Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Is battlefield 3 worth getting? :)

My honest opinion. No, it isn't. Long story short, with issues/glitches/bugs that haven't been fixed since release and as was mentioned earlier, it is Betafield 3.

Regardless, perhaps you'll find it enjoyable to a certain extent.
I've had more fun with Battlefield than almost any other game I've ever had. It is absolutely in my top 5.

Bugs? Absolutely but if your looking for a multilayer console shooter then this is by far the best option out there. It is in every way a better game than COD other than the single player but I hope to God your not buying Battlefield for the single player.

The 800 000 premium purchases already should say something about what people think of the game so far.
I've had problems tonight with these sound issues. I just suddenly drop dead and then the gun noise comes when at the killcam.
I've had problems tonight with these sound issues. I just suddenly drop dead and then the gun noise comes when at the killcam.
I am going to delete the game and try to reinstall everything to see if I can notice any difference, will tell the results later.
My honest opinion. No, it isn't. Long story short, with issues/glitches/bugs that haven't been fixed since release and as was mentioned earlier, it is Betafield 3.

Regardless, perhaps you'll find it enjoyable to a certain extent.

Just keep in mind that the game is built on a brand new, scratch-built game engine. There are bound to be issues until they can master the new system. To be honest, it's probably the most advanced thing I've seen on modern consoles.
I am going to delete the game and try to reinstall everything to see if I can notice any difference, will tell the results later.

Don't think that will help it happens to everyone and I bet some people have tried what you are going to.
Battlefield 3 Premium Hits 800,000 Members In The First Two Weeks

“We are very pleased with the performance so far,” Soderlund told USA Today. ”We’re actually only two weeks into it, so it’s a little early to tell how this is going to pay off,” he explained. “It certainly it looks very promising right now.”

The subscription service was released earlier this month for all three platforms offering early access to Battlefield 3′s expansion packs. Premium gives players access two weeks early with PS3 users having a one week jump on the other platforms.

EA has revealed that it’s looking into adding Premium-like services to other properties.

EA: Battlefield 3 Premium “Exceeds What Call of Duty: Elite Does”

“We had EA Sports subscription before Elite came out, so adding that component to the design is not a reaction,” Gibeau told GI International. “It’s something we’d always been considering and we had been looking at. We didn’t have it [Battlefield 3 Premium] ready for launch and it took us some time to get it prepped.

“Having said that, they [Activision] did something really innovative and if your competitor does something innovative and you think it applies to what you can do, then there’s no harm in doing that. This is an industry where people have a lot of oneupsmanship and if somebody innovates, you match it or you exceed it.”

Credit: MP1st
Ddrizle why bother posting all that what does that have to do with anything?

90% of your posts seem to be quoting articles and posting videos. 800 000 premium sales means there are a very large number of people enjoying the game so much they'd drop $50 on DLC for it 2/3rds or a year after it releases. Who cares if they sold that in 2 weeks or 2 months there are still 800 000 people enjoying the game enough to warrant that purchase. That is incredible especially as Blitz said with a game built literally from the ground up.

This is a next gen engine that they are clearly looking into the future with designing now. They are going to be miles ahead of COD in the next generation here and in doing so released a pretty incredible game this generation.
It's about BF3, so technically it's relevant to the conversation.

I know but it's a direct quote from a website. Who cares? It didn't agree nor disagree with my point, just a straight copy and paste.
The 3rd time with such comments on my posts CMvan46, consult a moderator if you're bothered by them.

Whether I am at work or home, I try to post for many, so your "Who cares?" may or may not speak for all who visit this thread.

My last post was BF3 related, not in response to your comment, which I ignored.

My last and only response to this. Apologies for going off-topic.
The first of the strategy guides will be released on the 3rd of July, If your intrested, this first guide is for Close Quarters and It will be 70 pages long. It can be accessed via PDF format at battlelog or if you prefer the official Prima games website. Also, the next soldier upgrade wich we know consists of atleast Weapon and Kits camo's will be released on the 9th of July.

Also i have heard from a good few people that there will be no new weapons in "Armoured kill", But there WILL be new weapons in both "Aftermath" and "Endgame". If this is true i will be pleased as there were rumours there would not be any new weapons after close quarters because of the "20 weapons" listed in the Premium trailer, Wich a lot of people thought were B2K's and CQ's weapons.

edit:- Take a look at the illustration of the pack shots on this article(BF3blog), Think thats confirmation that we will be getting new weapons:drool::D
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I know but it's a direct quote from a website. Who cares? It didn't agree nor disagree with my point, just a straight copy and paste.

I don't really care about your opinion but you added it anyway. Who cares what you think ?.
I found what Ddrizle posted was interesting.

Back on topic >

NERF the helicopters OR bring back the ability to shoot them down easier.
If they can't do that, then don't let them fly into the enemy base and destroy everything before the enemy can use it. Too many wanksticks base raping these days. :grumpy:

Long live the MTAR-21, my new fav :)
Long live the MTAR-21, my new fav :)

is that gun as inaccurate as some people claim it to be? I'm asking this because im basing my decision on wether or not to buy the cq dlc on the guns (i dont really care for cod style maps...other than donya fortress which looks pretty cool) and yes i've picked up the insanely overpowered m417 if you were wondering haha
NERF the helicopters OR bring back the ability to shoot them down easier.

I have to agree. Overall, the balance of weapons is spot on, as each excels in one sphere, but can be used to some effectiveness at the users risk if used for what it wasnt designed for (e.g. semi auto rifle/LMG running and gunning).

