Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
What is the actual calculation that gives your marksman bonus, ie; range+height\2 or height + bullet drop.... Cuz some of my marksman bonuses are rediculously high and sime that are even further away give me less of a bonus

They way I understand it is it's just distance from point A to point B. Consider it the hypotenuse of sorts of the lateral distance and elevation.
Meet/Greet/Kill DICE Devs!
The fine folks at DICE seem to be bored, and in their pursuit of a more adventurous lifestyle, decided to be chased down by hordes of hungry Battlefield 3 players looking for the developers’ dog tags.

Three separate events for all platforms are scheduled for your chance, if you’re a Premium member that is, to snag one of those precious DICE dog tags you have been craving.

Here’s the schedule of the upcoming “Play with DICE” events on all three platforms as listed on Facebook:

  • PC Event: Tuesday, June 26th 8:00 am PDT (11 am EDT/4 pm BST/5 pm CEST) until 11:00 am PDT
  • PS3 Event: Wednesday, June 27th from 8:00 am PDT (11 am EDT/4 pm BST/5 pm CEST) until June 28 at 11:00 am PDT
  • Xbox 360 Event: Thursday, June 28th from 8:00 am PDT (11 am EDT/4 pm BST/5 pm CEST) until 11:00 am PDT
In case you’re wondering how some DICE members feel about this, a while back one DICE employee posted the following image on Reddit with the title “As a DICE employee, this is how I see you when I play Battlefield

Needless to say I will be one of those people :D
I completely disagree, as stats are easily skewed and show only a historical record of what has been and not what will come. For example a good Recon player will often have 'bad' stats as they'll maintain high KDRs by playing a supportive role around objectives often with an SKS/M417 equipped with a holo or similar but they will only get 100 for each kill they get compared to 450 for his squad mate on the flag.

Then there's the gametype people play, the amount they use vehicles, the avoidance of certain maps and so on. A better measure is simple, after each game or play ask yourself a simple question - how did I do my best to help? Fairly often especially in Rush one player with an awful score can make one vital decision which can make or break the entire round based upon everything else that is going on. Better yet if you have an experienced friend on board ask them what you could have done better if anything to help the team.

Stats are merely indicators, but the cause of them must be examined. Furthermore their inability to predict future actions make them meaningless at any given time during a match. I would say the vast majority of players will make better decisions once they don't think about stats at all because they more readily put their life on the line when necessary but also know when it's wise to stay back and cover.

All that being said there are some thresholds which can easily identify a bad player, 50SPM for example is terrible. Good players however are fairly hard to find based on stats because of the way alot of very good players inflate stats or often die trying to lead a team forward causing the opposite effect.

I see what you are saying, but I can assure that I am not one of those players that will avoid confrontation just to save my KD. In fact, I am pretty much the polar opposite. My K/D could be better if I slowed down and ran instead of sprinting, but typically I like to think that I can down 1-2 enemies with relative ease should I encounter them.

I accept tactical deaths, I will run at a tank as a medic just in case he thinks I am a C4 ninja and he gets out (happens more than you think), or I will spawn on a flag where a tank is purely to C4 suicide it. Typically only nets you one or two kills, but saves your team a huge amount of deaths if the driver is decent.

I agree with you, sometimes the best way to defend a point is to not be near the point at all. Covering corridors and doors etc, which prevent the enemy from getting to the objective is beneficial to your team mates. However I typically only play this way when not in a squad of friends. This is because I can rely on them to kill whoever comes and/or revive me if I die.

Let me ask another question, what makes a player good? And is that measurement quantifiable?
I accept tactical deaths, I will run at a tank as a medic just in case he thinks I am a C4 ninja and he gets out (happens more than you think), or I will spawn on a flag where a tank is purely to C4 suicide it. Typically only nets you one or two kills, but saves your team a huge amount of deaths if the driver is decent.

