Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Should have been clearer I meant the rumor about the extra Dice guns. Was wondering if those are coming or not?

Well so far the only mention of this was my post below wich i posted a few weeks back, There hasnt been any other comments or rumours about it on any other site or forum, Including battlelog wich is a haven for rumours and speculation. But if DICE were to surprise us, They could include them in one or more of the "bonus content drops" in wich case we wouldnt know we will be having them untill they are released, or at the most a couple of days before. I think if we were to recieve them this would be where we would get them from or maybe the "Soldier Updates" but it seems they are reserved for camo's and dogtags at the moment.

Just had a cool thought, Whats the odd's we'll get those DICE only guns (M1911 S-TAC, 44. Magnum S-TAC and Silenced Shotgun) as part of the Soldier updates in the future. The first soldier update was the ACB premium Knife and premium dogtags. HMM i wonder :D
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Ik many people would say wtf possible on console and pc:):sly:

I had to post

I want to see someone do that and road kill a sniper up in the building on Oman, that would just be the most immense thing ever to be witnessed in gaming.

On a more serious note, though, I can't believe this glitch hasn't been fixed yet. I thought it had been so I charged at the water in a LAV-AD on Kharg to escape a tank, only to be catapulted backwards, over the tank I was escaping and into one of the gas towers. It was hilarious but still a bit of a pain in the arse.
I want to see someone do that and road kill a sniper up in the building on Oman, that would just be the most immense thing ever to be witnessed in gaming.

On a more serious note, though, I can't believe this glitch hasn't been fixed yet. I thought it had been so I charged at the water in a LAV-AD on Kharg to escape a tank, only to be catapulted backwards, over the tank I was escaping and into one of the gas towers. It was hilarious but still a bit of a pain in the arse.

I Was Always thinking when you in the sky with LAV-AD , You somehow get a kill that would be EPIC
I just got killed THREE times by an admin in a match because I was doing better than him. First he swapped teams to the team I was on and i was switched to the team he was on which was losing badly. Then later he switched me back an then when I started shooting at him, he hid and killed me.I don't know why it's surprised me in a server titled 'Sandy Vagina's Box'. And when you start it said 'Drink my buttjuice'. :rolleyes:
I had an abosulelty terrible match last night on the GTP server. I basically just was trying out new things.
Battlefield 3's July Premium Goodies Update Set For July 8th.

The month of July is set to give Premium users more weapon camo’s, a Close Quarters strategy guide, a double XP event and a video guide which has DICE developer Alan Kertz emerge you in a guide to the weapons unlocked through the latest Close Quarters expansion.

According to the Premium Calendar, the Soldier Upgrade, essentially a bunch of weapon camo’s, are set to release to Premium users on July 8th. June’s Soldier Upgrade included camo’s for the Scar-H, PKP Pecheneg, L-96 and the F2000. Hopefully July’s release will includes more weapon camo’s, but details on exactly what camo’s are included in this batch have yet to be revealed.

Credit: MP1st
Had some really good rounds at Nosehair Team Deathmatch. Used the MK3A1 I just unlocked, that weapon is a beast!

EDIT: Just got the Service Star for it, only used it for about 15 mins.
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I did some work on assignments this weekend and unlocked the M417 and the SPAS-12.

I almost never use semi-auto snipers, but I LOVE the M417. Once I got used to it, I went 74/36 (or something like it) on a 500 ticket TDM on Canals.

Then I got the SPAS and decided that I hate pump action shotguns... or just shotguns in general. I have slugs unlocked for the 870, which makes it a bit better... err, makes me less of a n00b at shotguns, but I just can't use them anymore.
Can someone please explain to me the difference on Battlelog between "accuracy" and "average weapon accuracy"?

One might be 'infantry and armour" and the other "infantry weapons" only? Dunno.

I don't trust Battlelog stats. It says I have ~900 suppression kills assists, BF3stats says I have >1500 :rolleyes:
I had an abosulelty terrible match last night on the GTP server. I basically just was trying out new things.

I've found almost all matches on that server to be dreadfully boring. With so many tickets there is no sense of urgency. Lots of dicking around.
I was playing on [ACE] server roadkilled teammate like drive towards jump out. I think i stole his C4 kill as well. He putted some C4 on a tank i shot rocket with the smaw lol haha.
I was playing on [ACE] server roadkilled teammate like drive towards jump out. I think i stole his C4 kill as well. He putted some C4 on a tank i shot rocket with the smaw lol haha.

