You do, a lot of people seem to love it.
My M5K and Val stars came back unannounced, I still don't have the report from that game though. I also starred the scout chopper and M1911 just now, which was nice, I think I'll move on to the M93R as my secondary. Do you guys have a secondary per class or use the same gun for all four? I find it confusing if I have different ones.
ghskillaGTP server is almost full guys, but can someone switch the game mode and take out all of the baseraping?
ilikewaffles11Can somebody help me get the EOD bit kill later? I can't eve drive the thing how am I supposed to get a kill with it?
This is not good.
I do not like it.
VEXDIn two days, in two different matches, I have been saved by the ability to hear footsteps and place their whereabouts in relation to me.
This is good.
I like it.
In two days, in two different matches, I have been killed by the admin for being able to point my gun at them and press the trigger before their connection allowed them to do the same to me.
This is not good.
I do not like it.
TzunGetting massive base rape in GTP server. Its actually getting full. 24/7 Canals is very interesting choice.
Cowboys965I was on fire the game before that.
Then I join and you kill me 5 times.
gogatrsTzunami needs to stop killing people.
gogatrsTzunami needs to stop killing people.