Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
You hear that sound? That's the sound of a million men silently shaking their fist in a jealous rage. My girlfriend doesn't even acknowledge that videogames are a thing.

Does this mean that if my brother has Premium on his PS3 he could also install it on his account on my PS3 so I could use Premium on my account with his copy? He's moving home from Uni soon so I could make it a tactical birthday 'present'. Me, cheap? Never! (I should note I have Premium for my PC account, so...)

I see no reason why that wouldn't work, when I installed premo as soon as my girlfriend went on the exact same messages and such popped up as if she'd done it herself so you should be golden for that.

Does premium not go across platform? Part of me thought it might so if I get a PC some point in the next 12 months I'd have access to the maps on that as well. Given it comes up premium on Battlelog profiles I thought I might get lucky.

If it makes you feel better the ladyfriend doesn't play anything other then BF3 really (75 hours logged when she doesn't even have her own PS3 :lol:), excluding LBP because everybody loves LBP I think the only other games she's liked are Dead Nation and Co-op World at War with myself.
So is the BF3 online users saved somewhere to DICE? What i mean is if my PS3 brokes and i buy a new one, sign in with my user from the old PS3 i get my online user back but none of the campaign stuff?
Unfortunately it doesn't go across platforms, if you want it on your PS3 soldier as well as PC (or however you're working it) you do need to buy it twice.

excluding LBP because everybody loves LBP

No... No they don't. Sigh. My girlfriend expressed interest in LBP but gave up after less than one level. However even though she also has no interest in cars she did once have a go on my sim rig and didn't stop for quite some time. Granted, she somehow managed to do one minute laps of Autumn Ring Mini in a kart (my best was 29 seconds) but she seemed to enjoy it, so that's something I guess!

So is the BF3 online users saved somewhere to DICE? What i mean is if my PS3 brokes and i buy a new one, sign in with my user from the old PS3 i get my online user back but none of the campaign stuff?

I believe that is correct, yes. That's how it was with Bad Company 2 anyway.
So is the BF3 online users saved somewhere to DICE? What i mean is if my PS3 brokes and i buy a new one, sign in with my user from the old PS3 i get my online user back but none of the campaign stuff?

This, though you will likely need to go in to the PS store in to previous downloads (or BF3 store in game) to get your pass reinstalled and so on. All your stats and unlocks shall remain however.

Off topic w/ Neema again, I think racing rigs are surprisingly fun to non-gamers, I've had a few females at uni including my girlfriend who end up lapping a Mini around Tsukuba or something for a good period of time on GT5 which is probably the least new player friendly game on PS3 thanks to the UI and whatnot :lol:. Not liking LBP is a crime however, girlfriends little sister is obsessed, OBSESSED, with it.
So if i wanted to get all my Premium stuff onto a second account what should i do. Just redownload it on the second account? , or is there more?
If its on a different PS3, sign in on your account with the content and go to your download list and download the content. If its on the same, just log in with the other account you want it on
Hey, I want to buy this game and I have to questions
1. Does the online pass code work for all accounts in my ps3?
2. Do you guys think it's late to begin the game?, I have ''experience'' playing bad company 2, so I am a very good teamplayer, but I see BF3 playstyle is a bit slower than BC2, could that affect me?

1. Yes, it works for all accounts on that PS3. I bought the game from UK, and registered on my UK PSN account. Then logged back into my main account (no PSN Store) and works.
2. It's never too late. If you think about it, there are 5 DLC's scheduled; and we've just got the 2nd one. So there's still a long time.
Haven't played BC2 so can't comment.

P.S. Online Pass, DLCs and Premium are available to all accounts on that console.
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So is the BF3 online users saved somewhere to DICE? What i mean is if my PS3 brokes and i buy a new one, sign in with my user from the old PS3 i get my online user back but none of the campaign stuff?