Where's that ACE server located? Because my main platoon is the Ace Platoon.

EDIT: Ahh! Never made the connection between you and juhna :P
I did some work on assignments this weekend and unlocked the M417 and the SPAS-12.

I almost never use semi-auto snipers, but I LOVE the M417. Once I got used to it, I went 74/36 (or something like it) on a 500 ticket TDM on Canals.

Then I got the SPAS and decided that I hate pump action shotguns... or just shotguns in general. I have slugs unlocked for the 870, which makes it a bit better... err, makes me less of a n00b at shotguns, but I just can't use them anymore.

The M417 has become my main Recon weapon, excellent weapon as is the all mighty SPAS. With slugs it becomes even better as you have the same power as 870 slugs with a higher fire rate meaning one shot kills in the chest at close range and surprising damage at range though the fire-rate and bullet speed don't make it a good long range weapon it makes the SPAS much much more usable on large maps with great close range stopping power and can still damage from afar though accuracy is vital.

My friend and I got on last night and did the ultimate troll. MK3A1+IRNV+Frag, 93R, claymores galore. Dey see us trollin, they hatin

I tried out the SPAS on Scrapmetal with frags, the results were interesting :lol:. Surprisingly effective when used right but nowhere near as good for normal gun fights.
The M417 has become my main Recon weapon, excellent weapon as is the all mighty SPAS. With slugs it becomes even better as you have the same power as 870 slugs with a higher fire rate meaning one shot kills in the chest at close range and surprising damage at range though the fire-rate and bullet speed don't make it a good long range weapon it makes the SPAS much much more usable on large maps with great close range stopping power and can still damage from afar though accuracy is vital.

The damage is not same with the Spas as the 870 because the 870 shoots 12 pellets while the Spas shoots 11 but the reload for the Spas is lower. But close range both are one shot kill.
The damage is not same with the Spas as the 870 because the 870 shoots 12 pellets while the Spas shoots 11 but the reload for the Spas is lower. But close range both are one shot kill.

He was talking about slugs.

I don't know what it is about the SPAS but it's a total machine, I used it back to back with the 870MCS in one round of Canals TDM and got so many more kills with the SPAS. It feels almost as if it's glitched because I was getting one shot kills at fairly long range maybe 80% of the time, whereas the 870MCS was quite often a two shot kill even close up. Quite a few people have said in the text chat that it's a cheat or it is indeed glitched, but I haven't seen any actual info about that... Any ideas?
I used to be a die-hard 870 fan pre-SPAS but now I simply can't warrant use of the 870. I wouldn't say I'm experiencing overly long range kills more often then the 870 but the reduced pellets (I did already know the SPAS fired less, as Neema says I was talking about slugs) is more then beaten by the faster fire rate the SPAS has whilst it does retain a decent spread for further buckshot/flechette shots. My main problem with the 870 was not being able to take down enough targets fast enough because of the pump time or if you miss the first shot you're usually dead.
Randoms seem to get really mad if they are killed by a shotty. I have a hard time using shotguns, i almost have slugs for the 870. But i will probably just stick with a ACOG+bolt action if i want to do that kind of play style. And for some reason i feel another shotgun nerf coming along anyways, too many people on the battle.logs complaining.

Its funny how the choppers were heavily nerfd, and people still complain they are OP on battle.log. They are assuming the chopper is OP, when its really the pilot and gunner just "working together" and its sad DICE is making it harder for the people who spend the time to learn how to just, not suck.
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Yeah I think the CQ weapons will be 'rebalanced' soon, pretty much all of them have become my favourite weapons in each class. Maybe the DAO-12 is still my favourite shotgun and the M5K isn't my favourite PDW, but I find myself using CQ weapons more than any other now, especially as a sniper. I've tried going back to my previous favourite rifle, the Mk11 Mod 0, but I can't really justify it over the M417. Having said that, last time I used it I was getting some pretty awesome OHK headshots at about 250-300m with a holo, grip and suppressor, I'm not sure the M417 could do that, maybe it could. At the same time, though, I was running out of bullets in close range fights with the Mk11 which I wouldn't have done with the M417.
It's also worth noting with the SPAS and Slugs combo, the projectile moves super slow so it's not as good at range as the 870 Slugger.