Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, because (I think I'm about to repeat what you've already said) on this page you can see camo, dog tags, assignments and that stuff is listed in one row, strategy guides, videos and the main DLC packs are all in others, so whatever is left has to be something premium users can have that won't negatively affect non-premium members. It won't be anything as big as maps, it won't be vehicles either because, well, how? So it must either be other old packs being released again (Physical Warfare pack (if it's this that will suck as we PC players got that for free ages ago), SPECACT camo) or, and I think this might be a bit too hopeful, a weapon or weapons. Someone said it could be DICE developer weapons, apparently there's more than just the M1911 S-Tac (a silenced shotgun, or so I've heard) but I'm personally hoping for small themed weapon packs, starting with WWII weapons: M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M1 Thompson, BAR and M1903 Springfield. I bet it won't be that but that doesn't stop me from wanting it to be that.

HAHA that was me a good few weeks back :dopey::lol:

Just had a cool thought, Whats the odd's we'll get those DICE only guns (M1911 S-TAC, 44. Magnum S-TAC and Silenced Shotgun) as part of the Soldier updates in the future. The first soldier update was the ACB premium Knife and premium dogtags. HMM i wonder :D

Obviously we know they wont be part of the "Soldier Updates" now but i posted this before we knew what was in the "Soldier Updates".

I also posted this vid to-
M1911 is good and all but i would take this :sly::drool: .

take a look below :dopey:

Shows how much notice you guys take of me :D
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what is with the damn inconsistent lag. one match i'm knocking people down with a couple bullets, the next it takes a whole clip...............BS
I'm seeing, rather consistently, that I will see an enemy and then just drop dead. The lag is bad enough that I see neither the bullets coming at me nor the flash or sound of the gun firing them.
Very enjoyable few rounds there Apok 👍

Metro was like groundhog day, as soon as we had A and B, they spawned at a beacon we couldnt find and started taking A again. We clean them out, retook the now threatened B and rinse repeat. Highlight of that round was near the end, where I a few of our team located the offending sniper in the paved area to the right of A. An entire squad spawned in front of me on after the other and it was like xmas came early for the PKP. Squad wipe in 4 seconds :D

Seine was me trolling the other team overlooking C and D again. D is super high risk as its impossible to cover them coming to find you. Got a Nemesis streak against a 100 star colonel, so my skill went up 60 points in that round :lol:

Not sure what the heck happened at that round at Karkand?! We lost all three flags relatively quickly and were all of a sudden 30 tickets down and I could not spawn anywhere. Then the ticket count went 165...138...117...91...72...all the way down to zero in the space of 5 seconds and bam, round over! WTF! The four minute round:
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That happened because it was conquest assault, where the defending team (in this case us) has no deployment, only flags and squad mates. As soon as they got all our flags and wiped us out we couldn't spawn anywhere which is why the ticket count went down so quickly.
Mike> I often find people put spawn beacons in the train tunnels that finish under B. You can't hear them at the bottom of the stairs, so it is a good place for them. Due to the nature of Metro, there is more unused map than you think there.
That happened because it was conquest assault, where the defending team (in this case us) has no deployment, only flags and squad mates. As soon as they got all our flags and wiped us out we couldn't spawn anywhere which is why the ticket count went down so quickly.

I've played CQA before, I know defenders do not have deployment. 👍

You're saying if the entire squad dies and as defender's we hold no flags, thats it, game over, not more spawning anywhere? Do CQA games typically last < 4 mins for a 300 ticket game?
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It's not that common, but yes, There's no random spawn so if the flags and team mates have gone it's over. I think I've only had one or two like that.

Someone needs to drop a spawn beacon in some obscure place.
It's not that common, but yes, There's no random spawn so if the flags and team mates have gone it's over. I think I've only had one or two like that.

Someone needs to drop a spawn beacon in some obscure place.

'Learn something new every day.
Anybody else getting even more regular audio drops lately?

Yep, pretty much every time a vehicle passes by at high speed almost all sound drops out for a while just after it passes me, I think footsteps and gunshots still work but it's really jarring.
That happened because it was conquest assault, where the defending team (in this case us) has no deployment, only flags and squad mates. As soon as they got all our flags and wiped us out we couldn't spawn anywhere which is why the ticket count went down so quickly.

Strange, the last time this happened to me the game ended instantly.

Did have one interesting round though. On the three base version of Sharqi, spawned as the assaulting team and I ran straight for C. My squadmates went to A and another went to B. Ran up the ladder at C, it was undefended, neutralised and captured by myself and went upstairs to check the rooftops as there were a couple guys up there according to the minimap. Got up there, and theres a guy standing in the doorway facing outwards. spray him, turn to the left around the corner there are three guys, switch to pistol, spray them all, get another who spawned on one of them. Went back behind the door thing, reloaded my main, and went out and got two more. 7 guys in about 15 seconds. Then we had all the bases and their whole team was dead. So we won.
The audio drops wind me up senseless. I was walking around in silence, turned up the headset just in case. BAM. Tank shot hits me. I may have browned :P
This is the right place to ask - Is battlefield 3 worth getting and how is £35 for a limited edition copy with unused codes? :)
I'd say yes. I have well over 200 hours into this game and still play quite regularly. I preordered the l.e.

With atleast 3 new map packs coming out there is still plenty of life left.

Best advice tho is stick with it. Bf3 has a large learning curve compared to games like cod.
Also have a look at dragonistics guide to assault class ( and the rest when he finishes up). Its very helpful.
That's the main thing, it's not pick up and play, even to the extent that first round of the night can be a bit iffy for me. Well worth it, may actually get a chance to play it next week!
That's the main thing, it's not pick up and play, even to the extent that first round of the night can be a bit iffy for me. Well worth it, may actually get a chance to play it next week!

Yeah I'm usually off a bit first round if the day as well.
Thanks for the advice! Found a used one in good condition for £15 (PS3) and may get the first DLC pack as some guys selling codes via Ebay for £7 (£5 less than the psn store!) :D
Thanks for the advice! Found a used one in good condition for £15 (PS3) and may get the first DLC pack as some guys selling codes via Ebay for £7 (£5 less than the psn store!) :D

Dont buy B2K buy Premium you get all the DLC's for alot cheper and B2K for free.
Dont buy B2K buy Premium you get all the DLC's for alot cheper and B2K for free.
Incorrect, all dlc's are included in that price. No need to pay for any dlc once your are premium.
Incorrect, all dlc's are included in that price. No need to pay for any dlc once your are premium.

I mean like they cost what 15&euro; do you get them for like 10&euro; each and extra if you know what i mean.
If your a standard player you pay the set price for each dlc.

If you are premium you pay the £40. And get ALL DLC FREE. You don't pay extra for them. So you get £55 worth of dlc for £40.
If your a standard player you pay the set price for each dlc.

If you are premium you pay the £40. And get ALL DLC FREE. You don't pay extra for them. So you get £55 worth of dlc for £40.

So you didnt understand... Whatever!!