Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
just converted from a COD fan to BF3, im hopeless lol

cant even get a positive kd

K/D means nothing in BF3. Just PTFO and you'll be OK. I once got MVP without getting a single kill because I was just going round the map capturing flags.
K/D means nothing in BF3. Just PTFO and you'll be OK. I once got MVP without getting a single kill because I was just going round the map capturing flags.

What he said. Just stick with it, my brother made the switch from MW2 to BC2, hated it because his K/D sucked and stopped playing for months. He came back to it and suddenly discovered that it's way more fun if you ignore your ratio and just play and coincidentally got really, really good at killing people with the M16 and M1911 along the way...

I starred some more weapons today, namely the M93R, QBZ-95B and the PP-2000. I've moved on to the MTAR-21, that thing is awesome. I've gotten 68 kills with it today already so I'm only 28 away from the star now and then I get to move on to the G36C which should be a nice gun to finish the engineer stars with. The only problem is that I've forgotten which ARs and carbines I really liked, but then as I definitely don't dislike any I suppose it doesn't really matter. I need to work on the LMGs, too, I haven't touched any of them since my last post on the subject.
I care about my stats. I dont do it to brag or whatever, I do it because I like to challenge myself. I like to see myself get better at something. This is a team game but I like to develop individual skills along with it.

The only way of measuring such a thing is through stat tracking. All of my stats have been steadily getting better over the last few months. The double XP weekends and Close quarters have boosted my SPM by 100 to over 600 now. My K/D and W/L are constantly on the rise. My accuracy took a bit of a dip but its coming back up now.

After every session I check my history on bf3stats to see how I did. I generally have a good idea of how I have done over the night but I like to see some definitive data. I also like to keep track of my squadmates who I regularly play with. It was originally why I started the GTP leaderboard. Not so that I could say that I am the best (because Im not) but so that I could track my movement up and (hopefully not) down the ladder.

Play for fun, I like that, but what is more fun than completely dunking the enemy team or carrying your whole team?
My spm is currently sitting at 798 lol. I can't join certain servers with fear of getting banned from "questionable spm." lol.

A little something different:

Yup, winning is fun, what I meant is, the dude feels like giving up on the game because his k/d ratio is not good, if you're not good at a game, keep playing even if you lose
Yup, winning is fun, what I meant is, the dude feels like giving up on the game because his k/d ratio is not good, if you're not good at a game, keep playing even if you lose

Indeed. My K/D is awful (but slowly getting better) and I've put in well over 100 hours so far (would be more if I had time lol). BF3 is by far my most played game right now and possibly ever but I am pretty average when it comes to ability. How am I, more often than not, one of the best (going by score in each game) players in my team? I PTFO. Constantly.

Sure, you could just concentrate on K/D but people who play like that generally just camp at the edge of the map with a sniper rifle or use an OP/glitch gun.
I care about my stats. I dont do it to brag or whatever, I do it because I like to challenge myself. I like to see myself get better at something. This is a team game but I like to develop individual skills along with it.

The only way of measuring such a thing is through stat tracking. All of my stats have been steadily getting better over the last few months. The double XP weekends and Close quarters have boosted my SPM by 100 to over 600 now. My K/D and W/L are constantly on the rise. My accuracy took a bit of a dip but its coming back up now.

After every session I check my history on bf3stats to see how I did. I generally have a good idea of how I have done over the night but I like to see some definitive data. I also like to keep track of my squadmates who I regularly play with. It was originally why I started the GTP leaderboard. Not so that I could say that I am the best (because Im not) but so that I could track my movement up and (hopefully not) down the ladder.

Play for fun, I like that, but what is more fun than completely dunking the enemy team or carrying your whole team?

I completely disagree, as stats are easily skewed and show only a historical record of what has been and not what will come. For example a good Recon player will often have 'bad' stats as they'll maintain high KDRs by playing a supportive role around objectives often with an SKS/M417 equipped with a holo or similar but they will only get 100 for each kill they get compared to 450 for his squad mate on the flag.

Then there's the gametype people play, the amount they use vehicles, the avoidance of certain maps and so on. A better measure is simple, after each game or play ask yourself a simple question - how did I do my best to help? Fairly often especially in Rush one player with an awful score can make one vital decision which can make or break the entire round based upon everything else that is going on. Better yet if you have an experienced friend on board ask them what you could have done better if anything to help the team.

Stats are merely indicators, but the cause of them must be examined. Furthermore their inability to predict future actions make them meaningless at any given time during a match. I would say the vast majority of players will make better decisions once they don't think about stats at all because they more readily put their life on the line when necessary but also know when it's wise to stay back and cover.

