Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
But weapons i would like to see hopefully in the future=

.Beretta ARX 160
.Tavor TAR-21
.SAR 21
.SIG SG 550

.L22A1(SA80 carbine)
.AUG (Para or Carbine)
.FAMAS Commando

.Ultimax 100
.IMI Negev
.H&K MG4

.H-S 2000 HTR
.M110 SASS
.Sako TRG

All kits.
.SPAS 15
.Mossberg 590
.Kriss Vector
.And for the love of god DICE give us the good old original MP5?.

sorry for listing all these but whenever someone asks i cant help myself :)
OMG Yes! :drool:
Hope someone here can help me with this problem. I'm a bit of a tech noob. :/

Just got kicked from a server I regularly go on by Punkbuster, restriction: service communication failure PnkBstrB.exe. Now when I try and load up any server my anti-virus pops up saying it's blocked malware from the punkbuster application running. Do I have to worry about this? If you need more details about where it's coming from I can give them.
Disable your anti-virus. Some don't play nice with PB.

The reason it is being blocked is because PB is requesting system information specifically .exe and sys files to ensure you haven't modified them.

Your anti-virus recognizes this as an intrusion (malware) and shuts it down.

You could also attempt to "allow" PB by finding the executable within the anti-virus program and selecting it to allow the service to run.
That seems logical. Strange how it's all of a sudden doing this though. I'll try it out. Thanks for the help. 👍
So, the GTP server is full and not a single GTP is playing. Caz, can you make me admin? Who left it on 500% Canals?
So, the GTP server is full and not a single GTP is playing. Caz, can you make me admin? Who left it on 500% Canals?

Will do. Ill be on in about 3 hours. Ps3 is packed up for work.

You LT zoom?
Caz if its not too much make a admin. I live in Europe and play BF3 alot so ill be checkin the server alot.
Caz if its not too much make a admin. I live in Europe and play BF3 alot so ill be checkin the server alot.

Been meaning t do that for a while.

Edit : done

Patrick you aswell. I think you have been since the beginning

I'm sorry! OK?!

:indiff: When I changed the map everyone left last time.

Yeah server went from full to what, four of us real quick.
Its a great map if your not getting base raped.


Yeah exactly. If teams are balanced it is fantastic but as soon as you get a decent clan on one team against a team of randoms it is awful.
Yeah exactly. If teams are balanced it is fantastic but as soon as you get a decent clan on one team against a team of randoms it is awful.

Then one admin just mixes the teams.
It's what everyone wants to play besides you guys I guess. :P

Me neither. Favourite maps for me are probably Caspian, Oman, Firestorm and Wake Island 👍 (notice how all have the Transport Heli in them :dopey:)

Well, CB on Rush, anyway...
I think the game changer on Canals is good Little Bird pilots. If you have laser painter/guided missile combo then you can easily take out tanks and the Z11. Very annoying if you are on the receiving end though. Get your squadmates to run javelins as well for double effectiveness.
Some good rounds tonight...Most notably where one round where we dominated the opposition at Caspian (who were the US). They couldn't get near A, and thanks to some guy with a laser painter, I got 6 Javelin kills :D.

Then the tables turned at GB and we got baseraped most of the time. I still someone ended up 35-11 and managed to get the RU APV wedged in between a truck and a metal pillar near A and couldnt get it free again. Luckily it happened with only 40 tickets for us left, but once the animals spotted the cornered beast, it was game over for me. Still, got two kills when two engi's tried to repair torch the tank to death, so I jumped out and shot them both :D.

Plus I thanks to that GB game, I have the RU and US medals :)