs with the grip but when I swapped it for a bipod I found the unsupported accuracy to be far better.

I did not. With the insane upward recoil once you fire about four shots its out of control. Its also very difficult to compensate with a controller.
I'll ignore stupid rules. Shotguns are great at close range, obviously, but are pretty easy kills at mid/mid-close range. If they were OP or glitched, fine, but they aren't.

Exactly. Not to mention that restricting certain weapons is against the terms of service and servers caught doing so (i.e. servers that are reported for kicking a player for using a certain weapon) should and I think do lose their ranked status, which is entirely fair enough in my opinion, none of the weapons are what I'd call overpowered now. They just suit different circumstances as all weapons do, so rules that ban certain weapons are ridiculous. I was on a server the other day that limited you to five grenade kills, any more than that per round and you were kicked, that's just ludicrous!

The only rules I personally think are necessary are no base attacking, no base camping (as it encourages people to base attack), no vehicle stealing from bases (once they've left the uncap they're fair game), no mining of or mining near base exits... I think that's all. Also we have a sort of informal rule against camping and vehicle, er, overuse. People are warned as they join the server that they can be kicked for ruining the game for others.

I set my new longest headshot earlier today, 629m up from 594... Or was it 598? Either way it was just shy of 600 before. It's not as far as some peoples' but it was in an actual game and wasn't set up or anything. I used the JNG-90 with a 12x scope; I was attempting to counter-snipe some people camping up the mountain on Kharg but by the time I got in position (on the hill just outside the RU spawn) they'd all been killed, so I turned toward C (offices) and saw someone setting up to snipe at my squad and nailed him with the second shot. My last record headshot took two and a half magazines of SV-98, but I had been using an 8x scope that time.

Also I managed to kill someone (who was running, by the way) by the radio tower from the offices using the AUG with a holo, suppressor and bipod, I was only lazily trying to suppress him but managed to land a few hits and a headshot. In fact I'd managed to kill him the exact same way in the previous round using a red dot sight and heavy barrel...
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I am really liking the P90 now. 👍

On another note, Gun Master is just awful. It is complete rubbish and not worth playing for any more time than what is required to unlock the MP5K. I also severely dislike the .44 Magnum; the recoil is much too great to be useful at close range if you do not score a one shot head kill.
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