All that being said there are some thresholds which can easily identify a bad player, 50SPM for example is terrible. Good players however are fairly hard to find based on stats because of the way alot of very good players inflate stats or often die trying to lead a team forward causing the opposite effect.
Indeed, stats can't be used to tell a good player from bad but they can help a player judge whether they're improving or not on average. Even then, though, they have a lot to take into consideration; since my clan got a TDM server all of our K/Ds have gone up because we feel we have to play some TDM every day to keep the server populated and it does involve a LOT of killing, I quite often end games with ratios of 2 or more (unless I'm forced to moderate a game where I find I struggle to regain my rhythm) with over 50 kills, but that doesn't mean I'm improving, I'm just playing a different mode. In fact now that I don't just play CQ, my stats have become skewed to the point of uselessness, and the two double XP weekends that have artificially inflated my SPM haven't helped either. I like to think my stats show that I'm a decent player that doesn't play cheaply, doesn't whore any particular vehicle (tanks are just the most common and accessible) and doesn't cheat despite the fact that I get accused of hacking almost every day, but they're useless as a guide of how good I am compared to someone else.

Edit: none of this stops me from being proud of my stats, though.
I'm just going to throw in my two-cents:

My SPM is in the top 8%, my W/L is in the top ten. I notice that roughly nine times out of ten I am either on top, or at least in the top 3, on my team.

Earlier today I was in a match on Scrapmetal and I was using a no-attachments, bolt action rifle and I was second place my team in a losing game of TDM. I got most kills on the server, and top accuracy rating. After looking through the battle report, almost everyone else on the server had either a fast firing assault rifle or carbine (specifically the F2000, A-91, ACW-R).

That being said, I do agree with what Dragonistic says about avoiding certain situations. I try to not play Conquest on Firestorm and Caspian because even in vehicles I can go entire rounds with less action that the opening minute of Metro. Do certain stats that I track go up because of this? Yes. Does it reflect my ability as a player because of this inflation? That's where the argument comes in. One can argue I only play in matches with high scoring potential, but then again the fact that I do get high score consistently shouldn't be overlooked.

I try not to get too into these kinds of debates because there is no clear right or wrong way; if you ask 50 people what they think about stats vs. skill you will get 50 different opinions.
Because stats like SPM differs so much dependent on gameplay (and double xp isn't helping here, I'm thinking) the only stats that matter, to me anyway, is KDR and Win Percentage. If I'm on the attacking team on Rush having a bad KDR is a big reason we lost and conversely if I have a good KDR as a defending team on Rush I've done quite a bit to help my team win.

Now if we could get rid of the bad luck deaths to get a more accurate KDR stat, I'd be happy.
I'm just going to throw in my two-cents:

My SPM is in the top 8%, my W/L is in the top ten. I notice that roughly nine times out of ten I am either on top, or at least in the top 3, on my team.

Earlier today I was in a match on Scrapmetal and I was using a no-attachments, bolt action rifle and I was second place my team in a losing game of TDM. I got most kills on the server, and top accuracy rating. After looking through the battle report, almost everyone else on the server had either a fast firing assault rifle or carbine (specifically the F2000, A-91, ACW-R).

That being said, I do agree with what Dragonistic says about avoiding certain situations. I try to not play Conquest on Firestorm and Caspian because even in vehicles I can go entire rounds with less action that the opening minute of Metro. Do certain stats that I track go up because of this? Yes. Does it reflect my ability as a player because of this inflation? That's where the argument comes in. One can argue I only play in matches with high scoring potential, but then again the fact that I do get high score consistently shouldn't be overlooked.

I try not to get too into these kinds of debates because there is no clear right or wrong way; if you ask 50 people what they think about stats vs. skill you will get 50 different opinions.

This is sort of the point I'm driving at, your stats may be inflated yes but having played with you I know your a quality player to have on-board. The fact you get high scores is meaningless to me, but the fact I know regardless of what's happening in game you will always be doing something useful is a great confidence booster. The stats are only really meaningful for comparing yourself to yourself to a certain degree once you establish KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) which reflect the way you play and modes/maps you frequent but only if you stick religiously to those variables or they immediately lose usefulness when you move away from your normal game modes which any top player must do. When comparing to other players particularly towards the high end of skill (not the skill statistic, actual) you can get massive gulfs in SPM especially which aren't at all reflective of skill level with players.

I actually find my SPM is often going down lately as I play in a squad of at least 1 friend always and I'll often let him go on the flag as engineer whilst I sit just outside the threshold to cover them in a way that nobody can approach them unseen. 200 points max instead of 450 if I went and sat on the flag as well like I used to, my SPM has at points been comfortably over 500 and now it is only just thanks to a 5-6 Close Quarters games, am I a worse player now? Most certainly not. I used to look at the stats and then look for these explanatory factors but now I make my KPIs very short term, immediately after each death or break in the action I'll evaluate my decisions and how the enemy were reacting and think what I could have done to change the outcome if needed. Once a match is over I'll already have my lessons stored and in mind to apply later and I forget about everything else and start thinking about the next game as soon as I see the loading screen to plan out my plays and tactics. Put bluntly I have no statistic which I feel is reflective of how well I play even though I have some good stats (top 1% for skill and KDR).
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I had the weirdest one of those on Saturday night. I was just running to another position (I was sniping, the L96 achievement), no one or vehicle near me and "bad luck". It's still ridiculously buggy this game, more so than any big title like this should be, but it doesn't stop me playing it.

Ooh stats, we've been here before.