I completely agree. Just last night I sacraficed myself for the good of the team. I was playing rush on Tehran Highway, defending, and the attackers were ruining us with the AAV so I planted a load of C4 on it and set it off. Didn't want to risk being shot before I could detonate so I didn't bother even trying to get to a safe distance. Unfortunately I was slightly too late and we lost the base, still won the round though.
I love tactical suicide, I don't know why but I get an immense feeling of satisfaction from generally annoying the enemy even if I get no points. Having said that I don't play cheaply, like I don't ram choppers with jets and I don't launch a fully strapped jeep at tanks (as fun as it looks), but I will do anything I can to disrupt the enemy team. It's hilarious how often you can play cat and mouse with a tank when he could easily just give up on you and go to the next point and find easy kills, only for you to trick him into getting too close or stuck. I once managed to make a tank drive right off the dock on Kharg by running at it, he panicked and ended up swimming in the water. He looked up at me, I looked at him for a second, switched to my .44 and casually mercy killed him. Then he came back in a chopper and killed me in kind. That wasn't a suicide story but it nearly was.
Sometimes I find that suicide is beneficial to your team. Often I'll run up to a tank, place C4 and the barrel will swing in my direction. I know I'm going to die, and I'd much rather blow myself up with the tank than be gunned down, rendering everything I've tried to do useless.
Got banned last night by admin because they couldn't dislodge me from my tank. I was defending the second set of Mcoms on Tehran with my usual set up of Thermal Optics and Guided Shell. Anyone coming down the mountain towards the Mcoms was spotted by me and if their armor was visible I locked on and usually got the disable. A bunch of them switched to engineers and when I heard the lock on I would back up behind the two story building and watch as their Javelins and RPGs would smash into the building instead of me, then I'd pop back out and spot and kill some folks. Then... all of a sudden... my screen went black and after too long of an interval the words "You have been kicked by Admin" appeared on my screen. Funny thing, though. The admin's team still lost.

Also won my first game of Gun Master last night. The game started out with only 5 people. 4 of them on the opposing team. Yup. me against a squad of 4. It actually works to my advantage. They have only one person to kill so they split my deaths and didn't move up to the next gun very quickly while I had them all to myself. I killed two at the beginning of the game and switched to the 93R and killed the other 2. Before they knew what hit them I was on the Magnum. More players showed up and by the time I was on the shotguns it was full but my early lead helped me to secure my first victory.
Got banned last night by admin because they couldn't dislodge me from my tank. I was defending the second set of Mcoms on Tehran with my usual set up of Thermal Optics and Guided Shell. Anyone coming down the mountain towards the Mcoms was spotted by me and if their armor was visible I locked on and usually got the disable. A bunch of them switched to engineers and when I heard the lock on I would back up behind the two story building and watch as their Javelins and RPGs would smash into the building instead of me, then I'd pop back out and spot and kill some folks. Then... all of a sudden... my screen went black and after too long of an interval the words "You have been kicked by Admin" appeared on my screen. Funny thing, though. The admin's team still lost.

My buddy was driving a tank on Seine yesterday and he was "killed by an admin", who then hopped in and stole is tank. Happened to me as well yesterday on Ziba, I was tearing them apart with the SPAS and I was killed by an admin and got a message saying "no shotguns". I finished the round with the UMP and killed the admin 4 more times. He eventually got me once to make it 7-1.

I messaged him at the end of the round and told him it violated the terms of service to kick/kill people for using certain guns. He didnt take that very well. lol
Having said that I don't play cheaply, like I don't ram choppers with jets and I don't launch a fully strapped jeep at tanks (as fun as it looks), but I will do anything I can to disrupt the enemy team.

Come on that's not playing cheaply, that's just having fun because after all it's just a game. I do it from time to time (C4 buggy) & I always have a blast. I've even taken out a couple helicopters that land. It's not my fault that people get mad because I use C4 in a certain (& effective) way. :lol:
If there's something I hate more than custom server rules, it's servers that don't follow them. Because if I see "illegal" weapons or tactics being used against me I feel like the second I switch then I'll get kicked.
Extreme lag on the PC servers today after the "game with DICE" event.

I was seeing FPS drops all the way down to 1... Yes, 1 as in UNO.

So, if you were on BF3 today on PC and were freaking out thinking your hardware was going bad (like I was) its not you.

It's the servers.

Supposedly they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix.

Until then... It's obviously unplayable.

"As of 12:15 AM, PB has been confirmed to the cause of the server lag. If you wish to play lag free, please join an UNRANKED/NON-PB server from Battlelog. Until further notice all BF3 servers with PB will have reported LAG. "

BetaField 3
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If there's something I hate more than custom server rules, it's servers that don't follow them. Because if I see "illegal" weapons or tactics being used against me I feel like the second I switch then I'll get kicked.

