Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Personally I find myself in a bit of a dilemma recently. To buy Premium or not, that is the question! Considering I have absolutely zero DLC so far, so separate purchases of both B2K and CQ will cost me £24, bearing in mind that premium is £40.

Can anyone sway me either way? Is it REALLY worth the money?
I like it. They have an in game calendar showing upcoming add-ons. Its not just DLC but extra solider upgrades and double XP events too. For example regular users got double XP a few days ago while premium members have it all week. I ranked up like 4 or 5 times last night alone. lol
I've come up against this dude before and I was his bunny. Today he was in my squad.

I think they should do a dog tag for every 10 weapon service stars. Same design as the Master, only the weapon is gold. What do you think about that? I think it should be called "Legend" ex. MP7 Legend, not MP7 Master
Funny thing was, he and his mate changed squads after giving me a mouthful for not doing enough. Apparently 40-10 and 10k points a third of the way into a 300% ticket Seine game is not good enough :lol:
I think they should do a dog tag for every 10 weapon service stars. Same design as the Master, only the weapon is gold. What do you think about that? I think it should be called "Legend" ex. MP7 Legend, not MP7 Master

I see no reason to not have tags for up to 100 service stars, BF3 is one of those games that a diehard few will put thousands of hours into (someone once told me he had 3,000 hours on BF2 because he didn't like Bad Company 2 and played that until BF3... Haven't seen him on BF3 so maybe he went back again?) so I think they should be rewarded for that. 10 service stars could happen in less than ten hours for some weapons, for example I've got 103 kills with the Mk3A1 in 32 minutes. That means you could quite easily get 10 service stars in 3 days, maybe less if you're good (after all let's face it, whoring the Mk3A1 doesn't say much about your skills). A solid month of using one gun (3 days for 10 stars = 30 days for 100) is much more of an accomplishment.

Having said that, go check out 'An_Anglo_Saxon's PC soldier; a hair away from 150 DAO-12 stars in less than 70 hours...

Apologies if this is gibberish, I'm in bed with a fever and can't sleep so I've turned to GTP for entertainment in the meantime.
Ithere's a Toe2Toe one, any idea what that is for?
Just saw this now...I have toe2toe available. It seems to have just appeared recently in my dogtags, along with a Mortar one (two guys under an umbrella) and another one or two. I can only assume they were freebies to everyone?
Just saw this now...I have toe2toe available. It seems to have just appeared recently in my dogtags, along with a Mortar one (two guys under an umbrella) and another one or two. I can only assume they were freebies to everyone?

Toe2Toe was from CQ dlc i thought. But you dont have that do you?

Only other option is it came to everyone via that big update before CQ and premium was released.
Do you really play this game 10 hours a day? I'm at work 9 hours a day and it feels like an eternity. Best case scenario I might feel like playing a game 10 hours a week...
Toe2Toe was from CQ dlc i thought. But you dont have that do you?

Only other option is it came to everyone via that big update before CQ and premium was released.

Correct, no CQ for me 👍

I've got Toe2Toe, a mortar one (two guys under an umbrella) and 2 or 3 others. I pnly noticed them either this week...
Do you really play this game 10 hours a day? I'm at work 9 hours a day and it feels like an eternity. Best case scenario I might feel like playing a game 10 hours a week...

Who were you directing this to?
You suggested that by playing 10 hours a day every day it would be easy.

Did I? I thought I said 10 hours in 3 days, in fact I think I implied less than that (half an hour for 100 Mk3A1 kills therefore 10 stars in 5 hours). I'm not sure, maybe I worded it badly.

Edit: I've played BF3 for 212 hours, it's been roughly 9 months since it launched (I think?) so that's about 270 days. I'm therefore averaging less than an hour a day... Not a lot less, mind you. Still, I've seen people with close to 800 hours so I can't be that bad!
Correct, no CQ for me 👍

I've got Toe2Toe, a mortar one (two guys under an umbrella) and 2 or 3 others. I pnly noticed them either this week...

Ah must be free to all then, I just thought Toe2Toe sounded suitable for a CQ tag for the obvious reason.:)
Service stars:

My highest is 27 with the g 53.
3 with scar
1 or 2 with knife
187 kills each with smaw/rpg
Couple other odd stars as well and many weapons in the high 70 kill, so they are close.

I wont pay for unlocks, nothing wrong with it, but at this point it wont get me much. Only have 1 unlock left for attack choppers and 2 maybe 3 for scout. Jets are another story, barely have rocket pods. I can fly, just cannot shoot anything down. Once I start trying to aim, I forget about flying and crash.
Looking at Battlelog my little service stars....

PKP, M27, Saiga 12K - 5 Stars
RPK - 3 Stars
Knife, 870, PDW, UMP, M416 - 2 Stars

Everything else is either a 1 or not used at all. Wow, I've exactly 1000 claymore kllls 88 grenade kills and 66 mortar kills, didn't realize I had these stats.
Hey, I want to buy this game and I have to questions
1. Does the online pass code work for all accounts in my ps3?
2. Do you guys think it's late to begin the game?, I have ''experience'' playing bad company 2, so I am a very good teamplayer, but I see BF3 playstyle is a bit slower than BC2, could that affect me?
Nope and Nope. You can only use the Online Pass with one account. And two of my friends have just gotten this game and they've started off pretty well considering one liked COD and another doesn't have any other FPS games :P
Is premium worth the £40? Seen mixed reviews about it and just wanted some others opinion.

How much do you like BF3? It's kind of vague but my advice is that if you're really into it and know you'll want all the DLC (this is why it's vague; how can you know that now?) then get it, but if CQ or Armoured Kill put you off or you think you'll have moved on by next March (I think it's March) then don't. The exclusive stuff isn't worth much in my opinion, certainly not enough to justify the possibility that you're effectively spending £10 per DLC you don't want. At the end of the day, £8 isn't a huge discount (£40 for four DLCs plus B2K if you didn't preorder vs. £12 per pack individually) but you can either spend the extra £8 by buying them separately and get less content overall or get a discount plus a few minor extras. Oh and if you don't have Back to Karkand it becomes a much better deal.

You may wish to wait for the first 'bonus content drop', it could be something awesome that you really want to sway your decision but it could be something just as meh as the camo and new knife.
The online pass worked on two accounts for me. Same with BF Premium.

Seconded, my girlfriend was very happy when she realised she could use the extra maps I'd paid for as well :lol:. The pass and premium seem to install to the system and have no sort of lock on them.

What I am unsure of is what happens when the non-paying account moves systems, I assume it loses the premium status and pass, both items would not be in previous downloads to regain.
my girlfriend

You hear that sound? That's the sound of a million men silently shaking their fist in a jealous rage. My girlfriend doesn't even acknowledge that videogames are a thing.

Does this mean that if my brother has Premium on his PS3 he could also install it on his account on my PS3 so I could use Premium on my account with his copy? He's moving home from Uni soon so I could make it a tactical birthday 'present'. Me, cheap? Never! (I should note I have Premium for my PC account, so...)