Firstly, the scoring system is broken. If I take out someone taking a flag from outside the flag zone I don't get a bonus, I do if I'm inside, that's wrong. Few other examples too imo.

It's impossible to tell from stats a persons skill, I know of a certain grumpy person with a meh SPM and K/D, but he's one of the best pilots out there and he's a good strategical thinker, who more often that not can turn a game, especially at Metro. There's more than killing and taking a flag all the time to BF3.

And you can't tell what sort of form a player is in, or if they've changed their playing style. I started out with an SPM of about 200 and a K/D of about 1. Last few months it has been 600 and 2.5.

They're interesting, but largely irrelevant without any sort of quantifiable data to back them up.

I was hoping to use the double XP this weekend a bit more, but hey ho, we had to go to penalties last night.
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I had the weirdest one of those on Saturday night. I was just running to another position (I was sniping, the L96 achievement), no one or vehicle near me and "bad luck". It's still ridiculously buggy this game, more so than any big title like this should be, but it doesn't stop me playing it.

My favourite 'bad luck' death was when I vaulted over a broken wall, upon landing on the other side I was catapulted at a building at near jet speed and died. Others include stepping over a crater and exploding even though there was no indication of a grenade being there (and no one got a grenade kill from it) and just yesterday I was run over by a teammate even though I was in a tank and he was driving a jeep. It came up as a team kill even though neither of us exploded but it was too funny to be irritating. I wondered if it was lag, but I don't see how it could've been, but I was stuck at a weird angle and he bounced off the roof so maybe that did something, I don't know.

DICE should make deliberate environmental kills, like blowing up a car that you know has an enemy behind it, more consistent. Sometimes I get credited for kills by hitting a gas tower on Kharg, sometimes it just says the guy I was trying to kill 'is no more'. Continuing on this tangent, I wonder if it's possible to destroy a chopper by shooting a gas tower as it flies over... That would be awesome.
I once got a teamkill by blowing up a tank on CQ at Kharg flag A.
In fact I think it may have been Dragonistic. :D
I once got a teamkill by blowing up a tank on CQ at Kharg flag A.
In fact I think it may have been Dragonistic. :D

I know that has happened to me more then once so you could be right and I've dealt the same out as well :lol:.

I get what Neema is saying though, I've blown environmental obstacles up to only see the enemy 'is no more' when it was clearly my action causing their death but no matter to me so long as they die as I don't care about the points/kill. It must be difficult to program though because I'm sure we've all been there where a car has been damaged and randomly blows up killing someone even though nobody is firing upon it and someone shouldn't be credited for that as it is complete luck. Similarly if you dive out of a jet and 'ghost ride the whip' in to an enemy they are given a suicide instead of crediting you a kill but if I dive out and the jet randomly happens to hit a guy I don't deserve that kill. To me so long as they have to respawn I call that a win.
My favourite 'bad luck' death was when I vaulted over a broken wall, upon landing on the other side I was catapulted at a building at near jet speed and died. Others include stepping over a crater and exploding even though there was no indication of a grenade being there (and no one got a grenade kill from it) and just yesterday I was run over by a teammate even though I was in a tank and he was driving a jeep. It came up as a team kill even though neither of us exploded but it was too funny to be irritating. I wondered if it was lag, but I don't see how it could've been, but I was stuck at a weird angle and he bounced off the roof so maybe that did something, I don't know.

DICE should make deliberate environmental kills, like blowing up a car that you know has an enemy behind it, more consistent. Sometimes I get credited for kills by hitting a gas tower on Kharg, sometimes it just says the guy I was trying to kill 'is no more'. Continuing on this tangent, I wonder if it's possible to destroy a chopper by shooting a gas tower as it flies over... That would be awesome.

Reminds me of Bazaar the other night when I moved the Vodnik thing at the carpark to line up down the alley, I'd changed seats whilst it was rolling and managed to TK VEXD. I was so proud.

I've had a few environmental kills and some that just got "Is no more", the code is either borked (which really wouldn't be difficult to do with something like that) or just poorly designed.
I was team killed once by a tank. Went into a building at C on Gulf of Oman to kill an enemy and the guy in the tank decided to demolish the building. Luckily, I managed to kill the guy before the building collapsed on us.

I also once team killed someone by accident. Was in a tank, attacking in rush on Caspian Border on the last set. A defender put some C4 on my tank and I shot him with the cannon. The splash damage set of the C4 killing me and my team mate which the game classed as a team kill.
Is it possible to destroy a M-Com with a tank like BC2? I remember once i shot the M-Com with an AR lol.
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Nope, MComs must be destroyed by planting the C4 charge on them. (and not the support class' C4)

Thankfully... One map had an MCOM on the second floor of a small building and all it took to destroy it was some C4 and an RPG or two because destroying the building destroyed the MCOM, which made it very hard to defend. At least everyone had the same disadvantage though.
What is the actual calculation that gives your marksman bonus, ie; range+height\2 or height + bullet drop.... Cuz some of my marksman bonuses are rediculously high and sime that are even further away give me less of a bonus