Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
what's the PC/Ps3 split like on the GTP boards for playing BF3?

It appears to be overwhelmingly PS3 biased, there was a GTP PC platoon but I think I'm the only member (now ex-member as the platoon was pretty much already dead when I applied to join, in fact my application may never have been approved due to absent admins, I honestly can't remember) who has played in a long time. I did some curiosity stalking and some members had been away for several months. There are a couple of PC players here but I couldn't tell you who they are.
If you need beacon spawns go on small CQ maps and put it behind the enemy so people can flank.

When I did mine I had 48 spawns in one game.

Wow, that is a lot of beacon spawns. How many tickets did the server have to allow that many spawns or were people just dying often and you were not?

Yep, it crashed. It was a 2 hour round. The Spas-12 is quite good, though how it loses a 5m face fight with M5K/F2000/AEK is an absolute joke. 42 kills with it in that round.

I can see the SPAS-12 losing a five meter fire fight with the MP5K/F2000/AEK. If I do not hit on my first shot with a pump action shotgun, then more often than not I lose the fire fight. Though, it does feel great when I am working a pump action well and the dominance one can provide is awesome. Unfortunately, I have been farting around with trying to finish all of the new Assignments instead of playing with guns I want to play with, one of which is the SPAS-12.

It appears to be overwhelmingly PS3 biased, there was a GTP PC platoon but I think I'm the only member (now ex-member as the platoon was pretty much already dead when I applied to join, in fact my application may never have been approved due to absent admins, I honestly can't remember) who has played in a long time. I did some curiosity stalking and some members had been away for several months. There are a couple of PC players here but I couldn't tell you who they are.

I am a PC player. I would guess all but three of my eleven friends on Battlelog are Europe based--most of which are from GTP I believe--and I have not played a game with.
I can see the SPAS-12 losing a five meter fire fight with the MP5K/F2000/AEK. If I do not hit on my first shot with a pump action shotgun, then more often than not I lose the fire fight. Though, it does feel great when I am working a pump action well and the dominance one can provide is awesome. Unfortunately, I have been farting around with trying to finish all of the new Assignments instead of playing with guns I want to play with, one of which is the SPAS-12.

I was killed on Ziba Tower from the Skybar area and I was on the balcony looking through to A. 100%-0% one shot, and they were buckshots. So many deaths from what seemed like a team that was only using SPAS', that, or they were the only gun that could kill me.
Same game though I got a quad C4 kill on A, ran back up there, and they were all revived, open fire with the P90, and dropped all but one who I then .44'd. 1700 points and 9 kills in about 20 seconds.
I bet you felt awesome after that.

The P90 is fantastic for any of the CQ maps. Since the P90 already has a 50 round magazine, being able to equip a Suppressor and Laser Sight is a nice advantage. DICE needs to make Extended Magazines standard on all PDWs that have the attachment available.
I bet you felt awesome after that.

The P90 is fantastic for any of the CQ maps. Since the P90 already has a 50 round magazine, being able to equip a Suppressor and Laser Sight is a nice advantage. DICE needs to make Extended Magazines standard on all PDWs that have the attachment available.

I was on Skype with my squaddies and I have to whisper cos its usually about 2am and everyone in my house is asleep. At first I was like 🤬 me, multikill, then it was 🤬🤬🤬. I was screaming like a little girl.

Yes, thats why it is my favorite of the all classes weapons. The MP7 has better hipfire but I highly rate the suppressor, which you trade for extended mags, which are also essential. Not showing up on the minimap is so essential for my playstyle. I hate being noticed >.>.
Havent unlocked the M5K yet but I notice that it only has 31 with ext. mags. Thought that was odd as Im pretty sure the MP7 has 41. Doesnt the RPK go from 40 something to 200 with extended mags?
God EA is pissing me off. Two nights in a row I want to play BF3 and I get about two rounds in and then decide to switch servers and battlelog is down again! :mad: WTF am I paying the game for if I can't play it!?

That's how I felt the day I got it when I couldn't play through the campaign on my Xbox. 6 months later I still can't play that stupid thing and I have no idea why :grumpy:
Havent unlocked the M5K yet but I notice that it only has 31 with ext. mags. Thought that was odd as Im pretty sure the MP7 has 41. Doesnt the RPK go from 40 something to 200 with extended mags?

