I never really got why you died if you went into the red zone on foot, or driving a tank or jeep or hummer or Vodnik or boat or Amtrac or buggy or LAV; but if you were in a flying thing, that was ok.
Until you got out.
Why don't they just make the no fly zone cover the bases, and if need be, put the bases further away from the action?
Alternatively, they could just put an impenetrable roof over them.
You could fly your jet out of the tunnel, or the Chopper out of the helipad hole, but trying to get one in there without someone shooting you down would be almost impossible, and as a result; the vehicles would all sit there, undamaged.
Choppers are still nerfed.
Compared to how they were a few patches ago, you can now quite easily be flying around and BAKARRRRRR. You're dead.
Someone got a guided shell off from the tank, and you never even HEARD it, let alone had chance to ECM or flare.
Someone got a paint on you, and someone else used a Javelwin.
Those things will CIRCLE your chopper until your ECM runs out, and then hit you.
You need a plane/other chopper/building/mountainside and some serious flying skills to evade a Javelwin.
Anyway, most annoying thing for me is the douches who sit in the C-RAM and shoot their own aircraft.
That's probably the most annoying thing.
