Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Something wrong with that report, squads aren't right. And I don't know why every player has that triangle with the (!) In it.?

Its a way of reporting possible cheats.
Got the game today along with the online pass but have decided to do campaign first.

The Campaign: Probably completed most of it in the 3 or so hours i've played so far and its quite good, if a little predictable and generic in places. And as with most modern FPS campaigns its also way too short!

Gameplay: The actual gameplay impressed a lot though, it felt far more like you were 'there' being shot at and this helps to discourage the lunacy seen in most Call of Duty games. This is the thing that really bring's BF3 above COD as it feels like a far more realistic shooter, especially when you get shot. The sounds are also generally impressive with bullets rushing past and echoing when you fire. The variety of roles in the missions is also good and unlike the already mentioned Call of Duty you get a good idea of where the story is going and why you are doing what you are doing.

Summary: So far so good then, Campaign is not without faults but feels realistic and has a reasonable storyline. And finally I can't wait to join everyone on PSN online very soon! :)

Got the game last week but didn't have a chance to play it until this Monday, just finished the campaign (on hard settings) this evening (not constantly playing it since Monday obviously so yes it's short) and I can only echo what you're describing even though I haven't got much if any experience with the current COD titles.
I've enjoyed playing Bad Company before (online was great) but skipped BF2 so this feels like a quantum leap on so many levels yet familiar at the same time.

I did notice how 'rusty' I had become initially at playing an FPS again and therefor alone the campaign could've been slightly longer for me to feel confident enough to jump online.
But I'm planning to give it a go tomorrow anyway (a quick match or something), expecting full well to get slaughtered and cursed at...
Back to noob status for now. :D
Still considering renewing the server, would the new comers be interested in playing in a consistent server, and the old timers as well?
Decision to be made by tomorrow to renew current ip address, if I don't renew tomorrow it will be considered a new server and not worked into favorites of those who have set it already.

Ill be on in an hour or so if anybodies up for it.
Still considering renewing the server, would the new comers be interested in playing in a consistent server, and the old timers as well?
Decision to be made by tomorrow to renew current ip address, if I don't renew tomorrow it will be considered a new server and not worked into favorites of those who have set it already.

Ill be on in an hour or so if anybodies up for it.

If it's full and there are people in it, it's totally worth it. But without having people in there...
The only reason I don't play on it now is because I don't like what it's set on. I don't like 500% games, and I don't like playing the same map 24/7. Even on my favorites, like Metro Rush, I don't have the attention span to keep doing over and over.
Yeah, I forgot it was set that way.
It is not anymore, tho a little late.

Oddly no matter what I set it as itbseemed to be empty. Until cowboys switched it to 24/7 canals. From then on it was loaded.

500% can be good if its a good battle till the end, personally I like 2/300. Enough time to mount a comeback .
I think im addicted to 24/7 500% Ziba tower CQ Dom Lobbies, Somebody please save me...........:nervous:
If it's full and there are people in it, it's totally worth it. But without having people in there...

I think there should be a decent mix of Rush and CQ, on medium-large maps. If there were maps like Caspian Rush, Firestorm CQ I'd play it a lot 👍
Lets put it this way, rush is a good idea. Rush with abnormal ticket size is a bad idea. Though I have surprisingly won games of high-ticket Rush as a defender, it's almost impossible to do against a semi-competent team. And on attacking the only way to lose is to, frankly, never go after the bases. If you have enough tickets the throw around, you can mount a serious offensive.
This might be a good rotation (everything 100% tickets, and randomized)
Caspian Rush
Noshar Canals CQ
Métro Rush
Firestorm CQ
Damavand Rush
Tehran CQ
Oman CQ
Karkand Rush
Noshar Rush

Would people like play this rotation?
This might be a good rotation (everything 100% tickets, and randomized)
Caspian Rush
Noshar Canals CQ
Métro Rush
Firestorm CQ
Damavand Rush
Tehran CQ
Oman CQ
Karkand Rush
Noshar Rush

Would people like play this rotation?

I don't like servers that change between game modes, they just annoy me.
I would like something like Kharg, Firestorm, Caspian CQ 200%.
This might be a good rotation (everything 100% tickets, and randomized)
Caspian Rush
Noshar Canals CQ
Métro Rush
Firestorm CQ
Damavand Rush
Tehran CQ
Oman CQ
Karkand Rush
Noshar Rush

Would people like play this rotation?

Maybe put one or two TDM there? It would be a nice mix there.
I hate switching modes in rotation. Really messes with my game play.

Doesn't matter now tho. The server expired last night. Not sure what time, I logged in around ten got the message saying it was expiring on the 5th , went to hop on and it was already closed.

Joined a buddy but he was playing hardcore Oman 500%. Made it halfway through the round before I quit. I was top on our team, just wasn't feeling it tho. ( probably too many beers :) )

I did take out a chopper over c with main cannon as I was taking A with a tank. First shot boom!
Had an awesome takedown of a Viper on Firestorm CQ. As I was driving towards C from spawn I fired into the sky to take down someone on the roof of A and hit a Viper flying past it instead.
Once i had an awesome jet takedown. Operation Firestrom, match just started saw the enemy jets flying around just randomly shot with the Abrams. Few seconds later 100 enemy killed 50 vehicle destroyed. I was like HOLY S*HIT!!
Ahh never noticed before ;)

Thanks war. That was a good round we were in before server crashed.