The MP5K has 31 bullets with Extended Magazines. The most common magazine size I have seen for the MP5 and variants is 30 rounds.

The RPK went from 45 rounds to 200 with Extended Magazines. I believe the latest patch changed that and was a mistake in the previous patch. I am not sure how large the new Extended Magazines are.
The MP5K has 31 bullets with Extended Magazines. The most common magazine size I have seen for the MP5 and variants is 30 rounds.

Yeah, and the MP7 fires smaller rounds (smaller than the P90, if I'm remembering correctly) so it makes sense that the magazine is bigger. Well, holds more rounds in the same physical size I mean. Personally I think the PDWs are well balanced, they cover a broad spectrum and are available to all classes so the small magazine is just a penalty for that I guess. I could elaborate but I'm starting to feel ill and can't think, so I'll just leave it there. It's hard to argue that the P90 and PP-19 aren't a little too good but I think having larger mags on the PDWs would bring them too close to ARs and carbines whilst further bolstering their close range advantage.
Anyone on ps3 now? Feel free to add me if you aren't a tool :lol: last time I did this, I got a tool. Mics preferably :)
It appears to be overwhelmingly PS3 biased, there was a GTP PC platoon but I think I'm the only member (now ex-member as the platoon was pretty much already dead when I applied to join, in fact my application may never have been approved due to absent admins, I honestly can't remember) who has played in a long time. I did some curiosity stalking and some members had been away for several months. There are a couple of PC players here but I couldn't tell you who they are.

I'm a PC player here, I stopped really posting here because of how many people here play on the PS3. It make sense considering this site is for GT and that requires the PS3. But I guess since I was a PC player alot of my posts were ignored here and such so I just gave up. I still play occasionally.
I'm a PC player here, I stopped really posting here because of how many people here play on the PS3. It make sense considering this site is for GT and that requires the PS3. But I guess since I was a PC player alot of my posts were ignored here and such so I just gave up. I still play occasionally.

You would be surprised how many members here don't own a PS3 ;)

I'm on PC. Add me: "corner_terrorist"

I mostly play hardcore CQ.
You would be surprised how many members here don't own a PS3 ;)

I'm on PC. Add me: "corner_terrorist"

I mostly play hardcore CQ.

Well I don't assume everyone owns a PS3, I actually expected most to be PC players because that's what it usually was in the past. I'll add you but I have to go to work soon, so maybe later today. 👍

Hardcore is good with me, usually I play Recon. Right now I just unlocked the M417 so I'm trying to get some unlocks out of that, so i'm stuck with Iron Sights for now.
I need some advice. I'm currently working my way through all the primary weapons to get the first service star with them. These are the guns I have left to star in classes that have more than one choice:

QBZ-95B (66 kills)
G36C (17)
MTAR-21 (4)

Type 88 LMG (42)
M240B (33)
M60E4 (27)
LSAT (4).

Which do you think I should pick up next? I'm torn between choosing the ones that are nearer completion to do them quickly or the new ones that I've barely touched. Well, I say 'torn', it's not that pressing.

After starring most of the other guns I have to say there aren't any that I personally dislike, but my least favourites were the 870MCS because the SPAS-12 is just better at killing, the F2000 because the AEK is better at close range while just about anything is better at long range and the USAS-12 because I seemed to always be out-gunned by the Mk3A1.
G36C and MTAR are two of my favorite rifles. MTAR has massive stopping power.

M60E4 is my most used weapon, so I am definitely partial to that. Throw on a holographic and flash suppressor when you unlock them and that gun is... well, beast.
Start with the lowest. Get them all within a kill or two, then go have a Mega round and star them all in on go ;)
I think I might pick Battlefield 3 up at the end of this month/beginning of next month. So there will be another n00b to own on the battlefield.
Start with the lowest. Get them all within a kill or two, then go have a Mega round and star them all in on go ;)

