Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I dont have problems just want to help.

Caz IN YOUR FACE! I was in a 19 death streak because of the LVG launcher. One time Caz and the random saw me and i started to run away dropped 2 grenades in front of me and killed Caz. Then i developed to the knife saw Caz climing on a van he didnt see me two hits and VICTORY!

Ahem!!! That random was me!!!! Haha:P:lol:
Ahem!!! That random was me!!!! Haha:P:lol:

Lol :D i didnt know it was you. Sorry for calling you a random.
What is gunmaster?
Is that some thing that comes with CQB?

Yes, its a gamemode where you need to master 16 weapons (2 kills each expect 1 with the LVG launcher)
and then get a kill with a knife.
If anyone wants to have a 4-player GTP squad for some games tonight add me - ghskilla

Note - I can play any game mode and a working mic is suggested.
I just had an awesome Conquest match on Op. Firestorm. My buddy and I were in the Sukhois the whole time and dominated the skies. I went 34/6 :D (I'm MonacoBMW)

After about 15 kills without getting shot down I got a bit too greedy going after a chopper and crashed. The rest of my deaths were either because I crashed going for infantry or because I got disabled and the stupid landing system on the jets meant I couldn't land to repair myself... at all.

At one point two or three guys teamed up to take us down with SOFLAM and Javelins but we kept our distance and went in for them after we spotted them. They never got me but I got them a lot while they were camping in the cranes :D

In the end I leveled up to a Colonel grade 3 and I'm now on my 4th jet service star. I'd say it was a good match.
I think it's the sort of thing I might dabble in once in a while. I just won at it, I got through the first 5 rounds quickly, they seemed to be lining up in two's. Slowed after that. The grenade launcher kill was tough, essentially I fired, missed, reloaded, looked for someone else and then got the kill.

Oh and random face swiping for the knife kill!
How come nobody likes Gun Master? I enjoy it.

I just hate that it's always the same guns. If they randomize the weapons and attachments every round then it would be more enjoyable in the long run. Now it gets a bit boring after the first couple rounds for many of us.

Also that grenade launcher is annoying :lol:
How come nobody likes Gun Master? I enjoy it.

I would've liked it if it had been designed properly, I personally think letting people use skill up to level 16 and then luck their way past that is just bizarre. As I said a few pages back, if a player can beast their way to level 16 before anyone else then they deserve to win, being the first to level 16 but having someone who has taken their time to get there get lucky before you and win is VERY annoying, which is why I've only played it twice. Dominated up to, but lost it on, round 16 both times. Yes, I am just bitter, but that's why I don't enjoy it.

I know why they've designed it that way, though, it's to make it accessible and to stop players that are good from ruining it for everyone every time, it's just annoying that they've removed all the skill in the process. I think they should have two modes; Gun Master which is how it is now and Gun Master Pro (or something) that removes the M320 LVG, or at least swaps it for the M320 or maybe smoke grenades or something. I don't know, that sounds crap as well.
I unlocked the AS VAL a few days ago, have yet to try it. Any good?

I hated it at first but it turns out I kind of like it, it seems extremely weak but the good thing about it is the damage barely drops at long range (20 down to 14.5, I think). You have to fire it in bursts at long range, the spread is huge, almost as much as an LMG except you don't get the luxury of a bipod with the Val.

On that note, I just had a game where I starred the M5K and Val, quit on the results screen and didn't get a battle report so the game didn't count, or so it seems. I'm on 82 kills for the M5K and 67 for the Val so that was over 50 kills I got in that game, I used the Val for a while after I starred it but I have no idea what my score was... Bloody annoying. It's stupid but it kind of makes me want to stop playing for the evening because that felt like a lot of 'work' for nothing.
Hmm. Sounds like I need to give it a try.

You do, a lot of people seem to love it.

My M5K and Val stars came back unannounced, I still don't have the report from that game though. I also starred the scout chopper and M1911 just now, which was nice, I think I'll move on to the M93R as my secondary. Do you guys have a secondary per class or use the same gun for all four? I find it confusing if I have different ones.
I have a few favorites but there are a lot I use in the different classes. Overally they feel very balanced.
Best thing about the AS VAL, aside from its damage and the fact it's silenced, is it's fast reload. You can do quite well on smaller maps with it once you've unlocked the extended mags.

I use a silenced G18 for my Recon class, the REX for my Assault kit, the silenced M1911 for Engineer, and the 93R for Support. Why? I don't know, that's just how things happened and I don't feel the need to change things. I do get a little irritated when I join a server which has no 93R as a rule, though. You don't get time to change a loadout before a match begins so I don't bother switching things around.
So apparently you can camp behind the rocks just outside the Russian base on Gulf of Oman and take out any helis or jets that spawn at the base with a SMAW.

At first I got into the stationary AA gun to take out an attack helimachopper that was lingering around too long when I noticed a bunch of random rockets striking the tarmac. That's when I noticed a couple engineers poking their silly little heads up from the rocks and firing away at whatever was on the pad. For about 5 minutes I was playing Whac-a-Mole with these guys in the AA gun.

That was probably the last thing I would have expected to be doing in that match but it was kinda funny to surprise them with a face full of lead.

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