I have been trying to play BF3 but without the CQ DLC I'm just at a disadvantage. The M16 is the only weapon that can put up a fight against those weapons. The MTAR-21 is by far one of the most accurate, powerful weapon I have ever used on Battlefield. Then again the ACR and the Scar-L are great also. DICE really should keep the DLC weapons equally balanced with the regular game weapons.
MTAR-21 accurate
Each of the guns have their pro's and cons, For example.
.SCAR-L = very low rate of fire - only suitable for mid to long range engagements.
.ACW-R = Great carbine for mid to long range but deals less damage up close than most + only has a 26 round mag.
.MTAR = Very powerfull up close due to fast rate of fire, Anything past close to slightly mid range and your praying.
.AUG A3 = Quite Normal assault rifle more suited to long range engagements due to only firing 700RPM very much in the L85 mould in my opinion.
.LSAT = Nobody uses it, has nothing going for it really. Average at best.
.L86 = one of the strongest and accurate LMG's but considering its just a heavy barreled L85, it should be. also has the fewest rounds in its mag out of all LMG's.
JNG-90 = L96?
MP5K = mag size along with its fast rate of fire severly hampers it.
I think only the SPAS and M417 could be considered OP'd and the M417 is stretching it i think, as i know plenty of people who still prefer the SKS. I do however think the SPAS is slightly glitched or just maybe a bit OP'd.
And also i think that its not these new weapons that are causing the problems, I think the answer is that the existing weapons should be improved, not bringing the Close Quarters weapons down.
These are only my opinions on the weapons, But i will stand firm on one thing. The MTAR should not be considered "accurate"