Yeah I got really :grumpy: when it crashed and I thought I was the only one it crashed on.very tight game indeed.I had gone for the knife on you but for some reason could not get the kill,that's when I shot you,then it crashed.

Thanks for the server.I had many a good game on it and many many really bad games.There seemed to be one or two underground glitch points on the at the C flag under the Barn with the ammo crates in it.and the other was under the bridge near C flag.I got killed a lot from guys in those places.
I don't like servers that change between game modes, they just annoy me.
I would like something like Kharg, Firestorm, Caspian CQ 200%.

I do kind of get annoyed by ever changing servers, I've signed up to play a certain type of game and I intend to stick to it. That being said there's a million and 1 Caspian, Kharg, Firestorm CQ servers.

Personally I'd go for all map CQ, if DLC is included (B2K) group them together so people without the maps don't constantly get 1 game only (can they join the server at all actually?). Similarly I'd go for 200% max, it keeps things fresh enough and stops one team base raping for too long as usually happens in longer games.

I think it's best to follow some pattern and not deviate too far from it, Rush is very different to CQ for example, whereas having all maps on one mode you are just playing the same thing in different environments (in other words Rush is pretty much the same spam fest or base rape on all maps where CQ often leaves more room to play around ignoring Metro). Some variety but not too much is the way I think is best, unfortunately most servers do not agree with me so perhaps my opinion is completely wrong.
I tried an all map cq rotation, but we now have too many maps. Even dropping out the day 1 maps from b2k ( small flag version ) you cannot put all into rotation due to a small rotation limit.

I've tried running build up.rotations as well.
Metro-sienne-bazaar-tehran then into smaller air/land maps like damavand and canals then build up to Kharg firestorm, caspian.
Nothing seemed to populate the server until 500% canals came about.
Even when the cqc dropped I put it up with only cqc maps and it stayed empty for a few days.
Baffled ;)

I have until August 4 to renew server. Debating on it or going PS+.
I play alot with a group of guys [MBP] who run a good server. I hooked up with them one night playing alone and ended up squared with 2 of them. We were doin work all night and now whenever I log on, they send me am invite.
Its nice playing on a team who all communicate and work together, setting mics to team instead of squad. Snipers letting you know when they are setting up and locking on with soflam counting out the lock so you can be prepared as soon as they get lock on etc.
Gatyrs, those were the guys I was playing with on that epic Oman comeback the other night.

Drag: I'm.with ya buddy ;)
In regards to that list on the previous page, I like it. The one blemish for me is Firestorm CQ, but I'd put up with it if my friends enjoy it. I can understand people not liking to switch game modes, though.
No TDM? Baw.

Go play COD ;)
Kidding of course.
TDM is ok but I prefer conquest over any then rush. Tho I have said many times here, bf3 maps are designed with conquest in mind whereas bc2 was rush oriented. IMO.

In regards to that list on the previous page, I like it. The one blemish for me is Firestorm CQ, but I'd put up with it if my friends enjoy it. I can understand people not liking to switch game modes, though.

My list?
I liked it as well.any single map in each style is dropable. Maybe 2 from.the infantry maps. It was fun because the battles progressed in scale as the map went on.

A reverse would be cool.

A large b2k city map- tehran- sienne/bazaar ending with metro.
Starts out invading, then moving into the city and closing in on the enemy to finish them off in the subways. Maybe after metro ad in one of the cqc maps.

Imagine a map like Oman with ziba and op925 built into the buildings within the larger scale map.
Would make for a cool rush map. Start outside, blow a couple mcoms, move in to the office building with another set or two then the rooftops of ziba for the final set or two.
Would work on console but conquest would need to be 32/32 or more to maintain all 3 different areas of play. All out war.
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That'll do wonders to our frame rate :lol:
bf3 maps are designed with conquest in mind whereas bc2 was rush oriented. IMO.

Not all of them, think of Métro or Tehran and you can see that they're more linear compared to places like Firestorm (which imo should not be a Rush map :yuck:).
Another good game Caz.
Had a pretty awesome minute and a half buggy chase. It was either you or LT driving and me on the gun. Had the stupidest smile on my face until he bailed. Would have been sweet if the other guy had a gunner and was shooting back at us.
WRC: BF3 Style :D
All I'm going to say for today is: 5 games, 5 loses, 4 servers, 2 quits, and the most extreme camping I've ever seen. One of the buildings that overlooks a large portion of Seinne TDM there was an engineer spamming rockets as fast as he could fire, a support guy with his pack out constantly giving the guy more rockets as well as firing 24/7 from his LMG, an assault guy laying down everlasting M320 fire, and to top that all off the stairwell that led to them was cluttered with claymores AND anti-tank mines. So not only could you get up to them without alerting the whole map of where you were, you couldn't even poke your head out in that area without getting a rocket, grenade, and continuous fire in your direction.