However with the last patch, where they nerfed Stingers, helos are still too powerful in the hands of a skilled pilot and gunner. For example:

- A brilliant infantryman with all the skills in the book can be outnumbered. Effectiveness is limited.
- A brilliant tankdriver with all the tactics in the book can be kamikazi-C4'd, surrounded by RPGd etc. Effectiveness nullified.
- A brilliant helo pilot cannot be nullified. With ECM they can flee and put distance between Engis on the ground and then swoop back to deal death. Even when a stinger does slip though, it's not a one hit disable, so the helo can continue on.

It's not good. DICE need to either bring back the one hit disable, or increase the reload times on flares/ ECM. If they don't, Armoured Warfare could get tedious if you run up against a good helo pilot as there is no counter.
The 3rd time with such comments on my posts CMvan46, consult a moderator if you're bothered by them.

Whether I am at work or home, I try to post for many, so your "Who cares?" may or may not speak for all who visit this thread.

My last post was BF3 related, not in response to your comment, which I ignored.

My last and only response to this. Apologies for going off-topic.

I apologize for that. I took that as a response to what I posted but I have issues with those who try to make arguments by posting sources. Having a bad day when I posted that.

Anyway, have we heard more about what is coming to premium in July besides the limited details on the schedule they have up?
SOFLAM + Javelin to take down Helos and not stingers. Base killing annoys me, as does stealing choppers. It's ill thought out.
Base killing annoys me, as does stealing choppers. It's ill thought out.

It's still beyond me as to why they changed, from what I believe is a great formula, the heat-seeking guided missiles in BF Play4Free.
Rarely would someone dare attack the opposing base for fear of being blown to bits; or it would be the thrill of a lifetime.
I never really got why you died if you went into the red zone on foot, or driving a tank or jeep or hummer or Vodnik or boat or Amtrac or buggy or LAV; but if you were in a flying thing, that was ok.
Until you got out.
Why don't they just make the no fly zone cover the bases, and if need be, put the bases further away from the action?
Alternatively, they could just put an impenetrable roof over them.
You could fly your jet out of the tunnel, or the Chopper out of the helipad hole, but trying to get one in there without someone shooting you down would be almost impossible, and as a result; the vehicles would all sit there, undamaged.

Choppers are still nerfed.
Compared to how they were a few patches ago, you can now quite easily be flying around and BAKARRRRRR. You're dead.
Someone got a guided shell off from the tank, and you never even HEARD it, let alone had chance to ECM or flare.
Someone got a paint on you, and someone else used a Javelwin.
Those things will CIRCLE your chopper until your ECM runs out, and then hit you.
You need a plane/other chopper/building/mountainside and some serious flying skills to evade a Javelwin.

Anyway, most annoying thing for me is the douches who sit in the C-RAM and shoot their own aircraft.

That's probably the most annoying thing.

SOFLAM + Javelin to take down Helos and not stingers.
So why are Stingers in the game then if they serve no function? Either the function they were designed for is flawed now and needs to be redressed to make them useable again, or the developers designed a weapon that has no use, which is not really a BF thing to do. I'm going with the former.

Had a very hard fought 500 ticket match at Kharg. It was neck and neck in the ticket count till about 240 when we finally managed to hold three bases for a while and squezed them out, which quite a turnaround as at 270 they held all four flags.

Had my weirdest bad luck death too, driving an Abrams down past A just out of the blue, kablam, dead and 'Bad Luck'. Super annoying.

Anyway, had fun trolling D to distract the enemy from C and B. It basically amounted to me taking a boat and capping D, a T90 coming from with troops looking for me. I'd then hid in the drink, wait for them to cap the flag and go, I'd climb back up, lay some mines, recap D, attract another tank, disable and kill it, fake a run to B in the kill cam and hide in the drink again. :lol:

I do have a renewed appreciation for the amazing sound detail this game has. Twice today I heard a would be knifer coming up behind me with enough time to spin and gun them down. 👍
I was just saying that it's easier to take them down with SOFLAM/Javelwin due to the top attack. As VEXD says choppers are not OP. Work as a team and they're too easy to take down.
I apologize for that. I took that as a response to what I posted but I have issues with those who try to make arguments by posting sources. Having a bad day when I posted that.

Anyway, have we heard more about what is coming to premium in July besides the limited details on the schedule they have up?

The first of the strategy guides will be released on the 3rd of July, If your intrested, this first guide is for Close Quarters and It will be 70 pages long. It can be accessed via PDF format at battlelog or if you prefer the official Prima games website. Also, the next soldier upgrade wich we know consists of atleast Weapon and Kits camo's will be released on the 9th of July.

Also i have heard from a good few people that there will be no new weapons in "Armoured kill", But there WILL be new weapons in both "Aftermath" and "Endgame". If this is true i will be pleased as there were rumours there would not be any new weapons after close quarters because of the "20 weapons" listed in the Premium trailer, Wich a lot of people thought were B2K's and CQ's weapons.

edit:- Take a look at the illustration of the pack shots on this article(BF3blog), Think thats confirmation that we will be getting new weapons:drool::D
Anyway, have we heard more about what is coming to premium in July besides the limited details on the schedule they have up?
As mentioned above you get the first strategy guide, a new soldier upgrade on July 9th which includes new weapon and soldier camos and also the second premium video.

Premium Video 2: Close Quarters Weapons Guide
In our second Premium exclusive video, Core Gameplay Designer Alan Kertz takes you through all of the new weapons in the expansion pack Close Quarters. This in-depth guide will give you a great idea how this new arsenal complements your play style and fits the new tight infantry maps in Close Quarters. You can access all of your Premium exclusive videos on Battlelog at
I was just saying that it's easier to take them down with SOFLAM/Javelwin due to the top attack. As VEXD says choppers are not OP. Work as a team and they're too easy to take down.

Still didn't answer my Stinger question :P