On PS3 I was playing Donya Fortress, only rule was No C4. As it obviously gets old, real quick.
One guy on enemy team was sitting in an obscure corner waiting for people to capture and then blow them up. The only member of the server clan was on that guy's team.
After 5 minutes of having him blow me & my team to bits, I decided to show him how it feels.
I spawned on a mate above C and saw enemies swarming the flag. I threw a pack down and blew it immediately.
Got a triple kill and was kicked. Apparantly it's not cool to C4 admins, but everyone else is open game.

So is there a way to report these kinds of servers? It's getting really boring to get kicked after half a match or right near the end, by an admin jelly of my K/D and MVP status; I want my damn ribbons!
Come on that's not playing cheaply, that's just having fun because after all it's just a game. I do it from time to time (C4 buggy) & I always have a blast. I've even taken out a couple helicopters that land. It's not my fault that people get mad because I use C4 in a certain (& effective) way. :lol:

I would say it's fair to car bomb for a different reason, if anything hits you whilst your driving a car bomb you are almost certainly dead thanks to your explosive payload. Super high risk with potential high reward, but ultimately it is still very easily countered unlike jets that ram choppers which often won't have the time to do anything to stop the rogue jet pilot. I'm not gonna lie if I'm playing on my meet up day with friends and we get in to troll mode, sometimes I can't help but do stupid things though often alot of my attempted trolls are more difficult then actually playing right (airmail C4 for example dropping it from parachute, jet bombs with C4 all over them and so on).

Regarding server rules, one thing you have to keep in mind is nobody watches the killfeed so you have to inform the admins yourself of problems (message them) so they can either look out for them or they may still ignore. In reality it's just one more reason why I only play on official servers, everythings simple and everyone follows the same rules. Good player run servers are too hard to find with such large ticket counts being the norm, boring map rotations (Metro/Seine/Bazaar 500% favurite s3rver plox) and poor admins not enforcing otherwise good rules or randomly kicking. The official servers aren't brilliant, the lack of a full CQ cycle is annoying even with P24, SERVER1, SERVER2, SERVER3 and -[DICE]- (I believe 362 grabs the old PGRM ones) all searched one after another.

At times this game becomes so difficult to just get in to a nice server it feels like the GT5 of FPS games, more filter options to get 100% ticket games consistently is something which would bring me back towards player ran servers and similarly giving the option for server admin to actually prohibit some weapons so you get the rules you sign up for. I'm actively put off playing these days because it might take so long to get in to a good server with more then 1 friend.
Come on that's not playing cheaply, that's just having fun because after all it's just a game. I do it from time to time (C4 buggy) & I always have a blast. I've even taken out a couple helicopters that land. It's not my fault that people get mad because I use C4 in a certain (& effective) way. :lol:

I get what you're saying but that didn't really convince me that it's not cheap! I define 'cheap' play as a move or tactic that is extremely difficult to counter (I almost always play Kharg so C4 jeeps have a lot of cover around the edges of the map, allowing them to take you completely by surprise but I suppose Firestorm would be trickier), easy to pull off and most often results in at least one instant or quick kill, just like base raping really. I accept that people do it but I don't do it because I don't agree with it, it's just my opinion and I imagine many people here disagree with me.
If there's something I hate more than custom server rules, it's servers that don't follow them. Because if I see "illegal" weapons or tactics being used against me I feel like the second I switch then I'll get kicked.

The most ridiculous rule I have ever seen was at Caspian - "NO STINGERS/ JAVELINS".

Gotta love butt hurt admins. I was once kicked by one for killing him 5 times while he was just camping with a sniper rifle.

I hit a jeep with a javelin last night. Triple kill, vehicle disable and destroy, and destroyed explosives (x3) adding up to 630 points. Not bad.
The most ridiculous rule I have ever seen was at Caspian - "NO STINGERS/ JAVELINS".


I've seen "No AA" before as well as Rush servers with "No camping" when that's what Defence is :crazy: (although there's really 2 types of camping, defending an area/objective or sitting in a random corner of the map waiting for someone to happen upon you).
c4 can be cheap and tactical. I was on ziba tower, captured A then as I heard people coming, lobbed 1 c4 down and legged it. Click. 6 kills. Simple:D
The most ridiculous rule I have ever seen was at Caspian - "NO STINGERS/ JAVELINS".



Yeah... That was on a Conquest match.