I did that with all four classes when I starred them the first time, shame it wasn't a double XP weekend really... It looked pretty cool on my feed because I unlocked two weapons for each class plus some attachments, so I had something like 12 unlocks in one game. Actually I also starred an assault rifle in that round, so I had five service stars.
Had a down-to-the-wire, nail-biter of a game Rush game last night on Noshair Canals. I was attacking and at first the defense put up almost no resistance. In fact we set both Mcoms before anyone fired a shot. Those blew rather quickly and the next two fell pretty fast as well. After that, however, things changed. Someone who knew what he was doing on the defending team jumped into the Tungsta and kept our helicopters at bay. After a couple of frustrating deaths, one as the pilot of the Little Bird and the other as an engineer trying to keep the transport chopper in the air, I took out the Javelin and eliminated both the Tungsta and the other vehicle which allowed us to push in and arm both Mcoms. After a lengthy skirmish in the warehouse we eventually held our ground and the Mcom blew and we proceeded to the last set of Mcoms.

'A' blew easy enough but after that all hell broke loose. The defending team kept inside the compound and slaughtered us each time we tried to enter. In a brilliant move on my part (hehe) I spawned on the little bird which was hovering above their warehouse, parachuted onto the top of the warehouse which meant I was out of bounds, ran forward to cancel the 10 second timer and then ran into their warehouse and stole their vehicle driving it forward just enough to escape the out of bounds death and wedged it in the doorway of their warehouse/spawn, firing on the defending team inside and outside of the warehouse until they C4'd me. Suicide on my part but it meant they couldn't get their Tungsta out of the warehouse and into the fight until the burned hulk of the other vehicle disappeared. We had 0 tickets left when I spawned on the Amtrac just outside the compound. I used the guns to destroy the wall and then hopped out and set up my PKP on the ruins of said wall just as a teammate set the Mcom. As the enemy converged on the Mcom like waves hitting a beach I kept the PKP with its extended mags pointed right at the Mcom and slaughtered about 4 guys in the span of a second and a half. With my gun out of bullets I heaved a grenade just as the screen went white.


Victory snagged from the jaws of defeat.
I hate the M5K with a burning passion. My god what a horrible gun.
M5K + Reflex (RDS) + Extended Mag = killing machine
Latest game
Took me a really long time to get used to this weapon. Once extended mag was unlocked it quickly became really good. :bowdown:
By no means the best weapon on the battlefield, but if you and an enemy cross paths around a corner, he's not gonna now what hit him. :D
Think of it like a G18.
Like I said, it takes a pretty long time to get used to it. AFAIK I used longer burst, rather than 2-3 like on rifles, I was doing 5-6. Once you get to the recoil, it's very manageable and if you go round a corner and 2 enemies are running towards you, most times you'll walk away with an empty body and a double kill! :D
It's really only good on CQ maps, except for possibly Operation 925 due to long range for most encounters.
I really hated it with a passion, then once I equiped those 2 things and got the hang of it I really started to enjoy using it. So much so that from 'having to get a service star', I'm now going after 'must get master dog tag'.

EDIT: Just found out that all CQ weapons require 10 service stars for the master dog tag... :eek:
I know this is kinda early but what guns you think is in the Armored Kill DLC? I think for Engi there is a new rocket launcher, for Assault new grenade launcher? Id like to see M24 for Recon.
Like I said, it takes a pretty long time to get used to it. AFAIK I used longer burst, rather than 2-3 like on rifles, I was doing 5-6. Once you get to the recoil, it's very manageable and if you go round a corner and 2 enemies are running towards you, most times you'll walk away with an empty body and a double kill! :D
It's really only good on CQ maps, except for possibly Operation 925 due to long range for most encounters.
I really hated it with a passion, then once I equiped those 2 things and got the hang of it I really started to enjoy using it. So much so that from 'having to get a service star', I'm now going after 'must get master dog tag'.

EDIT: Just found out that all CQ weapons require 10 service stars for the master dog tag... :eek:

I was wondering if it was gonna be like the MP7, hated it until I got extended mags and a sight. I prefer holographic sights over reflex sights though. But I used it on CQ maps and it basically brings their health down to below 10% and then they kill me when I have to reload.