Yes, all online stats are handled by dice servers.
I play between 2 different ps3s. Old fat at home and a slim when I go anywhere.
So is the BF3 online users saved somewhere to DICE? What i mean is if my PS3 brokes and i buy a new one, sign in with my user from the old PS3 i get my online user back but none of the campaign stuff?
As long as you have a backup of your BF3 savefile your campaign progress and multiplayer loadouts are saved. If not then your campaign goes to the beginning, your settings on multiplayer change to the default ones, that means you have to costumize every kit and weapons AGAIN (but you don't lose your ranking or your weapons).
Nope and Nope. You can only use the Online Pass with one account. And two of my friends have just gotten this game and they've started off pretty well considering one liked COD and another doesn't have any other FPS games :P

The online pass worked on two accounts for me. Same with BF Premium.

Thank you both, I will continue saving money instead of using the money for GT5 DLC's :D
As long as you have a backup of your BF3 savefile your campaign progress and multiplayer loadouts are saved. If not then your campaign goes to the beginning, your settings on multiplayer change to the default ones, that means you have to costumize every kit and weapons AGAIN (but you don't lose your ranking or your weapons).
Also, the only way to back up the save data is through the PSN+ Cloud. I had to back up this along with a few other DRM protected games when i upgraded my HDD.
Mostly CQ, but it can depend on the map. If it's something like Karkand, Métro or Damavand then I find Rush to be better.
Anyone on PC up for some?

Sorry mate, on PS3 here.

As for favourite game type - Conquest. Hate TDM, seems stupid to me and Rush has not been designed with the same tactical play in mind as BC2, so I dont play that much at all either.
Mike Rotch
Sorry mate, on PS3 here.

As for favourite game type - Conquest. Hate TDM, seems stupid to me and Rush has not been designed with the same tactical play in mind as BC2, so I dont play that much at all either.

Yeah i love conquest but i stay in the hardcore servers... Though i am thinking about heading on just let me know where some of you are at... Ready to kill some people in the tank
If its on a different PS3, sign in on your account with the content and go to your download list and download the content. If its on the same, just log in with the other account you want it on

Yep Thanks, this is correct. Started on my second soldier tonight, And im up to level 16 so far.
Its nice getting unlocks popping up in what seems like every 30 seconds, Even if ive unlocked them before :)

Edit - Favourite mode.
.Main mode = Conquest.
.Mindless Fun/Stress relief = Conquest Domination.
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Just had a really weird thing happen to me.

I was in the jet on CQ at Kharg Island > I was turning left to get behind an enemy jet > I start to lag > enemy jet freezes in mid air > I'm suddenly doing a nose dive into the sea > I'm inside my jet which is on the ocean floor > I die.

Played some BF3 and MW3 while visiting a friend. It's been months since I'd played BF3. Horrid performance on my end and lots of lag on both games. The beauty of playing on the weekend I suppose hahaha!
I hope in the next patch they fix claymores and how they detonate too late i.e. after an enemy has run past them. Prime example today at Metro: I'm in a building at A with claymores set both access points, I see one detonate so wait to expect company. Sure enough, a soldier appears and I pump two round into him - which is 68 damage and should be plenty enough to finish off the claymore damage - and nope, he kills me with a burst from his AEK. 👎
Just had a really weird thing happen to me.

I was in the jet on CQ at Kharg Island > I was turning left to get behind an enemy jet > I start to lag > enemy jet freezes in mid air > I'm suddenly doing a nose dive into the sea > I'm inside my jet which is on the ocean floor > I die.


I've had similar experiences with jets and lag where I'll be flying along perfectly happily and then all of a sudden the jet instantly snaps to a 45 degree downward angle, while I'm flying at top speed 'below radar' (i.e. quite close to the ground). Annoying.
I'm on PS3 so Conquest games are very slow, empty field and too much damn running.
So TDM became my primary game mode.
Lovin CQDOM, but it may also be because of the very small maps, concentrated enemies, and points by the truck.
So my friend & I constantly change between these two modes, depending on the range of the weapons we feel like using.

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