The rest of the CQ weapons I've used are good so far. I got service stars with the M417 which I pretty much used like an assault rifle and the ACW-R. Haven't tried the LMGs much. Love the MTAR21.
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I know this is kinda early but what guns you think is in the Armored Kill DLC? I think for Engi there is a new rocket launcher, for Assault new grenade launcher? Id like to see M24 for Recon.

You basically already have the M24 with the M40A5. The M24 is built off the long-action bolt version of the Remington 700, while the M40A5 is built off the short-action bolt version of the Remington 700. Unless DICE were to decide to make the M24 the A3 version that fires the .338 Lapua Magnum round, then there is no reason to include another 7.62x51mm NATO bolt action rifle, as the game already has the M40A5, L96, and JNG-90 firing that round.

I was wondering if it was gonna be like the MP7, hated it until I got extended mags and a sight. I prefer holographic sights over reflex sights though. But I used it on CQ maps and it basically brings their health down to below 10% and then they kill me when I have to reload.

You have to work on that aim a little then. ;) For what it is worth, I am finding sub 10% health left for the enemy player is very common when I die playing on the CQ maps.

The rest of the CQ weapons I've used are good so far. I got service stars with the M417 which I pretty much used like an assault rifle and the ACW-R. Haven't tried the LMGs much. Love the MTAR21.

I have not used any of the CQ weapons for enough time, other than AUG A3, enough to elaborately comment. The AUG A3 is a good, not great weapon. It does not great, but is solid all around. The weapon is basically a slower firing, but with a longer reload, M416. I have not used the SCAR-L yet, other than in Gun Master and that is probably not a good way to judge the weapon.

What little I have used the ACR has been good, but the 6.5mm Grendel round is weak. The maximum damage needs to be buffed up a bit; there is no reason for the maximum damage to be five points less than the 5.56x45mm NATO rounds. I have also only used the MTAR-21 in Gun Master, but my impression of the weapon is one that is very good in close quarters and likely struggles beyond short-medium range.

I have used the L86A2 briefly. It is a good weapon and very similar to the M27 IAR. My only exposure to the LSAT is in Gun Master. The attachments on the weapon in that mode are awful.

I have not used the M417 much yet because I have been playing mostly Close Quarters maps and the weapon does not seem appropriate for those maps. But what little I have used the weapon, it is a gem and I will likely use the M417 a vast majority of the time when I play Recon. I was already happy with both the M40A5 and L96 as 7.62x51mm bolt action rifles and thus, will likely never use the JNG-90 as a result.

The SPAS-12 seems to be a better 870MCS. If that is the case, then I will really like the weapon. I have no experience with the MP5K, so I have no comment on the weapon's performance.
I saw someone with 24 service stars for the AUG A3. Insane, most I have on any gun is 10, and I've not used that gun in months (M249).

F2000 is superb for CQDom, just got 4 unlocks for it in one round! A service star for that now, and a 5th for the 93R.
I saw someone with 24 service stars for the AUG A3. Insane, most I have on any gun is 10, and I've not used that gun in months (M249).

F2000 is superb for CQDom, just got 4 unlocks for it in one round! A service star for that now, and a 5th for the 93R.

24 is nothing i've seen many people with 80-100.
I know this is kinda early but what guns you think is in the Armored Kill DLC? I think for Engi there is a new rocket launcher, for Assault new grenade launcher? Id like to see M24 for Recon.

I thought it was said there would be no new guns in armoured kill? only vehicles. I hope im wrong but i do recall seeing it somewhere.

Regarding launchers? i dont think there is a need for new versions of those.

Americans=M320 & SMAW.
Russians=GP-30 & RPG-7.

(You get the GP-30 when equiping the underslung M320 on russian weapon - AEK, AK74, AN-94 etc.)

But weapons i would like to see hopefully in the future=

.Beretta ARX 160
.Tavor TAR-21
.SAR 21
.SIG SG 550

.L22A1(SA80 carbine)
.AUG (Para or Carbine)
.FAMAS Commando

.Ultimax 100
.IMI Negev
.H&K MG4

.H-S 2000 HTR
.M110 SASS
.Sako TRG

All kits.
.SPAS 15
.Mossberg 590
.Kriss Vector
.And for the love of god DICE give us the good old original MP5?.

sorry for listing all these but whenever someone asks i cant help myself :)
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